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Numerous studies have found that shame increases individuals’ anger at others. However, according to recent theories about the social function of shame and anger at others, it is possible that shame controls individuals’ anger at others in specific conditions. We replicated previous findings that shame increased individuals’ anger at others’ unfairness, when others were not aware of the individual’s experience of shameful events. We also found for the first time that shame controlled or even decreased individuals’ anger at others’ unfairness, when others were aware of the individual’s experience of shameful events. The results were consistent when shame was induced by either a recall paradigm or an imagination paradigm, and in either the ultimatum game or the dictator game. This suggests that shame strategically controls individuals’ anger at others to demonstrate that they are willing to benefit others, when facing the risk of social exclusion. Our findings highlight the interpersonal function of shame and deepen the understanding of the relationship between shame and anger at others.  相似文献   
因果报应是中国传统文化的一个重要观念,至今仍然影响着当下社会大众。研究通过问卷调查来了解社会大众对因果报应的认知与理解,并进一步通过启动实验考察因果报应启动对厚黑行为的抑制效果,研究结果表明:(1)社会大众对因果报应的认知与接纳是一种客观存在,55.83%的被试知晓因果报应,33.81%的被试表示相信因果报应的存在,10.09%的被试表示因果报应很灵验,23.67%的被试表示因果报应影响自己的行为处世,22.96%的被试表示会用因果报应提示教育身边的亲友。(2)因果报应材料的启动能显著地抑制厚黑行为,中性材料的启动不能抑制厚黑行为,因果报应启动的内容与厚黑人格对厚黑行为具有交互效应,因果报应启动能更显著地抑制高厚黑人格被试的厚黑行为。基于社会治理的视角,社会公众对因果报应的接纳成就了其参与社会治理的可能性,因果报应内蕴的道德自律、匡扶正义、累德向善等价值内核成就了其参与社会治理的效用性,因果报应观念应建设性发掘和创造性地转化为当下的社会治理所用。  相似文献   
从个体情绪波动到社会经济兴衰, 越来越多的研究开始关注气象因素对人类行为的重要影响。本研究提出大数据时代下, 基于情境营销理论的气象营销新概念。通过识别动态气象环境中对消费者心理和行为有影响的气象因素, 提出和验证“气象因素-消费心理-消费行为”这一逻辑链条的影响机制。研究主要围绕情境营销的气象因素影响、气象因素对消费心理和行为的影响机制、气象因素影响消费者行为机制下的营销策略三个主要问题展开讨论。预期研究成果将进一步延伸和丰富现有情境营销理论, 同时对环境消费心理学也是有益的补充。  相似文献   
In the present study, by using a briefly masked prime display paradigm, we investigated whether the pointing relation (same or different) between two unconsciously perceived arrows in the prime could be processed. Since only motor response priming can reflect unconscious processing of two arrows’ pointing-direction relation (i.e., a relational integration), we could distinguish the motor response priming from the visual priming in this study which in other studies were not separated. We also manipulated the prime-to-target stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) by using a 70?ms and a 180?ms SOA. In this experiment, two masked arrow signs pointing in the same or different directions (> > or > <) were simultaneously presented in the prime, followed by two arrow symbols also pointing in the same or different directions in the target. The participants were asked to decide whether the two arrows in the target were pointing in the same or different directions. The results did not show any visual priming effect, but did show that the unconsciously perceived pointing relation in the prime elicited a positive motor response priming effect in RT under the 70?ms SOA condition, and a negative motor response priming effect in accuracy under the 180?ms SOA condition. The results were discussed in terms of self-motor-inhibition (or mask-triggered inhibition) and attention mechanisms. Overall, this study indicated that the pointing relation between the two subliminal arrows in the prime could influence the subsequent responses to the target and suggested that people can integrate unconsciously perceived information.  相似文献   
消费结构升级促使顾客通过参与价值共创获得更高层次心理满足感。顾客间通过网络平台参与交流、互动、分享和互助等价值共创行为,能够获得美好的情感体验,有助于形成人际之间的友谊,也使得顾客得以寻求自我表达和自我实现,收获更高层次的满足感。本研究以社会支持理论为基础,聚焦不同属性顾客在不同类型网站中参与在线互助的心理动机、心理收益和行为方式,采用行为实验、实证调查、案例研究、神经营销学等多种研究方法,深入剖析顾客参与在线互助过程中的心理和行为反应机制。预期研究成果将丰富现有顾客参与心理和行为的理论体系,也为企业激励顾客参与在线价值共创提供理论指导。  相似文献   
心理分离指的是个体在非工作时间里从工作中分离出来,个体不仅身体上远离工作场所,精神上也摆脱掉工作的事情,对员工工作压力的恢复过程非常关键。首先,文本概述了心理分离的概念及其进展;其次,论述了心理分离研究现状;最后,阐述了心理分离的已有研究存在的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
唐丹  申继亮  王大华  张凌 《心理学探新》2005,25(1):37-40,77
以223名60~85岁老年人及30名大学生作为被试,对加减心算能力的老化过程进行研究。任务为加减法及加减法的组合,包括有:单加、单减、先加后减、先减后加、连加及连减。结果表明,年龄与心算类型存在明显的交互作用。单加及单减两种最基本的心算能力对其它类型心算成绩的作用,在不同年龄段表现不同:对于大学生,单加起主要影响作用,而对于老年人,单减起主要影响作用。  相似文献   
自我理论研究及其对教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐本钰  张承芬 《心理学探新》2005,25(2):22-25,29
自我理论是指人们关于自我的信念体系或内隐理论。德韦克等人自20世纪60年代末开始系统研究自我理论对人的认知、情感与行为的影响及其发生发展的机制,并构建了基于自我理论的动机模型。本文试图对其研究成果做一简要介绍,并浅析自我理论研究成果对教育工作的启示。  相似文献   
记忆老化信念是元记忆研究的一个重要研究领域。本研究测量了94名老年人,38名年轻人记忆老化信念中关于自身记忆信念。结果发现,各年龄组间在对特定情境记忆能力信念上有差异,60~64岁、65~69岁年龄组被试对特定情境记忆能力评价最高,而70岁以上老年人与年轻组被试对特定情境上记忆能力评分无差异;年轻人对记忆的控制感要低于各组老年人;研究并没有发现被试在一般记忆能力信念上的年龄差异。  相似文献   
短时记忆的一生发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王晓丽  陈国鹏 《心理科学》2004,27(2):395-397
短时记忆的发展一直是认知发展领域的一个重要课题。近年来一生发展的思想给短时记忆的发展研究又注入了新的内容。文章介绍了关于从婴儿到老年各个时期中短时记忆发展状况及其机制的研究进展。对短时记忆在一生发展中是否存在真正的容量变化、个体差异原因与发展变化原因的关系、短时记忆的一生发展过程等基本问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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