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The relationship between intrinsic motivation and home literacy of preschoolers was explored. One hundred and seventy-seven preschool children (3.8 to 6.6 years old) in Mainland China and one of the parents who primarily took care of each child participated in the study. Six indicators were considered as a measure of home literacy. Results showed that after controlling for parents' education level and children's age, three home literacy indicators-parental model of reading behaviour, number of books, and years of character teaching-could explain children's intrinsic reading motivation. Contrary to previous Western studies, Chinese children's freedom of book choice was not related to their intrinsic reading motivation. Results are discussed in the context of culture differences.  相似文献   
The current research extends three research areas in relational demography: considering deep-level dissimilarity in theory building, assessing dissimilarity perceptions directly in theory testing, and examining the antecedents of dissimilarity perceptions. The results, based on two field studies using diverse samples, demonstrate the effects of enduring personality traits of Extraversion and Agreeableness on an individual’s perceived deep-level dissimilarity to coworkers in the workgroup, and the effects of perceived deep-level dissimilarity beyond the effects of actual dissimilarity and perceived surface-level dissimilarity on critical work outcomes, including the individual’s overall job attitude, and behaviors of helping, work withdrawal, and actual voluntary turnover.  相似文献   
"礼"是整个儒家思想的核心内容,是前现代中国社会人们思想、行为的最高规范,是维系社会生活的纽带.在早期儒家"礼"的体系中,充满了浓重的宗教信仰的思想.其信仰形态和过程,是由信仰天地、鬼神而推衍社会、人事的,並由此建构起一套完整的信仰系统,来指导人们的社会生活.三代"礼"学,表现出自发宗教的崇拜特征,春秋战国,人为宗教信仰贯穿到了"礼"学,形成了"神道设教"的"礼教",使得宗教与宗法、信仰与道德、神性与理性、理想与实践,趋向于和谐、统一.  相似文献   
签署手术知情同意书是医方履行告知义务,保障医患双方合法权益的一种重要手段。当患者病情需要紧急手术但患者或其家属拒绝签署手术知情同意书时,医院面临错失抢救时机和巨大的医疗风险,甚至可能因此成为被告。结合我院临床工作中的成功经验,探讨医院如何在尽可能抢救患者生命的情况下,规避相关法律风险。  相似文献   
王晖  石伟 《心理科学进展》2008,16(5):810-814
研究时间因素对谈判的影响有利于提高人们对时间重要性的认识,有效谈判策略的运用和整合结果的实现。时间因素对谈判者认知、行为和谈判结果的影响具体表现在:时间压力会降低谈判者的认知动机,使谈判者更加依赖认知启发式;暂停和中场休息是否会为谈判带来积极影响应该视不同的谈判事件和不同的心理状态而定;拉大谈判与结果实现之间的时间距离会提高谈判的共同结果,这可以从折扣效应和建构水平理论中得到解释。将来的谈判研究会进一步从时间向空间拓展  相似文献   
语法语境下汉语名动分离的ERP研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用ERP技术,从语法角度,通过词语搭配判断任务,考察汉语名词和动词加工的脑神经机制。实验结果显示,在适合的语法语境中,名词、动词和动名兼类词所诱发出ERP差异主要反应在P200、N400和P600三个ERP成分上。在正确的语境中,名词诱发出更大的P200,而动词则诱发出比名词更大的N400和减小的P600;当动名兼类词分别用作名词和动词时,虽然二者的N400没有显著差异,但前者诱发出一个增大的P600。根据实验结果认为:汉语名词和动词具有不同的神经表征和加工机制,名词和动词的语法功能在汉语名动分离中起了重要的作用  相似文献   
句法加工的脑机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
语言理解中,句法加工至关重要,它把各个意义单元以不同的方式整合起来,从而形成整体的意义表征。句法加工的脑机制是心理语言学比较关注的问题,目前由于ERP技术和功能成像技术的进步,使对这一机制的探讨成为可能。该文对有关句法加工的脑机制的研究进行了回顾与总结,并针对目前该领域存在的问题与争论进行了讨论  相似文献   
主观概率判断的支持理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
支持理论是一个关于主观概率判断的非外延性理论,它有以下几个主要观点:1.主观概率判断受到描述的影响,具有描述的依赖性;2.主观概率判断的结果是判断者对中心假设的相对支持的反映;3.主观概率在二元判断中表现出二元互补性,在多元判断中表现出次可加性;4.主观概率判断存在分解效应和促进效应  相似文献   
The three algorithms most frequently selected by behavior‐analytic researchers to compute interobserver agreement with continuous recording were used to assess the accuracy of data recorded from video samples on handheld computers by 12 observers. Rate and duration of responding were recorded for three samples each. Data files were compared with criterion records to determine observer accuracy. Block‐by‐block and exact agreement algorithms were susceptible to inflated agreement and accuracy estimates at lower rates and durations. The exact agreement method appeared to be overly stringent for recording responding at higher rates (23.5 responses per minute) and for higher relative duration (72% of session). Time‐window analysis appeared to inflate accuracy assessment at relatively high but not at low response rate and duration (4.8 responses per minute and 8% of session, respectively).  相似文献   
Weimin Mou  Hui Zhang 《Cognition》2009,111(2):175-186
Five experiments investigated whether observer locomotion provides specialized information facilitating novel-view scene recognition. Participants detected a position change after briefly viewing a desktop scene when the table stayed stationary or was rotated and when the observer stayed stationary or locomoted. The results showed that 49° novel-view scene recognition was more accurate when the novel view was caused by observer locomotion than when the novel view was caused by table rotation. However such superiority of observer locomotion disappeared when the to-be-tested viewpoint was indicated during the study phase, when the study viewing direction was indicated during the test phase, and when the novel test view was 98°, and was even reversed when the study viewing direction was indicated during the test phase in the table rotation condition but not in the observer locomotion condition. These results suggest scene recognition relies on the identification of the spatial reference directions of the scene and accurately indicating the spatial reference direction can facilitate scene recognition. The facilitative effect of locomotion occurs because the spatial reference direction of the scene is tracked during locomotion and more accurately identified at test.  相似文献   
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