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道德自我调节对亲社会行为和违规行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李谷  周晖  丁如一 《心理学报》2013,45(6):672-679
本文通过两个研究探讨道德自我调节对亲社会行为和违规行为的影响。研究一中,被试随机分为三组,分别抄写“正性特质词语”“负性特质词语”或“中性词语”,并回忆自己所经历的与关键词有关的事情。启动完成后,考察其捐助行为。结果发现,正性特质启动组被试愿意捐助的数目显著高于负性特质和中性词语启动组。研究二用同样的方法改变被试的道德自我知觉,然后对被试的作弊行为进行了考察。结果发现,正性特质启动组的作弊严重程度显著低于中性词语启动组,负性特质启动组的作弊发生率和作弊严重程度显著低于中性词语启动组。本研究表明,道德自我调节过程不一定遵循负反馈机制:虽然“道德净化效应”在本研究中得到了部分验证,但是我们的实验结果不符合“道德许可效应”的预期。  相似文献   

This article is based on a survey of 493 visitors to Shaanxi History Museum, Xi’an, China. The purpose of the research was to assess attitudes toward the exhibitions and the sources of visitor satisfaction, and the consequences of a free entry policy adopted by the Museum in response to the directive of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and State Administration of Cultural Heritage of January 23, 2008. Three dimensions for visitor satisfaction were found—an affective reaction to the modes of presentation, a cognitive reaction to learning about Chinese history, and an affective reaction of a sense of awe and pride in that history. As part of the pricing policy, additional charges are made for special exhibitions, and evidence exists of a consumer surplus for significant groups of visitors at current entry prices that are normally 20 RMB. In this article the authors discussed issues related to a need to adopt merchandising, the provision of better ancillary services, and the role that such services can play in enhancing visitor satisfaction.  相似文献   
There is increasing recognition that consumer aesthetics—the responses of consumers to the aesthetic or appearance aspects of products—has become an important area of marketing in recent years. Consumer aesthetic responses to a product are a source of pleasure for the consumer. Previous research into the aesthetic responses to products has often emphasized exterior factors and visual design, but studies have seldom considered the psychological aesthetic experience of consumers, and in particular their emotional state. This study attempts to bridge this gap by examining the link between consumers’ emotions and their aesthetic response to a product. Thus, the major goal of this study was to determine how valence‐based and discrete emotional states influence choice. In Studies 1 and 2, positive and negative emotions were manipulated to implement two different induction techniques and explore the effect of emotions on participants’ choices in two separate experiments. The results of both experiments confirmed the predictions, indicating that aesthetic responses and purchase intention are functions of emotional valence, such that both are stronger for people in a positive emotional state than for those in a negative emotional state. Study 2 also used a neutral affective state to establish the robustness of this observed effect of incidental affect. The results of Study 3 demonstrate that aesthetic response and purchase intention are not only a function of affect valence, but also are affected by the certainty appraisal associated with specific affective states. This research, therefore, contributes to the literature by offering empirical evidence that incidental affect is a determinant of aesthetic response.  相似文献   
医书是治病的书,不能粗制滥造。如今编著中医书籍竟相求厚求多的现象越来越严重,这有碍于中医医疗技术的传承和推广。医家著书立说,应像临症一样,当慎之又慎。大而全,内容庞杂,不应提倡。今人编著医书也应是:或伸古人所欲言,或补前贤所未备,务求理足方效,不为影响之谈。  相似文献   
医学影像学在医学领域中是一门重要的学科,已成为医疗工作的重要支柱.现代医学影像已从传统的显示宏观结构发展到反映分子、生化水平的变化;从显示形态改变到反映功能变化;从单纯诊断向治疗方面发展.本文针对医学影像中存在的普遍性问题,分为内部结构性和宏观发展性两个方面,进行了较为系统的揭示和探讨.包括形成原因、表现形式和影响评估.同时指出,只有尊重学科发展规律,通过准入规范、制度建设、继续教育等多种手段,结合发展与辩证的思维,才是解决问题的正确途径.  相似文献   
本研究对行政职业能力测验中的阅读理解分测验考查何种能力要素进行了深入探讨.研究一首先通过文献法初步概括出行政职业能力测验阅读理解的能力考查体系,进而使用出声思维的方法对该考查体系进行验证和补充,最后通过专家调查论证方法对其进行最终确定.结果表明,行政职业能力测验阅读理解考查了6种能力,分别是提取信息能力、理解意义能力、理解细节能力、分析结构能力、概括能力及推断能力,其中提取信息能力和理解意义能力是基础.在此基础上,研究二使用该能力框架选取合适的行政职业能力测验阅读理解题目,组成一套阅读理解测验,并借助认知诊断方法,通过专家标定测验的Q矩阵,利用实测数据对研究一构建的能力考查体系的完备性进行了验证.  相似文献   
Embedded in the theory of group cohesion and the expectancy-value model of achievement choice, the purpose of this study was to examine the predictive strengths of group cohesion on students’ motivation (expectancy-related beliefs and subjective task values) and motivational outcomes (exercise choice and class attendance) in college physical activity classes. Participants were 121 females enrolled in aerobics classes who completed questionnaires assessing group cohesion, motivational constructs, and exercise choice. Group cohesion constructs were significantly associated with motivation and motivational outcomes. These findings provide insight into how to design environments to promote motivation in physical activity classes.  相似文献   
This research examined the impact of dialectical thinking (DT) on perceived training outcomes in commercial leadership training using a quasi‐experimental design. Study 1 found that high‐DT individuals had better perceived on‐site training outcomes when compared with individuals with low DTs, regardless of training methods. But there was no significant difference between low and high DTs on subsequent behavioral improvements. It was also found that self‐reported training outcomes were consistent with others' observation. To further validate the on‐site effect of DT, we introduced a cognitive style manipulation prior to training to increase DT levels among trainees in Study 2. Individuals following the cognitive style manipulation reported significantly better perceived training outcomes. The implications of this research for field training are discussed.  相似文献   
Governmental research grants are financially supported by taxpayers to meet financial requirements of research, particularly research that is unlikely to be supported by private funds. Researchers reward donors by producing knowledge. Publishing research results in an academic journal reflects achievement by researchers; however, receiving a grant award does not. The latter only provides the researcher with the capacity to perform his/her research. Applicants may receive more financial support than they actually need because there is no strict audit on the amount of money requested by each research proposal. There are fewer opportunities to apply for a governmental grant than there are for publishing an academic article, and the application process for governmental grants is not flexible. Some potentially innovative research may be impeded by the intense competition among scientific researchers applying for financial support. Researchers face stiffer competition at this stage than at the stage of publishing results. This paper suggests that scientific foundations can improve their efficiency by giving funding preference to economic proposals. Methods for estimating the efficiency of grants are proposed. The practice followed by the Small Grants for Exploratory Research programme of the National Science Foundation validates my analysis and recommendations.  相似文献   
Mechanochemical synthesis is a promising method for studying the size-dependent melting of metals if the size of the resulting metallic nanoparticles can be tuned effectively. Here, with Cu as an example, we show that tuning of particle sizes can be accomplished by extending the milling time at a high milling speed and following annealing of the milled samples. With the so prepared samples, the melting point depression of Cu nanoparticles and its size dependence are successfully investigated.  相似文献   
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