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This paper considers the issues raised in using standardized achievement test scores for purposes of examining the academic productivity of schools. We critique some commonly used practices by urban school districts and suggest an alternative approach – the school productivity profile. This profile is based on an assessment of each school's contribution to student learning, or value-added, rather than just the overall level of student attainment. We illustrate, using 10-year achievement trend data from the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), both the problems with some commonly reported indicators of school effectiveness and the idea of a school productivity profile. While our analyses suggest broad-based improvements in student learning in many Chicago schools over the past 10 years, we also found that the current testing system is not well designed to make such judgments accurately. We conclude that extant standardized testing systems, like the ITBS used in Chicago, do not afford an accurate basis for assessing school productivity and how this might be changing over time. These results have important policy implications. As school districts seek to become more outcome oriented, they will need to invest in better testing and reporting systems in order to know whether they are making genuine progress in this regard.  相似文献   
正负性情绪的自主生理反应实验研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
随机抽取24名大学生(男女各半)观看了两段内容不同的录像片段,对观看录像时的主观体验和心率(HR)、指端脉搏容积(FPV)的变化情况做了研究。结果表明:①实验选用的两段录像分别诱发出了正性和负性情绪.②不同情绪下的自主生理反应是不同的。正性情绪下,HR变化不显著,FPV显著下降;负性情绪下,HR显著增加,FPV显著下降。③不同情绪下的生理反应恢复速度没有差异,但不同生理指标的恢复速度有差异,HR的恢复速度比FPV的快.④正性情绪下,HR和FPV之间的相关很低;负情情绪下。两种生理指标之间里显著的负相关.⑤性别只对生理指标的基础值有影响。  相似文献   
关于先发情绪体验对后发情绪过程的影响的一项实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验试图探讨是否存在着一种先发体验,它的影响能在随后发生的情绪过程中表现出来。实验得到了肯定的结果。它显示为:(1)先发情绪体验若与后发情绪的性质相接近,则对后者起促进作用;若相反,则起抑制作用,(2)激起后发情绪的反应时(RT)与所发生情绪的持续时(DE)二者之间有显著的正相关。  相似文献   
孟昭兰 《心理学报》1988,21(2):8-16
本文就(1)情绪的一般唤醒和具体情绪分化、(2)不同享乐色调情绪状态对认知操作的作用、(3)怒情绪的作用、(4)作为情绪的兴趣的作用、(5)情绪以体验形式起作用等五个问题,在总结情绪与认知操作的系列实验基础上,讨论了情绪的组织性功能;认为不同享乐色调的情绪对认知操作起着性质不同的组织作用或瓦解作用。  相似文献   
Likert‐type rating scales are among the most widely used tools in psychological research. Different numbers of response categories would likely affect response style, data distribution, reliability, and construct validity. There is a lack of research in factor structure invariance under Likert scales with different numbers of categories. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of varying numbers of Likert points (4–11) on scale properties such as factor structure, external validity, and latent means based on the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale (M. Rosenberg, 1989 ). The sample consists of 1,807 students from secondary schools in Macau. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the correlated two‐factor model is the most appropriate one; longitudinal invariance analysis reveals that measurement invariance across Likert scales was satisfied at the scalar level. In addition, latent mean scores on the two factors as well as observed means on the subscales are comparable across Likert scales. Moreover, the measurement model across Likert scales exhibit similar external validity. Although psychometric properties are mostly similar among a different number of points, the 4‐point Likert scale is not recommended for its higher skewness and lower loadings; the 11‐point Likert scale from 0 to 10 is slightly preferred for its higher loadings and composite reliability.  相似文献   
了解新生儿真菌血症的流行病学特征,为制定有效的预防措施提供科学依据。采取回顾性调查及病例对照研究方法,分析我院2008年~2010年新生儿真菌血症患者及对照的临床资料、实验室检查结果。结果早产儿及极低体重儿易发生真菌血流感染,感染菌株以非白色念珠菌为最常见,预防性抗真菌药的目标人群可定为早产儿、极低体重儿及细菌性菌血症患儿。  相似文献   
孟凯 《管子学刊》2011,(2):24-29
荀子的正名理论不仅接续孔子的正名传统,也有对诸子之学的扬弃,在正名理论中荀子借鉴了名家、墨家的理论,丽他们也是萄子批评最多的。荀子的正名理论主要体现在《正名》篇中。其中他讨论了名的分类、名的作用、制名的原则等,并对“三惑”等不正之名进行了批判。他认为名的主要作用在于“明贵贱”与“辨同异”,“贵贱”关乎价值,“同异”关乎事实,萄子就通过名联接了事实与价值。“辨同异”在乎求“真”,“明贵贱”在乎求“善”,而荀子又认为“明贵贱”高于“辨同异”,从而把名学引向伦理、政治之域。  相似文献   
本文依据《大乘广百论释论》中《破有为相品第七》的有关内容对佛教、数论派和胜论派的因果观进行讨论、分析和比较。文章认为,胜论派把因果关系理解为要素的结合,数论派把因果关系理解为潜在事物的显现。无论胜论派还是数论派,都认为世间存在常住不变的实体。《大乘广百论释论》的作者正是抓住这一点来反驳胜论派和数论派的因果观。佛教认为,没有独立、恒常的实体,这是因果律得以成立的前提;所谓的因果联系就是一切无常变化、互相依存的有为法相互联结的条理而已。  相似文献   
杨萌  王剑桥  夏裕祁  杨帆  张学民 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1056-1061
摘要:采用3D模拟驾驶情景结合眼动技术探讨音乐节奏和歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶行为和眼动规律的影响,研究结果表明:(1)驾驶经验对驾驶行为及眼动影响显著,新手与老手相比速度更慢、错误数更多;(2)音乐节奏对驾驶速度、眼跳和垂直搜索广度影响显著,快节奏与慢节奏相比,驾驶速度更快、平均眼跳距离更短、垂直搜索广度更短;(3)歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶速度、错误数和平均注视时间影响显著,熟悉语言与陌生语言相比,驾驶速度更慢、错误数更多、平均注视时间新手更长,老手无影响。(4)节奏与语言共同影响驾驶过程中的水平搜索广度,陌生语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度高于慢节奏,熟悉语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度低于慢节奏。通过本实验,建议驾驶员在选择音乐时选择陌生语言歌词的音乐,音乐节奏则可视情况而定。  相似文献   
We review selected literature that examines how biases in decision making can be utilized to encourage individual health behavior, such as vaccination, and promote policy decisions, such as resource allocation. These studies use simple interventions to nudge people towards more optimal health decisions without restricting decision‐makers’ freedom of choice. Examples include framing effects, defaults, implementation intentions, position effects, social norm, incentives, and emotions. We suggest that nudges are an effective way to promote healthy behavior.  相似文献   
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