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采用创伤暴露程度调查表、复原力量表和创伤后应激障碍症状量表调查了汶川地震1年后的773名中学生,考察了其复原力在创伤暴露程度与创伤后应激障碍关系中的调节作用。结果发现,地震1年后,中学生的创伤后应激障碍水平较低,其中男生的水平低于女生,初一学生的水平相对低于初二、高一和高三学生;创伤暴露程度对创伤后应激障碍及其各维度都有显著的正向预测作用;复原力在创伤暴露程度对创伤后应激障碍及其回避性症状与警觉性增高症状的影响上发生负向调节作用,在创伤暴露程度对闯入性症状的影响上不起调节作用。  相似文献   
旨在探讨舞动治疗对于辅导员职业倦怠干预的效果,为辅导员缓解职业倦怠提供方法和依据。采用简单随机抽样方法,从三所高校中抽取60名辅导员进行研究,分为两组,通过舞动治疗与普通系列讲座两种方式,并前后对照探讨舞动治疗对高校辅导员职业倦怠的影响。研究采用前后测对照组实验组实验法,使用问卷对60名辅导员进行调查研究。问卷共包括两部分,分别为一般自我效能感量表(GSES)和Maslach职业倦怠量表(MBI-GS)。结果显示舞动治疗后职业倦怠的情绪耗竭和玩世不恭维度得分显著下降,成就感得分显著上升,自我效能感显著提升;系列讲座后职业倦怠的玩世不恭和成就感得分没有变化,情绪耗竭得分明显增加,自我效能感没有改善。由此可以看出舞动治疗可以改善高校辅导员的职业倦怠状况。  相似文献   
智勇,是<易传>政治伦理思想的重要组成部分,也是对中日两国有着深刻影响的、带有共同性的道德规范.无论是如何面对复杂的国际国内环境,还是中日友好新局面的开创以及协调民间交往都离不开智勇品质.在中日关系发展中,弘扬智勇精神,对于推进历史遗留问题的解决具有重要现实意义.<易传>智勇思想在当前中日关系调整中的价值主要体现在以下几方面:友邻修好,智以用言;省视自己,有错必改;勤学不辍,智广多利;直面过失,勇于纠错;勇于开拓,创造中日关系新境界;勇毅坚忍,触害立义.  相似文献   
Let be the knowledge space derived from an attribution function σ on Q. Under an assumption for σ, this paper gives some necessary and sufficient conditions such that is discriminative. It also discusses the resolubility of σ when Q is an infinite set. More precisely, this paper proves that σ is not resoluble if Q is uncountable, and gives a necessary and sufficient condition such that σ is resoluble when is -well-graded. By way of applications of these results, discriminativeness and resolubility are discussed around the merge of skill multimaps and the meshing of the delineated knowledge spaces.  相似文献   
近代中国曾经发生过两次规模巨大的反基督教运动:一次是1900年的义和团运动,一次是1922年至1927年的非基督教运动。从思想文化史的角度审视,非基督教运动的广度和深度远远超过义和团运动。义和团运动是中国民众对列强侵略的激愤抗争,带有浓重的盲目排外色彩。而非基督教运动则是中国知识阶层对宗教文化的理性批判。  相似文献   
任继愈先生是一代宗师。我在青年时期就久闻其大名。任先生主编的《中国哲学史》四卷本,是文史哲专业的大学生必读的经典著作。但是,真正有机会零距离地接触任先生,却是在先生90高龄之后的岁月里。如杜继文老师所说,任先生在89岁辞去国家图书馆馆长一职后,集中精力做两件大事。一是整理中国传统文化的经典文献,启动《中华大藏经续编》的工作:一是推动科学无神论事业的发展。  相似文献   
Dream reports from 21 dreamers in which a metamorphosis of a person-like entity or animal occurred were coded for characters and animals and for inner states attributed to them (Theory of Mind). In myths and fairy tales, Kelly and Keil (1985) found that conscious beings (people, gods) tend to be transformed into entities nearby in the conceptual structure of Keil (1979). This also occurred in dream reports, but perceptual nearness seemed more important than conceptual nearness. In dream reports, most inanimate objects involved in metamorphoses with person-like entities were objects such as statues that ordinarily resemble people physically, and moreover represent people. A metamorphosis of a person-like entity or animal did not lead to an increase in the amount of Theory of Mind attribution. We propose that a character-line starts when a character enters a dream; properties and Theory of Mind attributions tend to be preserved along the line, regardless of whether, metamorphoses occur on it.  相似文献   
The interface between the conceptual and lexical systems was investigated in a word production setting. We tested the effects of two conceptual dimensions – semantic category and visual shape – on the selection of Chinese nouns and classifiers. Participants named pictures with nouns (“rope”) or classifier–noun phrases (“one-classifier–rope”) in three blocked picture naming experiments. In Experiment 1, we observed larger semantic category interference with phrases than with nouns, suggesting comparable semantic categorical effects on classifier and noun selection. In Experiments 2 and 3, items with similar shapes produced an interference effect when they were named with classifier–noun phrases, but not with bare nouns. This indicates that object shape modulates classifier (but not noun) selection. We conclude that object shape properties can by themselves influence word selection processes just as semantic relationships (captured by semantic category) do. The factors operating during word selection may be more diverse than has been previously thought.  相似文献   
民间信仰是一种原生态的乡土文化.它不具有制度化宗教的坚硬外壳,但具有泛宗教形态的内涵因素.当代福建地区民间信仰神灵繁杂,多达千余种,根基深厚,其规模和影响远远超过制度化传统宗教.民间信仰的地域性鲜明,宗族性浓重,以祖先崇拜和圣贤崇拜为核心, 延续着中国传统文化的世俗性取向.民众实用功利性的信仰心态根深蒂固,至今仍影响着整个社会的生活方式和风俗习惯.民间信仰中"以神压人"等复杂因素,与当代社会主流文化之间,潜在着某种紧张关系.  相似文献   
Emoji是一种从最初模仿挪用日式动漫符号, 到后来日益扩展其使用范围的图像符号体系。自从1999年Shegetaka Kurita创造Emoji以来, Emoji不断获得充实和发展, 目前已成为数字交流中代替肢体动作、面部表情等非语言线索的主要形式, 并成为全球普遍使用的交流工具。Emoji本身具有有趣、形象、生动和幽默等特点, 在网络交流中具有表达情感、加强表达、改变语气、维持或增进人际关系等功能。同时, 其使用会受到性别、文化、语境和平台等因素的影响。目前, 随着Emoji的不断发展和广泛使用, 其应用范围已经扩展至网络交流之外的心理测量、商业营销、法律判决以及情感分析等领域, 具有广泛的应用和研究价值。未来可以从以下几个方面进一步深入研究:(1)进一步探索Emoji在网络交流中的应用和未来发展趋势; (2)加大对Emoji在其他领域中应用情况的进一步研究; (3)更加深入探索Emoji的神经生理机制; (4)从认知加工角度来探讨Emoji在网络交流中的积极效果。  相似文献   
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