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Self-other merging can arise not only between acquainted people but also between strangers. To date, the factors determining self-other merging between strangers remain to be elucidated. We investigate whether strangers’ facial appearance (i.e. gaze direction) modulates such initial processes of self-other merging. In the two experiments, participants viewed strangers’ faces whose gaze either directed to or averted from them. The extent of self-other merging was measured in terms of perception of face resemblance, Inclusion of the Other in the Self (IOS) scale, and correlations of personality judgments. We found that direct gaze blurred the self-other boundaries at both facial and conceptual levels. Participants felt a stranger who directly gazed at them to be closer and more similar to themselves about face and personality.  相似文献   
探讨社会支持中的家庭支持和朋友支持对不同自理能力老年人抑郁水平的影响作用。结果发现:(1)社会支持可有效缓解老年人抑郁症状;(2)对个体而言,家庭支持是较稳定的支持来源,受个体年龄和健康水平的影响较小,而朋友支持变动较大,随年龄增长和健康水平的下降,朋友支持逐渐减少;(3)社会支持对不可完全自理老年人抑郁水平的解释率高于对可完全自理老年人抑郁水平的解释率;(4)对于生活可完全自理的老人,朋友支持比家庭支持有更大的预测作用,而对于生活不能完全自理的老人,家庭支持的作用更大。  相似文献   
以自我参照加工任务为范式,实验采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨了自我参照加工中符合判断和不符合判断加工的时间进程和大脑神经机制。结果发现,自我参照加工在时间上可以概括分为三个阶段:注意分配阶段N1(80~150 ms)波幅出现自我参照结果的差异;语义整合阶段N2(250~450 ms)波幅和潜伏期出现自我参照结果的差异;评价判断阶段P3(450~700 ms)波幅和潜伏期出现自我参照结果的差异。从我们选择的大脑兴趣区激活水平上分析发现,自我信息在大脑中的激活似乎是一个由右及左,由后及前再及后的动态变化过程。研究结果丰富了自我参照加工的已有结果,并且对未来研究具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
The application of a high magnetic field is capable of inducing the formation of aligned equiaxed grains in alloys during directional solidification. The alignment and refinement of the grains is enhanced as the magnetic field intensity increases. The thermoelectric power difference at the liquid/solid interface in four alloys has been measured in situ during directional solidification and it is concluded that the formation of aligned equiaxed grains in a magnetic field should be attributed to the combined action of a thermoelectric magnetic force and a magnetization force.  相似文献   
When developing ordinal rating scales, we may include potentially unordered response options such as “Neither Agree nor Disagree,” “Neutral,” “Don’t Know,” “No Opinion,” or “Hard to Say.” To handle responses to a mixture of ordered and unordered options, Huggins-Manley et al. (2018) proposed a class of semi-ordered models under the unidimensional item response theory framework. This study extends the concept of semi-ordered models into the area of diagnostic classification models. Specifically, we propose a flexible framework of semi-ordered DCMs that accommodates most earlier DCMs and allows for analyzing the relationship between those potentially unordered responses and the measured traits. Results from an operational study and two simulation studies show that the proposed framework can incorporate both ordered and non-ordered responses into the estimation of the latent traits and thus provide useful information about both the items and the respondents.  相似文献   
姜复宁  周琦玥 《法音》2020,(5):57-60
<正>自佛教传入中土以来,便与中国既有文化开启了富于特色的交融历程。这种交融既表现在内容上,也表现在形式上。在形式上的表现之一,乃是佛教文献与具有中国特色的文献载体的融合,例如具有中国韵文特质的偈语、碑刻、佛教序跋等。这些文献既记录了佛教思想、佛教发展流传史,又具有一定的文学、文献价值。但这种文献类型往往不为文学研究者重视,在编辑断代性文学总集时,也往往未收碑志、铭刻、摩崖等相关内容。对这些佚文进行研究,既可以补充文学总集,扩充作者序列和诗文篇目,又可以为佛教研究提供新的史料。笔者平  相似文献   
选取生态效度较高的科学发明问题材料(分为高启发量与低启发量两类),采用“1对1”和“8对8”的“学习-测试”实验范式,考察午睡剥夺对科学发明问题解决中的原型启发效应的影响.结果发现:午睡剥夺处理、范式(“1对1”和“8对8”)和材料启发量高低在原型激活率和问题解决率上主效应均显著,午睡剥夺和范式以及启发量高低在问题解决率以及原型激活率上的交互作用不显著.这一结果说明,午睡剥夺影响科学发明问题解决中的原型启发效应,这种影响是通过对启发信息应用和原型激活两个加工过程的影响而实现的.  相似文献   
创新思维中原型激活促发顿悟的认知神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造性是人类智能的高级表现, 创新思维则是个体创造性的核心过程。我们以创造性问题解决中的顿悟过程为研究对象, 提出并验证了创新思维中原型激活促发顿悟的理论构想; 综合运用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能性核磁共振(fMRI)的技术优势, 初步揭示了原型激活促发顿悟的大脑机制。具体表现为, 楔前叶的激活可能与原型激活和关键信息提取有关; 左侧额下回/额中回的激活可能与与思维定势打破和新异联结形成有关; 同时研究也表明大脑的特定准备状态(额中回/扣带前回的激活)对顿悟的产生有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
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