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The political philosophy of early Confucianism mainly focuses on the “shi ± (scholar).” It is built on ideas such as that of “establishing a ruler in consideration of the people,” “taking yi 义 (righteousness) as li 利 (benefit)” and “following the Dao but not the ruler,” which demonstrate the foundations of political legitimacy, justice as a political principle, and principles of a scholar to become an official. Although the political thought of early Confucianism has its historical limitations, such as the lack of both political equality and the universal recognition of rights, there is both a demand for and possibility of democratic politics in the philosophy. Thus, how to extend awareness of scholars to awareness of people and how to transform a focus on virtue into a focus on rights become the crucial theoretical questions that Confucianism faces in the contemporary world.  相似文献   
A model for teaching children skills to strengthen emotional self-regulation is introduced, informed by the developmental concept of scaffolding. Adult modeling/instruction, role-play and in vivo coaching are tailored to children’s level of understanding and skill to promote use of skills in reallife contexts. Two-hundred twenty-six kindergarten—3rd grade children identified with elevated behavioral and social classroom problems from a population-based screening participated in a waitlisted randomized trial of the Rochester Resilience Project derived from this model. In 14 lessons with school-based mentors, children were taught a hierarchical set of skills: monitoring of emotions; selfcontrol/ reducing escalation of emotions; and maintaining control and regaining equilibrium. Mentors provided classroom reinforcement of skill use. Multi-level modeling accounting for the nesting of children in schools and classrooms showed the following effects at post-intervention: reduced problems rated by teachers in behavior control, peer social skills, shy-withdrawn and off-task behaviors (ES 0.31–0.47). Peer social skills improved for girls but not for boys. Children receiving the intervention had a 46% mean decrease in disciplinary referrals and a 43% decrease in suspensions during the 4-month intervention period. Limitations and future directions to promote skill transfer are discussed.  相似文献   
本文就一例截瘫患者从因分娩诱发患病、误诊误治到康复治疗实施的过程进行分析,通过总结在诊断、治疗和康复过程中的失误与经验,讨论我们在日常的工作中如何正确建立科学思维方法以及利用科学思维方法解决实际问题,以达到提高自身诊疗水平和独立思考能力的目的。  相似文献   
以无形言辞的祈祷代替有形物质的献祭,被认为是古代犹太教的伟大创举之一.祈祷是宗教抽象化的一种重要表现,也是犹太教崇拜的一种手段.了解和认识犹太教中的祈祷及其作用,对于我们把握犹太教是十分重要的.本文以此为出发点,展开对犹太教崇拜手段--祈祷的论述.  相似文献   
为保留产妇的生命权而牺牲其生育权的子宫切除术,仍是控制产科出血的最后手段.产科急症时,患者本人无法做出意思表示,子宫切除术的知情同意权由其法定代理人行使.子宫切除围术期,实施知情同意,仍存在许多法律盲点及实践困难.本文阐述了产科子宫切除术告知的法律义务、行为主体,以及告知患者子宫切除的方式.  相似文献   
中国的毒品使用问题有着深刻的历史根源.数十年来,人们都在进行着艰苦卓绝的研究探索和哲学思辨,以期找到一种有效的戒毒方式帮助吸毒者戒除毒瘾.以社区戒毒为基础的新戒毒模式正是在视吸毒者为病人的新理念的基础上形成,并体现了社会对吸毒者基本权利的尊重,体现了我国传统文化的中庸思想,同时也要求戒毒者形成严格的道德自律,这一模式有着丰富的人文内涵.  相似文献   
Using the Canadian sample from the Programme for International Student Assessment, this study examined the effects of student and school characteristics on academic achievement of immigrant and non-immigrant students. No differences were found in mathematics achievement, but non-immigrant students outperformed immigrant students in both reading and science achievement. At the student level, there was more gender equity in academic achievement among immigrant than non-immigrant students. Socioeconomic inequity was related to fathers among immigrant students but to both mothers and fathers among non-immigrant students. Home language had weaker effects among immigrant than non-immigrant students. At the school level, teacher-student ratio, teacher morale, and academic pressure were predictors for immigrant students, whereas disciplinary climate for non-immigrant students. Non-immigrant students demonstrated tremendous regional differences that were absent among immigrant students.  相似文献   
陶沙  李蓓蕾  王耘  张华  周江  陈瑶  董奇 《心理科学》2003,26(2):253-256
本研究考察了婴儿情绪特征、母亲受教育程度和母亲社会情绪行为的关系。结果表明:(1)情绪特征不同婴儿的在积极社会情绪行为上无显著差异,而在消极情绪行为上,负性情绪组婴儿的显著地少于负性情绪组婴儿的母亲;(2)受教育程度不同的在积极情绪行为上无显著差异,而在消极情绪行为上,受教育程度高的母亲显著地少于受教育程度低的母亲;(3)综合考察婴儿情绪特征和母亲受教育程度两方面因素,受教育程度在大专以下、负性情绪较多婴儿的母亲在积极情绪行为上与其他组的母亲无任何差异,而其消极情绪行为显著地多于其他组的母亲。  相似文献   
索涛  冯廷勇  罗俊龙  罗禹  李红 《心理学报》2012,44(8):1047-1057
结果的接近性是指对已发生事件的实际结果与在心理上的理想结果或期待结果之间差距的接近程度。实验采用事件相关电位技术和类老虎机赌博任务探讨了结果的接近性对正性结果评价的影响。(1)行为评定结果表明, 结果的接近性不同水平诱发了不同的情绪体验, “差一点输”的赢钱使被试更多感到庆幸, “最理想”的赢钱使被试感到高兴; 结果的接近性也影响了随后trial的反应时, 与“一般”的赢钱和“最理想”的赢钱相比, “差一点输的”赢钱后的下一个trial中被试的反应时明显变长。(2)脑电结果表明, 结果的接近性不同水平诱发了不同的FRN和P300, 与“一般”的赢钱和“最理想”的赢钱相比, “差一点输”的赢钱诱发了波幅更大的FRN和波幅更大潜伏期更长的P300。这说明结果的接近性明显地影响了正性结果的认知评价加工。  相似文献   
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health issues of university students received increasing attention. However, little is known about the effect of COVID-19-related stress on social inhibition among Chinese university students and its psychological mechanism in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to explore the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social inhibition as well as the mediating role of psychological richness. In late 2022, 1250 Chinese university students were recruited for participation in an online survey. Modified SARS-Stress Scale, Social Inhibition Questionnaire, and Psychologically Rich Life Questionnaire were used to assess participants' COVID-19-related stress, social inhibition, and psychological richness. The Results indicate that COVID-19-related stress positively predicts social inhibition and negatively predicts psychological richness. Meanwhile, Psychological richness negatively predicts social inhibition. Mediation analysis shows that the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social inhibition was partially mediated by psychological richness. The results indicate the significant predictive value of psychological richness when studying mental health issues.  相似文献   
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