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Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Children exposed to peer victimization are at increased risk for psychopathology. However, the physiological mechanisms linking peer victimization...  相似文献   
洛克对自然法的性质进行了详细的阐述,得出了自然法具有神意法和理性法双重属性的结论.这种性质界定具有模糊性,而且神意法与理性法在一定程度上是互相冲突的,因此受到后来学者的诟病;但洛克自然法理论中的这种模糊性源自其对于由理性所开启的现代性进程之谨慎态度.尽管洛克在一定程度上似乎更重视理性的作用,但理性也存在诸多问题:自然法是人类理性无法独证的,对于理性的偏执会在认识论上因缺乏根基而显得武断,而且自然法在政治上的应用及其说服力,仅仅依靠理性推演也是不够的.这些考虑最终使洛克走向一种谨慎的平衡策略-自然法既是神意法,也是理性法.此外,洛克还从上帝存在这一基本背景出发,引申出了人类应当服从的三类自然法义务,并从这三类自然法义务中推导出了人类的三大基本权利:生命、财产与自由,近代权利思想实发轫于此.  相似文献   
肖崇好  黄希庭 《心理科学》2011,34(2):289-292
社交恐惧图式理论、社交恐惧模式、和社交恐惧认知行为模式等认知理论,都认为社交恐惧产生于不良的自我图式。为了探讨社交恐惧个体是否具有不良的自我图式,要求40名高社交恐惧个体和30名低社交焦虑个体完成了自尊量表和内隐联想任务。结果发现:高社交恐惧个体在自尊量表上的得分显著低于低社交恐惧个体,但在内隐自尊上,他们都有着积极的自尊,且无显著差异。这一研究结果不支持社交恐惧的认知理论。根据自我呈现理论讨论了研究结果。  相似文献   
The iconicity of a Chinese character, or the degree to which it looks like the concept that it represents, has been suggested as affecting the learning and processing of the character. However, previous studies have not provided good empirical information on the iconicity of specific characters. To fill this gap, 40 U.S. adults with no knowledge of Chinese were given an English word or short phrase together with two Chinese characters and were asked which character matched the meaning of the English word. The right and wrong answers had the same number of strokes, and different wrong answers were used for different participants. We examined all 213 simple-structure Chinese characters that occur in textbooks for elementary school children. The overall percentage of correct responses was 53.6%, slightly but significantly higher than would be expected by chance. Using a false discovery rate procedure, we found that 15 of the 213 characters were guessed at a level higher than chance. The proportion of correct responses to each character, which can be taken as an indicator of its degree of iconicity, should be useful to researchers studying Chinese character reading and writing. The full database, showing the proportion of correct guesses and other psycholinguistic variables for each character, can be downloaded from http://brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   
Sun YH  Ge L  Quinn PC  Wang Z  Xiao NG  Pascalis O  Tanaka J  Lee K 《Perception》2012,41(1):117-120
We report a novel fat face illusion that when two identical images of the same face are aligned vertically, the face at the bottom appears 'fatter'. This illusion emerged when the faces were shown upright, but not inverted, with the size of the illusion being 4%. When the faces were presented upside down, the illusion did not emerge. Also, when upright clocks were shown in the same vertically aligned fashion, we did not observe the illusion, indicating that the fat illusion does not generalize to every category of canonically upright objects with similar geometric shape as a face.  相似文献   
东正教经书的翻译和刊大体经历了三个时期。从1715年首届传教士团来华到1858年《中俄天津条约》签订为第一时期。俄国传教士团并不重视东正教经籍的翻译,只有个别成员进行过这方面的尝试。第二时期从1858年到1900年。传教士团配合《中俄天津条约》中有关允许俄国人自由传教的规定以及《中俄北京条约》对传教士团职能的调整,着手翻译经书,为大规模传教进行准备。1900年到1917年为第三时期。在1900年义和团运动中遭受重创之后,1902年俄国在中国设立主教区,传教士团利用庚子赔款大力发展东正教势力,经书翻译和刊印达到高潮。  相似文献   
国家以因大规模天灾人祸造成的社会特殊状态为起点,构建着灾难的叙事。利用灾难的"将发生"的国家,构建出"被划一整合的灾难"叙事模式;而利用灾难的"已发生"的国家,则构建出"被个别诠释的灾难"叙事模式。国家在构建灾难叙事的同时,实际也利用灾难不断构建与巩固自身的秩序。因所处状态的不同,国家有着"日常秩序"与"特殊秩序"。如果两者的联结是直接的,都隶属于一个统一体制下,那么国家秩序的构建与强化将体现在制度的覆盖性与渗透性上;如果两者的联结必须以国家的出场为前提,那么国家秩序的构建与强化则体现为政府形象得以展示与地位得以加强。作为采用"被个别诠释的灾难"叙事模式典型的中国,为了在完善自身防灾抗灾行动的同时保留自身对每次灾难的诠释空间,需要借鉴"被划一整合的灾难"叙事模式,建立"半覆盖性"的体制,并且将自身的灾难叙事发展得更为立体化与人性化。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下普通民众焦虑的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甄瑞  周宵 《应用心理学》2020,(2):99-107
为考察新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下普通民众焦虑情绪的影响因素,采用自陈式问卷,对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控下的1050位普通民众的疫情经历、媒体信息暴露时长及性质、疫情风险感知和焦虑进行调查。结果发现新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控当下民众焦虑情绪的发生率为18.0%,焦虑情绪的发生率在性别、年龄、受教育程度、婚姻状况和月收入等方面没有显著的差异;疫情经历、媒体信息暴露时长、负面信息暴露和感知疫情的严重性会增加焦虑情绪产生的可能性,正面信息暴露、对疫情熟悉度和可控度的感知可以减少焦虑情绪产生的可能性。这些结果说明了疫情经历、媒体信息暴露时长和性质、疫情风险感知是疫情防控当下民众焦虑出现的重要因素。  相似文献   
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