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暴力犯内隐攻击性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究采用IAT测验对暴力犯的内隐攻击性进行了研究。研究表明:1)暴力犯内隐攻击性信念和内隐攻击性评价的IAT效应显著高于一般群体;2)暴力犯内隐攻击性与外显攻击性相关不显著;回归分析表明内隐攻击性信念与刑期相关显著。  相似文献   
“法轮功”痴迷者的痴迷在很大程度上是由于痴迷者们对自身的心理缺乏了解.从而被李洪志钻了空子,李洪志对人们日常生活中一些常见但又不为人们所注意的心理现象进行了别有用心的解释,从而达到其精神控制的目的。本文从心理学常识的视角对这些滥用心理技术的现象逐一进行了分析和揭露。  相似文献   
Three studies show that consumer response to advertising depends on engagement with the media content, in this case a television program, in which the advertising appears. The specific form of engagement studied is the experience of narrative transportation, of being absorbed into the narrative world of the program. If an ad is not intrusive, by virtue of where it occurs in a narrative, high transportation is shown to positively impact an ad. This impact is obtained if the ad matches the narrative (thematically compatible), supporting the hypothesis that transportation can act as a message frame that increases processing. If a compatible ad is intrusive, however, it is shown that high transportation is disrupted and this negatively impacts an ad. A third study proposes and finds an additional mechanism, called transportation transference, in which high narrative transportation increases the transportation with an ad that is not intrusive and this increase in ad transportation in turn increases advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   
It is a widely held belief that racial groups have underlying essences. We hypothesized that bicultural individuals who hold this essentialist belief about race are oriented to perceive rigid interracial boundaries and experience difficulty passing between their ethnic culture and the host culture. As predicted, we found that the more strongly Chinese American participants endorsed an essentialist belief about race, the less effective they were in switching rapidly between Chinese and American cultural frames in a reaction time task (Study 1), and the greater emotional reactivity they exhibited (reflected in heightened skin conductance) while they talked about their Chinese and American cultural experiences (Study 2). Taken together, these findings suggest that essentialist beliefs about race set up a mind-set that influences how bicultural individuals navigate between their ethnic and host cultures.  相似文献   
游旭群  邱香  牛勇 《心理学报》2007,39(2):201-208
采用视觉表象的几何距离扫描任务,通过两个实验首次揭示了视觉表象扫描中的视角大小效应。实验一采用3 (视角:2.7°,5.5°和8.2°) × 3 (扫描距离:0.0cm、0.4cm和0.8cm) 组内实验设计,探讨了视角大小这种表象前加工因素是否影响心理扫描的问题;实验二采用8 (视角:2.7°,4.1°,5.5°,6.9°,8.2°,9.6°,12.3°和17.1°) × 2 (扫描距离:0.4cm和0.8cm) 组内实验设计,探讨了视角大小如何影响心理扫描加工过程的问题。结果表明:(1)在视觉表象扫描中,扫描时间会受到表象对应刺激的视角大小影响,即使扫描的几何距离相等,不同视角大小条件下的扫描时间仍存在显著差异;(2)在4°到10°这个视角范围内心理扫描的时间显著短于这个范围之外的扫描时间,6.5°左右是视觉表象扫描的最佳视角。视角大小效应有别于心理扫描的大小效应和距离效应,为Kosslyn的表象计算理论增加了新的内容,具有重要的理论意义。同时它对仪表、图形设计以及棋牌游戏等工作和生活实践具有一定的应用价值  相似文献   
轴突变性是中枢神经系统疾病的基本病理过程,但是由于把其作为轴突失去胞体营养后的被动死亡,长期未受到重视。最近的研究发现轴突变性是神经元对外界刺激的可逆可控的主动过程,在这个研究过程中,我们体会到轴突变性所蕴涵的深刻哲学内涵,如其在细胞周期调控和凋亡的作用。这种研究使我们认识到应该用辩证的思维方法去认识分析客观事物。  相似文献   
微小染色体维持蛋白(MCM)是真核生物DNA复制的主要调控因子,在DNA复制的起始和延伸过程中有重要作用,在每个细胞周期中仅发生一次,是标志细胞增殖活性的新指标,对于肿瘤的诊断及预后判断有重要意义。  相似文献   
全球糖尿病发病率日益增多。我国糖尿病诊断率及治疗达标率低,并发症发生率高、进展快,治疗现状令人担忧。减轻体重干预糖耐量受损,是决定疾病转归的关键环节、生活方式及药物干预均可降低糖尿病发生率。只有重视普及糖尿病相关知识,提高专业队伍素质,针对高危人群重点筛查及干预,早期发现糖尿病及综合治疗,才有可能减少糖尿病发病率及致残、致死率。  相似文献   
药物支架的出现使冠脉成形术产生了质的飞跃,合理地应用药物支架将对患者带来福音.但是药物支架同样有中、晚期血栓形成,再狭窄等弊病.介入医生应从药物支架的适应证、禁忌证,支架操作的技术层面及中国国情,价/效比几个方面详细考虑应用药物支架的得失,遵循指南的建议,使患者获益并保证手术安全是最基本的要求.  相似文献   
众所周知,医疗机构必须在取得成年患者的有效同意后才能实施医疗行为.而当患者是未成年人时,这种对医疗行为的同意是否有效呢?对此,国内外法学均未形成统一的定论.通过比较国外医事法学领域相对成熟的同意能力理论,初步建立我国未成年患者的同意能力理论体系,其中评估方法是关键.  相似文献   
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