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在中国思想史上,杨朱不是一个大人物。他的来历、生平、著述甚至年代都没有确切的信息。但是,这个不清晰甚至显得孤单的身影,却不时出现在不同时代、不同学派的传世文本中。这一事实使通过文献考据去探讨思想史真相的手法受到限制,同时对它相关思想意义的把握也容易流于表面化。本文据“经典世界”的观点,把杨朱看成一个从不同学派的视角中交叉呈现的思想形象。这个形象是跨文本、跨时代的,它虽有某种核心性格,但却变现不同的面相。由于其出场通常是被用来陪衬其它的思想主张,因此在历史舞台上总是扮演思想的配角。杨朱思想特征的特殊性,他在经典世界的思想光谱占有不可或缺的位置。  相似文献   
本研究从提高社会公众认知度出发,通过对中外相关文献研究,结合帮教专职干部、宗教学专家、心理学者、大学生访谈结果,编制了"邪教团体检测项目",通过3次条目筛查后制定了62项初始项目;又通过214名大学生探索性因素分析,形成了由5个维度、32个条目组成的正式项目;再通过497名大学生的测查,考察各项测量学指标,结果显示量表区分度、信度、效度指标均较高,结论是"邪教团体检测项目"具有较高的可靠性和有效性,可作为邪教团体检测的评估工具。  相似文献   
Advertisements using assertive language are commonly seen in marketing communications, yet assertive language has often been shown to be ineffective in communication and even decrease compliance. Recent research began to examine factors that influence the effectiveness of assertive advertising messages, but little research has studied the potential moderating role of consumer‐related factors. The current research fills this gap by investigating the moderating role of consumers’ power. Across five studies, the authors find that for high‐power consumers, assertive ads are effective in promoting want products but ineffective in promoting should products. For low‐power consumers, however, assertive ads are effective in promoting should products but ineffective in promoting want products. Moreover, the authors show that this pattern of results is driven (mediated) by consumers’ perception of the fit between the advertising message and the advertised product. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Representing spatial information is one of our most foundational abilities. Yet in the present work we find that even the simplest possible spatial tasks reveal surprising, systematic misrepresentations of space—such as biases wherein objects are perceived and remembered as being nearer to the centers of their surrounding quadrants. We employed both a placement task (in which observers see two differently sized shapes, one of which has a dot in it, and then must place a second dot in the other shape so that their relative locations are equated) and a matching task (in which observers see two dots, each inside a separate shape, and must simply report whether their relative locations are matched). Some of the resulting biases were shape specific. For example, when dots appeared in a triangle during the placement task, the dots placed by observers were biased away from certain parts of the symmetry axes. But other systematic biases were not shape specific, and seemed instead to reflect differences in the grain of resolution for different regions of space. For example, with both a circle and even a shapeless configuration (with only a central landmark) in the matching task, observers were better at discriminating angular differences (when a dot changed positions around the circle, as opposed to inward/outward changes) in cardinal versus oblique sectors. These data reveal a powerful angular spatial bias, and highlight how the resolution of spatial representation differs for different regions and dimensions of space itself.

一、日本神道教的宗教动员在历次侵略战争中,日本军国主义政府以神道教为国教,发动佛教及其他宗教实施宗教动员。1.神道教的宗教动员思想神道教主张“神国日本”在世界上的绝对优越性,具有领导全世界的责任和神圣使命感。天皇是创造日本国的天照大神的直系子孙,具有神权,是日本唯一正统的统治者,国民必须对天皇绝对崇敬和绝对服从。而且臣民必须“忠于天皇”、“敬神崇祖”、“灭私奉公”,甚至要求“一旦如有缓急,当义勇奉公,以扶翼天壤无穷之皇运”,即要求一旦遇有战争等非常事态,要为天皇制国家卖命。而以天皇名义发动的战争则是“圣战”,…  相似文献   
由于职业的关系,作为一位科普期刊记者的我常和科学家们打交道。走进这支特殊群体的内心世界,他们向我吐露心扉,为我讲述他们毕生执著追求的科技事业。我这才得知他们的故事很精彩。我常常把他们美誉为“金字塔上的人物”,这是因为这些科学家们用他们的卓而不群的智慧,将呕心沥血的科研成果广泛应用于实际生产当中,推动了中国乃至世界的生产力的发展。他们是最可爱的人。我常常思索这么一个问题:是什么样的一种力量支撑着这些科学家们投入到物我两忘、宠辱不惊的伟大的科技事业?继而,为了全人类生产力的发展,为全人类谋求一个和谐、幸福、和…  相似文献   
The experiments described in the lead articles replicate findings from previous studies of development of knowledge about balance scales, add several new findings, and raise four key questions: (a) How can rule use best be assessed? (b) How can we reconcile systematic use of rules with variable use of strategies? (c) When do children begin to use rules? and (d) How do children generate new rules? In this Reflection, we summarize current understanding of development of knowledge about balance scales and consider each of the four questions.  相似文献   
We used fMRI to examine patterns of brain recruitment in 22 healthy seniors, half of whom had selective comprehension difficulty for grammatically complex sentences. We found significantly reduced recruitment of left posterolateral temporal [Brodmann area (BA) 22/21] and left inferior frontal (BA 44/6) cortex in poor comprehenders compared to the healthy seniors with good sentence comprehension, cortical regions previously associated with language comprehension and verbal working memory, respectively. The poor comprehenders demonstrated increased activation of left prefrontal (BA 9/46), right dorsal inferior frontal (BA 44/6), and left posterior cingulate (BA 31/23) cortices for the grammatically simpler sentences that they understood. We hypothesize that these brain regions support an alternate, nongrammatical strategy for processing complex configurations of symbolic information. Moreover, these observations emphasize the crucial role of the left perisylvian network for grammatically guided sentence processing in subjects with good comprehension.  相似文献   
应用扇效应技术探讨共享概念的性质对建构拥有关系情境模型的影响。共包括2个实验,探讨在将“多人买1物”句式中的所购“物品”改变为隐含共同地点信息的“物品”条件下,被试对“多人买1物”拥有行为句式的学习是否表现出扇效应。结果表明,当所购物品隐含的相同地点信息的情况下,“多人买1物”的拥有行为句式无论是否具有明确的地点状语,都如同“1人买多物”的句式一样,没有表现出扇效应,与Radvanskv的研究结果不同。据此认为,只有在共享概念是属于情景模型建构的维度信息的情况下,有共享概念的信息才能整合为同一个情景模型。  相似文献   
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