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家庭收入与儿童早期的社会能力:中介效应与调节效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以325名幼儿为被试,收集母亲报告的家庭人均月收入、儿童一般社会能力和家庭环境,及教师报告的师生关系,考察了家庭收入在儿童早期社会能力中的作用,及家庭社会文化环境在其中的中介作用和家庭情感环境在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1) 高收入家庭儿童的一般社会能力及师生关系质量显著高于低收入家庭的儿童;(2) 在家庭收入对儿童一般社会能力的预测中,家庭社会文化环境中的智力-文化取向与社交-娱乐取向均发挥了中介作用,家庭情感环境中的控制性发挥了调节作用,且家庭智力-文化取向的中介作用受到了家庭控制性的调节;(3) 在家庭收入对师生关系质量的预测中,家庭情感环境中的控制性和矛盾性发挥了调节作用。  相似文献   
Stanley et al. (2018) found that the consideration of reasons rarely induced people to change their moral decisions. We challenged this article by assuming what caused such a null or weak effect was that the persuasiveness of reasons provided to oppose the initial decisions was not strong enough. To verify our assumption, this study used Stanley et al.’s (2018) experimental paradigm and manipulated the levels of persuasiveness of reasons. The results revealed (1) that not only strong opposing reasons but also weak affirming reasons could induce changes in moral decision-making and increase decision confidence after altering the decisions; (2) that people with a weak decision confidence tended to change their initial decisions after evaluation of reasons; and (3) that people who maintained their decisions after considering weak opposing reasons enhanced rather than reduced their decision confidence. Overall, these findings demonstrated that moral decision change was a composite outcome of the interaction among reason type, reason persuasiveness and initial decision confidence and that low-quality argumentation had a boomerang effect on moral persuasion. This study re-lifted the role of rational reasoning in moral decision-making and revising, thus posing important amendments to Stanley et al.’s (2018) findings.  相似文献   
该研究以小学四年级学生为被试,经过对实验班十八周的快速阅读训练,使学生初步掌握快速阅读的技能,探索通过快速阅读训练提高小学生阅读速度和学习成绩的可能性及快速阅读训练对小学生眼动模式的影响。结果发现(1)快速阅读训练可以在一定程度上使小学生提高阅读速度;(2)快速阅读训练可以在一定程度上提高小学生的考试成绩;(3)通过快速阅读训练,可以有效地 减少阅读时间、注视次数和回视次数。  相似文献   
肖健  姜长青 《心理学报》1983,16(4):122-128
本文以64只大鼠为材料,采用饮服和腹腔注射吗啡的方法,建立大鼠对吗啡成瘾性的实验模型,观察它们的行为改变和脑内单胺类神经介质含量的变化,结果发现:两种方法都可使大鼠成瘾,成瘾时间在给药后的第四周左右形成;成瘾后的大鼠对药物产生明显的依赖性,每天对吗啡的摄取量大致稳定在35mg/kg左右;如突然停药大鼠表现出不安静状态,活动增加,体重下降;食物运动性条件反应的反应时与戒断前相比明显缩短,错误次数减少;成瘾后的大鼠脑内单胺类神经介质的含量也发生改变,NE和DA有所下降,而5-HT和5-HIAA则显著升高,对于这种变化是原发性的还是继发性的还需进一步研究。  相似文献   
白居易贞元十六、七年间从洛阳圣善寺和尚法凝学禅,是其与禅结缘的开始,对其思想走向有着相当重要的影响。关于这一早年经历,白居易在其作品《八渐偈》及序中作了比较明确的交代,但由于禅宗历史传承的扑朔迷离及偈子本身内容难以确诂,对白居易早年所学究竟为北宗禅法还是南宗禅法的看法,在当今文化介入文学研究的热潮中,成了一桩莫衷一是、难以定论的学术公案。不过,通过当时的社会文化背景、禅宗史的发展流变及南、北二宗与当时皇权的分际离合而对信教人士之影响等相关史料,结合《八渐偈》自身所表现出来的思想义理,可以得出白居易早年所学为南宗禅法的结论。  相似文献   
马骁 《宗教学研究》2007,(1):206-208
个人思想中的“宗教信仰”可以在一定程度上影响人体的生理活动,让神经系统得到放松,从而使人获得舒适感。对这种舒适感的渴望,是宗教需求产生的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Luk KK  Xiao WS  Cheung H 《Cognition》2012,124(3):350-355
Some recent evidence has suggested that perspective taking skills in everyday life situations may differ across cultural groups. In the present study, we investigated this effect via culture priming in a group of Chinese-English bilingual adults in the context of a communication game. Results showed that the participants made more perspective taking errors when interpreting the game instruction under the Western than the Chinese primes. The findings suggest that the ability to assume others' mental states not only can be used strategically but is also influenced by the currently active cultural frame in the mind of the bilingual. The present study provides the first evidence for a cultural effect on perspective taking using a within-sample approach via culture priming.  相似文献   
Stereotyping involves two processes in which first, social stereotypes are activated (stereotype activation), and then, stereotypes are applied to given targets (stereotype application). Previous behavioral studies have suggested that these two processes are independent of each other and may have different mechanisms. As few psychophysiological studies have given an integrated account of these stages in stereotyping so far, this study utilized a trait categorization task in which event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to explore the brain mechanisms associated with the processes of stereotype activation and its application. The behavioral (reaction time) and electrophysiological data showed that stereotype activation and application were elicited respectively in an affective valence identification subtask and in a semantic content judgment subtask. The electrophysiological results indicated that the categorization processes involved in stereotype activation to quickly identify stereotypic and nonstereotypic information were quite different from those involved in the application. During the process of stereotype activation, a P2 and N2 effect was observed, indicating that stereotype activation might be facilitated by an early attentional bias. Also, a late positive potential (LPP) was elicited, suggesting that social expectancy violation might be involved. During the process of the stereotype application, electrophysiological data showed a P2 and P3 effect, indicating that stereotype application might be related to the rapid social knowledge identification in semantic representation and thus may be associated with an updating of existing stereotypic contents or a motivation to resolve the inconsistent information. This research strongly suggested that different mechanisms are involved in the stereotype activation and application processes.  相似文献   
The potential mediating roles of parental warmth and inductive discipline on the relations of parental emotion regulation strategies to children’s prosocial behavior were examined in this study. Sixty-four parents of preschoolers (50% girls) completed questionnaires assessing their own regulation practices (i.e., cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression), parenting behaviors (i.e., parental warmth/nurturance, inductive discipline), and children’s prosocial behavior (voluntary behavior intended to benefit another). The authors hypothesized that cognitive reappraisal would be positively and expressive suppression would be negatively related to parenting behaviors and children’s prosocial behavior. They further hypothesized that parental warmth and inductive discipline would mediate the relations between parents’ own regulation strategies and children’s prosocial behavior. Results demonstrated that parental cognitive reappraisal was positively associated with warmth, and expressive suppression was negatively associated with inductive discipline and children’s prosocial behavior. Parental warmth, but not inductive discipline, mediated the relations between cognitive reappraisal and children’s prosocial behavior. The results highlight adults’ own regulatory strategies as predictors of socialization behaviors and the potential processes for socialization of children’s moral emotions and positive social development.  相似文献   
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