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目的了解593名军校大学新生的入伍动机情况。方法采用自编的军校大学新生基本情况调查表和症状自评量表对593名军校大学新生在入学1个月后统一进行测试。结果军校新生的入伍动机复杂,来源、是否独生子女和政治面貌对入伍动机有显著的影响,献身国防事业和服从父母的意愿这两项入伍动机对scl-90的总分影响最大。结论军校新生学员入伍动机复杂,入伍动机对心理健康有较大影响。  相似文献   
旨在建立成年人一般自我概念量表的全国常模。依据全国第六次人口普查结果,按行政区域、性别、年龄、户籍地、受教育程度、职业类别等人口学特征分层抽样取得容量为6433的成年人样本。在该全国样本中再次验证了成年人一般自我概念量表具有良好的信效度指标。比较不同人口学特征的群体在一般自我概念水平上的差异,结果表明,男性自我概念积极性和调节性优于女性;青年组自我概念清晰性低于中老年组,但悦纳性高于中老年组;城市人口、受教育程度高、个人收入中等以上的被试群体自我概念总分及各维度分均更高,不同民族被试的自我概念无显著差异。在此基础上制定了相应的全国常模。  相似文献   

Deformation of NiTi shape-memory alloys (SMAs) under dynamic tension has been studied. It is found that the stress plateau associated with detwinning still exists at the highest strain rate tested (300s -1 ). Beyond the stress plateau, when dislocation mechanisms dominate the deformation process, the strain-hardening effect is more strongly dependent on strain rate. The dynamically deformed specimens exhibit a shape-recovery process and a two-way memory effect which are identical with that for the alloy deformed under quasistatic conditions. The observations suggest that the detwinning process takes place in SMAs under dynamic tension.  相似文献   
The present research validated the construct and criterion validities of the Cooperative and Competitive Personality Scale (CCPS) in a social dilemma context. The results from three studies supported the notion that cooperativeness and competitiveness are two independent dimensions, challenging the traditional view that they are two ends of a single continuum. First, confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a two‐factor structure fit the data significantly better than a one‐factor structure. Moreover, cooperativeness and competitiveness were either not significantly correlated (Studies 1 and 3) or only moderately positively correlated (Study 2). Second, cooperativeness and competitiveness were differentially associated with Schwartz's Personal Values. These results further supported the idea that cooperativeness and competitiveness are two distinct constructs. Specifically, the individuals who were highly cooperative emphasized self‐transcendent values (i.e., universalism and benevolence) more, whereas the individuals who were highly competitive emphasized self‐enhancement values (i.e., power and achievement) more. Finally, the CCPS, which adheres to the trait perspective of personality, was found to be a useful supplement to more prevalent social motive measures (i.e., social value orientation) in predicting cooperative behaviors. Specifically, in Study 2, when social value orientation was controlled for, the CCPS significantly predicted cooperative behaviors in a public goods dilemma (individuals who score higher on cooperativeness scale contributed more to the public goods). In Study 3, when social value orientation was controlled for, the CCPS significantly predicted cooperative behaviors in commons dilemmas (individuals who score higher on cooperativeness scale requested fewer resources from the common resource pool). The practical implications of the CCPS in conflict resolution, as well as in recruitment and selection settings, are discussed.  相似文献   
目前医德教育在教育时间与教育手段等方面缺乏延续性.通过对医德教育的特点和规律以及传统医德教育存在的弊病、医疗领域不正之风的负面影响等问题的分析,提出应着手构建在校医学生--实习生--在职医务人员"三位一体"的"延续性医德教育"模式,实现"第一课堂与第二课堂"、"系统医德理论与实践"、"被动性与自主性"医德教育三结合.  相似文献   
谢瑞琪 《法音》2021,(3):35-43
《维摩诘所说经》云:"歌咏诵法言,以此为音乐。"[1]《金光明经玄义》云:"此娑婆国土,音声为佛事。"[2]《乐璎珞庄严方便品经》云:"若有众生乐向鼓、贝、箜篌、簧吹、箫、笛、歌舞音乐等乐,大德须菩提。我随如是诸众生等,所有悕望所求所乐一切给与。然后劝发无上道心。"[3]佛经典籍中有诸多关于音乐的描写,佛教对于音乐的重视不言而喻,实际上,原始佛教的主要传播手段便是口耳相传、口传心授。  相似文献   
The present research investigates how incidental confidence influences self‐interested behaviors. It is well established that being in a psychological state of lower confidence causes people to experience psychological aversion that they are motivated to reduce. We study the transfer effect of confidence; people strive to compensate for lower confidence in one domain by obtaining higher status in other unrelated domains. Prior research has linked money with status and suggested that money can increase confidence. Building on this research, we proposed and showed in four experiments that lower incidental confidence increased self‐interested behaviors that brought financial gains. Drawing on research on competitive altruism, we also predicted and found that when altruism, rather than money, was seen as the primary source of status, the effect of incidental confidence reversed such that lower incidental confidence decreased self‐interested behaviors. Data ruled out alternative explanations and provided consistent evidence for the proposed compensatory mechanism. We also discussed theoretical and practical implications of the present research. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
At Shantou University (STU) in 2008, a stand-alone engineering ethics course was first included within a Conceive–Design–Implement–Operate (CDIO) curriculum to address the scarcity of engineering ethics education in China. The philosophy of the course design is to help students to develop an in-depth understanding of social sustainability and to fulfill the obligations of engineers in the twenty-first century within the context of CDIO engineering practices. To guarantee the necessary cooperation of the relevant parties, we have taken advantage of the top-down support from the STU administration. Three themes corresponding to contemporary issues in China were chosen as the course content: engineers’ social obligations, intellectual property and engineering safety criteria. Some popular pedagogies are used for ethics instruction such as case studies and group discussions through role-playing. To impart the diverse expertise of the practical professional practice, team teaching is adopted by interdisciplinary instructors with strong qualifications and industrial backgrounds. Although the assessment of the effectiveness of the course in enhancing students’ sense of ethics is limited to assignment reports and class discussions, our endeavor is seen as positive and will continue to sustain the CDIO reform initiatives of STU.  相似文献   
车文博先生是中国杰出的心理学家、心理哲学家、教育学家。他在哲学与教育学等领域的深厚修为,使他的心理学研究从一开始就站立在比较高的起点上。作为中国理论心理学研究的先行者和领路人,在精神分析研究、心理学史研究、人本主义心理学研究、"类心理学"与心理学元理论建构等领域均有自己卓越的建树。回顾车文博先生的学术生涯,阐明其心理学思想的贡献,对于今日中国理论心理学的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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