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孤独症谱系障碍是一组以社交困难为主要特征的神经发育障碍, 涵盖孤独症、阿斯伯格综合症及分类不明确的广泛型精神发育障碍。ASD预测研究集中在神经生理学、遗传学及心理学领域。在心理学研究中, 眼动技术的运用使得相关测量更为细微、精确, 测量过程更严谨, 预测关系更可信。现有的眼动预测主要着眼于注视时间、首视点和扫视反应时指标的研究。这些研究揭示注视面部和眼睛时间短、注视眼睛时间随年龄增长递减、注视追随时间短、注视重复物理性刺激时间长、视觉搜索优势及注意解除困难均可以预测ASD。未来研究应强化眼动特征预测作用的追踪性考证, 加大与其它发展障碍的预测区分, 控制视觉接受能力对眼动行为的影响, 建立综合性预测体系。  相似文献   
刘艳  邹希  舒心 《心理科学进展》2019,27(7):1153-1166
企业稳定发展的关键之一是员工对组织的高认同感。员工创新是企业创新发展的基石。然而关于组织认同对创新行为影响的研究发现并不一致。规范冲突模型为深入理解二者之间的关系提供了理论视角。根据此模型, 员工组织认同通过不满现状和遵守现状两个相反的路径对创新行为产生促进和抑制的双重影响; 员工规范冲突感知是引发不满现状和遵守现状产生的重要条件; 领导创新期待与创新支持在组织认同对员工创新行为的促进和抑制过程中起到调节作用。  相似文献   
邢采  张希  牛建林 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1679-1689
男女比例协调本是自然进化的规律。可在我国, 人口性别比例失调的现象日趋严重, 深入理解这一现象对社会产生何种影响已经成为一件刻不容缓的工作。进化心理学和社会人口学这两个领域近年来分别开展了一系列与此问题相关的研究, 从性选择、择偶、婚姻、亲本投资、暴力行为和经济行为六个方面全面研究人口性别比例对人类行为的影响。  相似文献   
辩证思维是最重要的科学思维方法.是指导临床工作的重要科学方法.糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)为糖尿病的急性并发症,是导致糖尿病死亡的主要原因之一.在临床诊治过程中,应科学合理运用辩证思维方法,对DKA快速正确地诊断,积极及时地救治,从而降低糖尿病的病死率,提高患者的生存质量.  相似文献   
当代全球的宗教复兴与宗教冲突的加剧,已成为国际舞台上重要的热点问题。根据历史唯物主义  相似文献   
宋明时期,儒士排佛范围之广、程度之深,为历代所未有。如果说宋初的儒者排佛仍集中于种族、伦理、社会等层面,随后而来的理学家们则更进一层,从宇宙论、心性论、工夫论、伦理观等对佛教进行了淋漓尽致的批判;明代的儒士则又对佛教表现出一种宽容性的排斥。体现出"一波三折"排佛层面的转变、"出入释教与入室操戈"排佛方法的运用与"三教合一和儒家绝对优势地位确立"三个特征。  相似文献   
Conjunction faces are formed from feature sets learned across different faces. In previous studies, false alarms (“old” responses) to conjunctions have been very high, approaching hits to old faces; this is surprising, because, perceptually, upright faces are processed configurally, with strong integration of parts into the whole. We test the idea that the atypical reliance on unrelated parts could be due to using unnatural line drawings as stimuli, and to forming conjunctions across external features (e.g., hair) and internal features (e.g., eyes, mouth). We used realistic face stimuli and conjunctions made entirely from internal features. Results were, as expected, consistent with configural processing for upright faces (hits to old faces much greater than FA to conjunctions) and not for inverted faces (hits to old = FA to conjunctions).  相似文献   
SNARC效应(Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes)是指被试对数字做按键反应时,对于较小的数字,按左键的速度快于按右键;对于较大的数字,按右键的速度快于按左键。本研究以ERP作为测量手段,采用修正的大小判断任务,旨在探究数字正负号及其异同对SNARC效应的影响。行为结果发现,在反应时上,当目标数字与基线数字正负号相同且基线数字为+5时,一致条件显著快于不一致条件。ERP结果发现,当目标数字与基线数字正负号相同时,无论基线数字为+5还是–5,在反应选择阶段,不一致都比一致条件更负且均诱发了P3。当目标数字与基线数字正负号相异时,若基线数字为+5,一致比不一致条件在刺激呈现阶段诱发了波幅显著更小的N300;若基线数字为–5,一致比不一致条件在反应执行阶段诱发了更正的LPP。无论目标数字与基线数字正负号相同还是相异,在反应选择阶段,不一致都比一致条件更负且均诱发了P3,表明出现了SNARC效应。同时,SNARC效应的出现激活了额叶头皮位置,负数加工伴随左额叶的激活,而正数加工伴随右额叶的激活,溯源分析结果进一步表明SNARC效应定位于额叶与顶叶。这些结果说明负数按实际大小表征在心理数字线上,支持了负数空间表征的个体发展论假说;表明符号捷径机制会改变SNARC效应的发生时间;同时证明了负数与正数的空间表征具有不同的优势半球。  相似文献   
Yu X  Bi Y  Han Z  Zhu C  Law SP 《Brain and language》2012,122(2):126-131
This paper reports a conjunction analysis between semantic relatedness judgment and semantic associate generation of Chinese nouns and verbs with concrete or abstract meanings. The results revealed a verb-specific task-independent region in LpSTG&MTG, and task-dependent activation in a left frontal region in semantic judgment and the left SMG in semantic associate production. The observation of word class effects converged on Yu, Law, Han, Zhu, and Bi (2011), but contrasted with null findings in previous reports using a lexical decision task. While word class effects in the left posterior temporal cortices have been described in previous studies of languages with rich inflectional morphology, the significance of this study lies in its demonstration of the effects in these regions in a language known to have little inflectional morphology. In other words, differential neural responses to nouns and verbs can be observed without confounding from morphosyntactic operations or contrasts between actions and objects.  相似文献   
We propose and test a framework that describes the relationship between network structures and job performance. We provide an integration of the current conceptualizations of social capital as they pertain to job performance outcomes by taking a multi-dimensional view of job performance. We break down job performance into creativity, decision-making, task execution, and teamwork, and distinguish the effect of structural holes within and across the organizational boundary on these four job performance domains. In an analysis of 318 managers, we find that networks rich in structural holes that cross the organizational boundary had a positive association with creativity and decision-making, whereas networks with few structural holes within the organization had a positive association with task execution and teamwork. We discuss the theoretical implications for integrating the social capital, boundary spanning, and network structure literatures, as well as the practical benefits of giving much more precise advice to managers and employees regarding how to use networks to improve performance at work.  相似文献   
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