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自二十世纪60年代Edwards首次用实验研究人类推理是否遵循贝叶斯规则以来,国内外贝叶斯推理研究取得了长足的发展,但也出现了一些困境:对影响贝叶斯推理的客体因素和主体因素研究未成体系,解释理论莫衷一是。未来的研究应该重新审视客体与主体的关系,系统整合和多角度分析影响贝叶斯推理的因素,尝试以三重加工心智模型解释人类贝叶斯推理行为,并对以往的解释理论进行融合,从而更好地揭示人类不确定性决策的本质。  相似文献   
作为学习时间分配研究热点的基于议程调节模型认为,学习者是在学习目标的指导下,建构并执行议程来进行学习时间分配。议程即学习计划,是学习时间分配的驱动力。该模型强调学习者在自我调节学习过程中有意识的进行着学习效益最大化的权衡决策来实现学习目标,包容了以往学习时间分配的经典理论。大量的新近研究支持了基于议程调节模型,并深入地探讨了议程驱动与习惯性反应之间的关系。 未来的研究应进一步考察学习时间分配权衡过程中的意识和无意识双加工机制,探讨个体变量对学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制的影响,并在更加生态化的情境中考察学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制。  相似文献   
视、听双重记忆原序报告成绩下降的可能的原因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文两种交替报告中的通道转移最多,但是都没有引起成绩大幅度下降。  相似文献   
太极图与道教内丹术之间联系紧密,其中蕴含着丰富的内丹文化思想。一方面,太极图反映了内丹术所依据的哲学思想,表现了在天人合一与天人同构思想的支配下,内丹对于宇宙与生命的认识,具体体现在对宇宙创生之道、自然变化之道以及生人之道与人身之道的理解之中。另一方面,太极图集中概括了内丹术的基本原理,同时也凝练地表达了炼精化炁阶段的基本要求,对该阶段中的两个主要环节(调外药和小周天运火炼药)进行了简明扼要的阐释。  相似文献   
近年来,国内学者对马克思与费尔巴哈宗教批判思想的关系进行了不少研究,大体可概括为三种主张。一是“开端说”,把费尔巴哈看作是马克思宗教批判思想转变的开端;二是“中间环节说”,把费尔巴哈视作是马克思宗教批判思想转变的中间环节;三是“批判超越说”,认为马克思对费尔巴哈宗教思想进行了批判和超越。三种主张达成了某些共识,但还存在一些争议和有待进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   
Altruism is an effective method of coping with threats. This research explored the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and altruism under different situations. The results of five studies provided reliable evidence that safety-threat conditions moderated the relationship between childhood SES and altruism. Individuals with higher childhood SES exhibited higher altruistic intentions (Studies 1 and 2) and behaviors (Study 3) when they were manipulated to imagine a safety threat scenario (Study 1), when viewing pictures of disasters (Study 2), and when they were manipulated to believe that their health was under threat (Study 3). However, their childhood SES had no significant impact on their altruistic intentions and behaviors in relatively safe environments (Studies 1–3). This effect was again tested in more realistic environmental conditions using a large-scale survey in Study 4. In Study 5, we explored the underlying mechanism behind the earlier findings (i.e., temporal discounting).  相似文献   
风险认知策略的计算机模拟实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢晓非  徐联仓 《心理学报》1996,29(2):192-200
风险认知策略是个体面临风险情景时的风险认知倾向,可以通过个体的行为策略加以判断。本实验采用计算机模拟风险情景,以严格的2×2×3的实验变量设计,研究个体的风险认知策略与风险情景因素的关系。实验结论表明,风险认知策略的调整与风险情景中的实际风险程度(风险概率)、风险信息类型以及对风险情景可控与不可控性的知觉有关。个体的冒险性倾向是相对稳定的心理特征,但风险认知策略的调整不仅与个体的心理特征有关,还与风险情景因素有关。  相似文献   
采用自我报告和生理反馈法,从强度、纯度、时间进程三方面考察图片、音乐、电影和回忆四种常用情绪诱发方法诱发出的高兴、激动、悲伤和恐惧四种不同维度的情绪的有效性。得出结论:(1)总体上,音乐诱发情绪的强度最高,图片最低;在积极情绪中,音乐诱发的强度普遍较高,图片较低;消极情绪中,回忆诱发的强度普遍较高,音乐较低。(2)音乐诱发情绪的纯度较高,图片较低。(3)效价和激活度不同,情绪的时间进程不同,高兴能持续将近1分钟,激动能持续2分30秒,悲伤能持续1分30秒,而恐惧能持续2分钟。  相似文献   
责任冲突:含义、实质及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建和谐社会必须正确处理责任冲突.责任冲突是指责任主体在进行责任选择的时候所遇到的矛盾状态,它根源于利益的冲突,其实质是价值观念的冲突.责任冲突既有积极作用也有消极影响,一方面,责任冲突是新的责任价值体系形成和建立的催化剂,是社会进步的必要环节,也是责任主体完善自身的必要形式;另一方面,责任冲突会导致主体价值目标的迷失,给人带来心理上的折磨,也会导致责任评价上的困惑.  相似文献   
This study examines the spontaneous use of embodied egocentric transformation (EET) in understanding false beliefs in the minds of others. EET involves the participants mentally transforming or rotating themselves into the orientation of an agent when trying to adopt his or her visuospatial perspective. We argue that psychological perspective taking such as false belief reasoning may also involve EET because of what has been widely reported in the embodied cognition literature, showing that our processing of abstract, propositional information is often grounded in concrete bodily sensations which are not apparently linked to higher cognition. In Experiment 1, an agent placed a ball into one of two boxes and left. The ball then rolled out and moved either into the other box (new box) or back into the original one (old box). The participants were to decide from which box they themselves or the agent would try to recover the ball. Results showed that false belief performance was affected by increased orientation disparity between the participants and the agent, suggesting involvement of embodied transformation. In Experiment 2, false belief was similarly induced and the participants were to decide if the agent would try to recover the ball in one specific box. Orientation disparity was again found to affect false belief performance. The present results extend previous findings on EET in visuospatial perspective taking and suggest that false belief reasoning, which is a kind of psychological perspective taking, can also involve embodied rotation, consistent with the embodied cognition view.  相似文献   
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