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Current eye movement data analysis methods rely on defining areas of interest (AOIs). Due to the fact that AOIs are created and modified manually, variances in their size, shape, and location are unavoidable. These variances affect not only the consistency of the AOI definitions, but also the validity of the eye movement analyses based on the AOIs. To reduce the variances in AOI creation and modification and achieve a procedure to process eye movement data with high precision and efficiency, we propose a template-based eye movement data analysis method. Using a linear transformation algorithm, this method registers the eye movement data from each individual stimulus to a template. Thus, users only need to create one set of AOIs for the template in order to analyze eye movement data, rather than creating a unique set of AOIs for all individual stimuli. This change greatly reduces the error caused by the variance from manually created AOIs and boosts the efficiency of the data analysis. Furthermore, this method can help researchers prepare eye movement data for some advanced analysis approaches, such as iMap. We have developed software (iTemplate) with a graphic user interface to make this analysis method available to researchers.  相似文献   
肖玮  苗丹民  贡京京  武圣君 《心理科学》2007,30(1):139-141,127
基于信息加工速度理论自编征兵用数字搜索测验,使用该测验对全国15735名应征青年及190名新兵进行了测量,3个月新兵营训练结束时由228上级对1900名士兵的智力相关工作绩效情况进行了调查,通过对上述数据的分析确定了测验方法及划界分数,并进行了信、效度检验。结果表明:缺失不同数字对题目难度有影响;划界分数为197秒正确应答27题以上;该测验的内部一致性α系数为0.864;预测符合率为95.7%。  相似文献   
陈英和  肖兴荣  王晶  张澜 《心理科学》2007,30(4):774-777,773
本研究以北京某幼儿园94名幼儿为被试,采用图片故事法和口语报告相结合的方式,考查了幼儿反事实堆理能力的发展特点及影响因素。结果表明:(1)4、5岁幼儿的表现明显好于3岁幼儿,但是4、5岁幼儿之间没有明显差异;(2)问题形式和因果链对反事实推理的影响上具有交互作用;(3)领域知识在各年龄阶段上对反事实推理的影响存在差异。  相似文献   
叙事治疗是后现代心理治疗的一个分支,兴起于上世纪80年代。其理论源于后结构主义、社会建构论和福柯思想。后结构主义中对"意义"和"自我认同"的不同解读,社会建构论中对"现实"概念的独特阐述以及福柯在知识/权力上与众不同的观点都为叙事治疗奠定了深厚的哲学基础。  相似文献   
朱熹的诚、信观建基于四书中的相关思想,他的诚意味着人从肉体的欲望中超拔出来,获得了合于天道的超越境界;他的信主要指人际交往关系中的表里如一,言行相顾。朱熹的诚、信大体上可以归为法理学家富勒所说的愿望的道德和义务的道德两种道德类型。分别立足于义务的道德和愿望的道德的研究范式,审视朱熹对诚、信的观点,有助于我们思考当前诚信建设的问题:第一,义务的道德提示我们应以公共法规进行诚信制度的建设,确保人们达到朱熹所谓凡事都著信之境;第二,愿望的道德提示我们回味朱熹‘诚之者,人之道也’,便是信,借助信仰力量夯实个体的诚信道德的基础。  相似文献   
成瘾过程伴随着一系列心理和脑机能的改变.已有研究表明,海洛因成瘾者存在对情绪刺激的加工缺陷.这些认知变化被认为与成瘾者脑内“奖赏系统”功能紊乱有关,但这种认知功能缺陷是否随着戒断进行而有所恢复还未得到明确结论.该研究采用ERP技术,记录了控制组、短期戒断组、中期戒断组和长期戒断组被试在情绪刺激加工过程中的神经电活动.结果发现,与中性刺激相比,长期组与控制组一致,正、负性刺激诱发被试更大的P300和SPW平均波幅,两类情绪刺激诱发的SPW波幅差异不显著;中期组被试的正性和负性刺激诱发的P300和SPW波幅都显著大于中性刺激,且负性刺激诱发的两成分的波幅显著大于正性刺激;短期组被试的负性刺激引起的P300和SPW波幅显著大于中性和正性刺激,但是正性和中性刺激诱发的P300或SPW波幅之间差异不显著.结果表明,随着戒断进行,海洛因戒断者情绪加工能力有所改善,主要表现在对正性情绪刺激加工能力的恢复.  相似文献   
"道"之永生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们该如何去理解毛泽东思想这一非凡的整体呢?这个人与他的思想融成了一个宏大的意象,这一意象既成为追求革命不朽(revolutionary immortality)的动力,又构成了革命不朽的实质。一位政治领袖被人为神化,这在历史上远不  相似文献   
"守一"之说源自<老子·十章>的"载营魄抱一",是指专注于内在之魂魄,使形体不离,与道相合为一.到了汉末六朝,以"守一"来做为修仙养生之法,而所守者,则为三丹田的三一,头部九宫的雄一、雌一,以及守身中诸神徊风混合的帝一.到了唐宋以后,更由于内丹修炼之盛行,因而也有人将内丹修炼之方式,引入"守一"中,于是守一即是炼化精、气、神,使三者合一.  相似文献   
Four experiments investigated the nature of spatial representations used in locomotion. Participants learned the layout of several objects and then pointed to the objects while blindfolded in 3 conditions: before turning (baseline), after turning to a new heading (updating), and after disorientation (disorientation). The internal consistency of pointing in the disorientation condition was relatively high and equivalent to that in the baseline and updating conditions, when the layout had salient intrinsic axes and the participants learned the locations of the objects on the periphery of the layout. The internal consistency of pointing was disrupted by disorientation when participants learned the locations of objects while standing amid them and the layout did not have salient intrinsic axes. It was also observed that many participants retrieved spatial relations after disorientation from the original learning heading. These results indicate that people form an allocentric representation of object-to-object spatial relations when they learn the layout of a novel environment and use that representation to locate objects around them. Egocentric representations may be used to locate objects when allocentric representations are not of high fidelity.  相似文献   
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