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陈谢平  谢倩  张进辅 《心理科学》2012,35(3):677-682
影响策略是指个体采取的旨在使他人态度和行为产生预期改变的行为方式。组织情境下的影响策略受动机、场控制和自我监控等因素的影响,对工作绩效、薪酬、晋升和一些积极组织行为有显著的预测作用。本文侧重介绍了影响策略的结构、测量、前因后果变量以及跨文化研究等方面内容,总结了已有研究为管理实践提供的有价值参考,并指出研究方法的有效互补、对基层职员影响策略的关注和基于中国人行为观念的本土化研究是今后探讨的主要方向。  相似文献   
常用的多层线性模型要求因变量是服从正态分布的连续变量,却无法处理因变量为离散变量的嵌套数据.多层多项Logit模型能够处理因变量是无序多分类的多层嵌套数据,但这一模型在我国心理学研究中却鲜有介绍和应用.研究简要介绍了多层多项Logit模型的原理、参数估计和假设检验,然后分别用该模型和传统Logistic回归模型探讨个体因素和区域因素对35721名学生进入不同高校就读机会的影响并对结果进行了解释,结果表明多层多项Logit模型比传统Logistic回归模型更拟合数据.  相似文献   
The Drosophila giant fiber jump-and-flight escape response is a model for genetic analysis of both the physiology and the plasticity of a sensorimotor behavioral pathway. We previously established the electrically induced giant fiber response in intact tethered flies as a model for habituation, a form of nonassociative learning. Here, we show that the rate of stimulus-dependent response decrement of this neural pathway in a habituation protocol is correlated with PKG (cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase) activity and foraging behavior. We assayed response decrement for natural and mutant rover and sitter alleles of the foraging (for) gene that encodes a Drosophila PKG. Rover larvae and adults, which have higher PKG activities, travel significantly farther while foraging than sitters with lower PKG activities. Response decrement was most rapid in genotypes previously shown to have low PKG activities and sitter-like foraging behavior. We also found differences in spontaneous recovery (the reversal of response decrement during a rest from stimulation) and a dishabituation-like phenomenon (the reversal of response decrement evoked by a novel stimulus). This electrophysiological study in an intact animal preparation provides one of the first direct demonstrations that PKG can affect plasticity in a simple learning paradigm. It increases our understanding of the complex interplay of factors that can modulate the sensitivity of the giant fiber escape response, and it defines a new adult-stage phenotype of the foraging locus. Finally, these results show that behaviorally relevant neural plasticity in an identified circuit can be influenced by a single-locus genetic polymorphism existing in a natural population of Drosophila.  相似文献   
“佛法非宗教非哲学”的思想是近代佛学大师欧阳渐先生提出来的。该文考察了欧阳渐对“佛法”的理解,并在对“如何正确理解”、“如何客观评判”、“如何合理发扬”欧阳渐“佛法”思想等问题展开讨论的同时,简要分析了该思想的成因、价值及其学术意义。该文认为:要客观评判欧阳渐的“佛法”思想,应该正确区分“佛法”与“佛教”、“佛学”的关系,全面理解其“佛法”思想,并根据“佛法”的实际来加以评价;佛法非宗教非哲学而始终为人类所必需,乃是欧阳渐“佛法”思想留给我们的有益启示,值得在深入思考和研究的基础上加以发扬。  相似文献   
一般社会情境中风险认知的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
风险认知是一个新的研究领域,随着经济的发展应愈来愈受到重视。本研究在一般社会情境下,讨论了对46个风险因素的风险程度及风险特征的知觉;个性特征与风险认知的关系;群体的风险认知类型特征,以及各样本间的比较分析。研究结论提供了公众风险认知结构的初步轮廓。  相似文献   
Consumers make distinct food choices when they see versus when they think about a powerful person. This research identifies two scenarios involving the presence of a high-powered other, physical presence versus mental presence, and examines the effect of the physical and mental presence of a high-powered other on consumers' healthy food choices. Conducting six experiments, we show that the physical presence of a high-powered other increases one's self-enhancement motivation and leads to healthier food choices, while the mental presence of a high-powered other increases one's perceived constraints and leads to unhealthy food choices. We also find that interpersonal closeness moderates the positive effect of the physical presence of a high-powered other on healthy food choices but does not moderate the negative effect of the mental presence of a high-powered other on healthy food choices.  相似文献   
孟子继承发挥孔子仁学德治思想,提出以民为本的仁政学说,经剔除其封建糟粕,具超时代超阶级的积极意义.孟子仁政说中保民而王、亲亲仁民、与民同乐及制民之产以安民富民的思想,其积极意义、历史贡献须充分肯定,它对我们今天加强党风政风建设,促进加强社会主义政治文明精神文明建设,促进全面建设和谐小康社会,有现实意义,须大力弘扬.  相似文献   
近来有关归类和概念结构的研究与理论出现了两个方面的转变。第一个方面是从概念定义属性的假设 (经典观 )到概念表征属性的观点 (概率观 ) ;第二个方面是从概念以相似性组织的观点到概念围绕理论而组织的观点。本文综合概述了基于相似性和理论驱动的归类理论。  相似文献   
长寿不仅取决于良好的生活习惯,还取决于基因的作用。美国波士顿“衰老研究所”的科学家们,最近通过对137组长寿的兄弟姐妹(共300余人,年龄为91~108岁)的脱氧核糖核酸进行详尽比较和分析,发现长寿者身上果然具有与众不同的所谓“长寿基因”,而且还找到了这些“长寿基因”的大概位置。主持此项研究的波尔斯医生指出,百岁老人十分罕见,在人口中仅占万分之一,但当你在一个家族中发现竟有好几个百岁老人时,你就能相信:长寿不仅取决于培养良好的生活习惯,而且更取决于基因的作用。这就是说,“遗传优势”在决定一个人能活得较长时,起的往往是“主…  相似文献   
荀子"化性起伪"."隆礼重法"的政治思想是建立在他的性恶的人性论基石上的。以礼为本、德法并举、德主刑辅、礼义教化与法律强制相辅相成,是他政治思想的核心内容,也是其对儒家德治思想的创新发展。剔除其封建糟粕,它对我们今天建设和谐小康社会仍可提供有益的启示。  相似文献   
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