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韩国孝道推广运动及其立法实践述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从上世纪70年代开始至今,韩国民间社会人士发起了孝道文化推广运动,2007年7月世界上第一部<孝行奖励资助法>在韩国国会获得通过.韩国孝道推广运动的主要形式有:大力推动孝文化的学术研究;成立孝行推广基金会(财团)奖励家庭孝子孝女的活动;以学校为媒介推广孝文化;志愿者服务运动.孝道推广运动的主要特征是组织性、实践性、宗教参与性.韩国的孝道立法经历了一个民间人士呼吁酝酿、讨论准备、强力推动,最后经过国会议员提案,通过相关法律程序最终立法的过程.韩国孝立法的主要内客是:立法目的与孝之界定;孝行鼓励与资助措施;设立孝文化振兴院以及设定孝之月.韩国孝立法是一部奖励法、行政法、推动法.韩国孝道推广运动及其立法表明其时现代社会的孝道问题有较早的自觉;德法并举是弘扬孝文化的有效途径;弘扬孝道需要动员民间力量的参与,这些都对我们有重要启示.  相似文献   
为了解定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中医护人员心理状况,从而针对性地进行心理护理,采用便利抽样法,应用《医护人员心理健康调查表》对3所定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中1 266名医护人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,定点医院医护人员中,27.5%存在抑郁,26.3%存在焦虑,26.0%存在孤独。女性、已婚、传染科、发热门诊、监护室相比男性、未婚、普通门诊更容易抑郁;传染科、监护室相比普通门诊更容易焦虑。因此,医院应加强对这类群体的心理疏导和人文关怀,以减轻心理压力,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
Low‐SES couples have limited resources to manage the chronic and acute stressors with which they are disproportionately faced. Although these couples are at greater risk for negative individual and relationship outcomes, evaluations of the impact of couple relationship education (CRE) in low‐SES couples have been plagued by methodological problems, most notably challenges associated with recruitment and retention. We review the literature on challenges couples face associated with low‐SES, as well as on recruitment, retention, and CRE in low‐SES, ethnic minority populations. We illustrate some of these challenges in a case study of CRE for low‐SES couples transitioning to parenthood. In this pilot study, 21 couples were recruited from a community health clinic and randomized to either an experimental treatment condition (EXP;= 11) or a treatment‐as‐usual control condition (TAU;= 10). This study sought to mitigate documented challenges with recruitment and retention: We leveraged community partnerships, attempted to build and maintain strong relationships with study participants, provided incentives for assessments as well as intervention meetings, and attempted to reduce potential barriers to enrollment and retention. Nonetheless, we had low rates of recruitment and retention. We integrate these findings and experiences with our review of previous work in this area. We make recommendations for future CRE research and practice that have potential implications for public policy in this area.  相似文献   
随着社会老龄化的加剧,盆底功能障碍性疾病的发病率日益上升.之前热门的盆底重建术随着时间的推移,并发症相继出现.美国食品药品管理局(FDA)连续两次发布了关于经阴道网片的警告,使专家们认识到了问题的严重性.经过30余年的发展,腹腔镜技术已经被广泛地应用于各类妇科手术中.腹腔镜在女性盆底修复术中的应用重新得到了关注.自1991年腹腔镜技术首次应用于女性盆底修复手术中以来,国内外不断有新的腹腔镜下盆底修复术式的报道.现就各种腹腔镜下盆底修复手术做一综述.  相似文献   
The influence of vehicular control on motion sickness has implications for theories of motion sickness etiology. We asked whether motion sickness susceptibility might also be related to the control of non-vehicular locomotion. Participants were exposed to a console video game that featured ambulatory locomotion of a virtual avatar. In a yoked control design, individuals either played the game (players) or watched another participant's recorded game play (viewers). Viewers were more likely than players to report motion sickness. During exposure to the video game players moved more than viewers, and the movement of players was more predictable or self-similar than the movement of viewers. Coupling of movement within player-viewer pairs was greater for pairs in which the viewer later reported motion sickness than for pairs in which both participants stated that they were not motion sick. The results reveal that motion sickness incidence can be influenced by the control of stimulus motion, in general, and is not limited to control of vehicular motion. We discuss implications of these findings for theories of motion sickness etiology.  相似文献   
Eye-tracking technique and visual search task were employed to examine the cognitive advantage for one’s own name and the possible effect of familiarity on this advantage. The results showed that fewer saccades and an earlier start time of first fixations on the target were associated with trials in which participants were asked to search for their own name, as compared to search for personally familiar or famous names. In addition, the results also demonstrated faster response times and higher accuracy in the former kind of trials. Taken together, these findings provide important evidence that one’s own name has the potential to capture attention and that familiarity cannot account for this advantage.  相似文献   
Although attentional biases toward body-related information contribute to the etiology and maintenance of body dissatisfaction (BD) and eating disorders (EDs), attentional disengagement in women with BD and EDs is not clear. The present study investigated the association between weight dissatisfaction and attentional disengagement from body-related pictures and the possible moderating effect of body mass index (BMI) on this relation. Two hundred and four undergraduate women engaged in an experiment using a pictorial spatial cueing paradigm including fat/thin bodies and neutral household photos. Partial correlations and simple slopes regression analyses were conducted with attentional disengagement index scores of each category of cues. Findings suggested that independent of BMI, weight dissatisfaction was directly associated with attentional disengagement from both fat and thin pictures. In addition, among women with low and medium BMIs, the more they were dissatisfied with their bodyweight, the more difficulty they had disengaging their attention from fat body pictures.  相似文献   
This study examined associations between self-reported mental health problems, body image, bullying victimisation and school safety in large adolescent samples in Japan and Russia, considering the effects of gender, culture and their interactions. In both Japan and Russia, girls reported a greater number of mental health problems, less bullying victimisation and much higher body dissatisfaction than boys did. Japanese adolescents rated themselves higher on total difficulties, reported less body dissatisfaction and bullying victimisation, and rated their school safety lower than that of Russian youths. Cross-cultural differences in total difficulties and body image were qualified by gender. Body dissatisfaction, bullying victimisation and school safety all independently contributed to adolescent mental health problems. The protective effect of school safety on total difficulties was larger for girls than for boys; the strength of the association between bullying victimisation and adolescent mental health problems differed across genders and cultures. The findings indicate a need for a cross-cultural approach and provide a strong basis for targeted interventions that seek to improve adolescent mental health.  相似文献   
成败情境下不同目标取向学生焦虑的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以五、六年级小学生共 2 1 3人为被试 ,采用 3× 2的研究设计 ,考察了在成功和失败情境下三种成就目标取向 (掌握目标取向、成绩接近目标取向和成绩回避目标取向 )的学生焦虑度的差异。结果发现 :(1 )在两种情境下 ,掌握目标取向的学生的焦虑度显著低于其他两组学生 ,而成绩接近目标取向的学生焦虑度与成绩回避目标学生的焦虑度无显著差异 ;(2 )三组学生在失败情境下的焦虑度显著高于成功情境下的焦虑度  相似文献   
词汇表征和加工理论及其认知神经心理学证据   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
认知神经心理学为探讨语言心理表征和加工理论提供了新途径 ,使得人们对心理词典结构的认识不断深入细化。研究表明词汇不同性质的信息在表征上相互独立 ,词典系统至少包括语义系统、语音输入词典与语音输出词典、字形输入词典与字形输出词典等模块。本文着重介绍了这一词典系统及其认知神经心理学证据  相似文献   
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