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考察了结果预期与结果反应对儿童意图认知和道德判断的影响。结果表明,结果预期影响幼儿园和小学儿童的意图认知,结果反应仅影响幼儿园儿童的意图认知;结果预期和结果反应显著地影响幼儿园和小学儿童的道德判断,但结果预期对小学儿童道德判断的影响要比结果反应大。  相似文献   
本工作采用食物性运动,条件反射方法和慢性微电极记录技术。条件反射实验在9只兔上进行,海马自发放电的实验在22只兔上进行。在9次实验中,30μg的东莨菪碱注入一侧脑室后,条件反射均受到抑制,而吃食则不受影响。注射剂量为45μg时,注射后3—5分,条件反射完全消失,而吃食行为在了次实验中不受影响,在2次实验中稍有减弱,注射后20分钟左右条件反射开始恢复;侧脑室注射40μg的东莨菪碱后,海马神经元的自发活动无明显改变。文中并对抗胆碱药作用于海马抑制条件反射的可能方式进行了讨论。  相似文献   
20岁至90岁成人的某些记忆活动的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本工作是我们过去关于记忆年老化研究的继续。记忆材料为自行设计并与全国若干单位协作编制的“试用临床记忆量表”。受试为健康成人210名.分为7个年龄组,各组性别、文化匹配。每组有20名并作韦氏成人智力量表检查。结果:1.成年至老年记忆变化总的趋势是,50岁组开始有明显减退,70岁后又有更显著的减退。2.在智力匹配条件下记忆年老化趋势相同(20、40、50、60、70岁年龄组)。3.无意义图形再认和有关联想学习年龄差异最小,无关联想学习和人像的姓氏,爱好特点回忆年龄差异最大,表明老年人建立无关的全新的联系困难。据此,作者指出老年记忆障碍可能是编码储存和提取困难相互作用的结果。  相似文献   
王极盛 《心理学报》1980,13(1):32-38
建国以来我国心理学已经历了三十年的曲折发展过程。现在,我们以实践是检验真理的唯一标准的观点对三十年来我国心理学发展的经验教训进行探讨,就成为我国心理学现代化的一个重要研究课题。 一 冯特于1879年在莱比锡建立了心理学实验室,成为现代心理学的开端,至今整整一百  相似文献   
王甦 《心理学报》1981,14(1):88-94
在主动触觉中,长度知觉通过手的各种触摸动作而实现,构成各种触觉长度知觉方式。例如,可以用食指沿物体表面从一端摸到另一端,或用拇指和食指夹住物体两侧并触摸。这两种触觉长度知觉方式在感知长度时是不一致的(Hohmuth)。我们已经报  相似文献   
王树茂 《心理学报》1981,14(2):15-20
一、心理学研究方法的发展史二、八木冕、鲁宾斯坦、皮尔奥夫的分类法三、作者的分类  相似文献   
主观参考框架在心理旋转中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王才康 《心理学报》1991,24(4):61-69
本研究在心理旋转新的实验范式中引入了一种和当前刺激极不相象但具有强烈参考框架信息的前置刺激,以探讨前置刺激的后续效应的性质。实验结果表明,前置刺激为被试对当前刺激的正像/镜像判断提供了参考框架信息而不是匹配所需的记忆痕迹模板。这一结果倾向于支持Robertson等人(1987)提出的概率混合模型。研究还发现,前置刺激的参考框架作用很有限,仅在400ms的时间内起作用,这说明它在一般情况下很难被旋转。  相似文献   
几种色光呈现条件下人眼红、绿光感受性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用阈值法探讨了人眼在红、橙、绿、蓝4种色光适应条件下红、绿光感受性的变化及机制。结果表明:当背景及目标均为稳光时,在不同的背景光条件下,人眼554nm(绿)及656nm(红)光感受性的变化显示了明显的感觉颉抗性效应,且不受色觉适应的影响;如果所呈现的背景光是稳态光,目标先是闪烁光,除辨别是现在554nm背景光上的656nm(红)目标,在其余条件下,均未发现颜色感觉颉抗效应;如果背景光是闪烁光,目标光为稳态光时,在不同的背景光条件下,人眼对554nm(绿)及656nm(红)波长的辨别结果有感觉颉抗效应存在,并且辨别感受性也明显提高。  相似文献   
A series of stimuli, words and faces, were presented tachistoscopically to 24 dextrals and 12 sinistrals. The stimuli were presented to one eye at a time and the subjects were instructed to respond to specific words or stimuli with a specific hand. The results indicate that (1) cerebral functional asymmetry is related to handedness; in the dextrals, the left hemisphere is more specialized in verbal recognition, while in the sinistrals, the right hemisphere is more specialized in recognizing non-verbal material. (2) An ipsilateral hand-and-eye combination is a valid method of measuring intrahemispheric information processing, provided that the tachistoscopically presented visual stimuli are capable of inciting specialized hemispheric function. The dominant relationship among the crossed and non-crossed visual pathways is discussed.  相似文献   
In Experiment 1, pictures were presented to subjects two, five, or eight times, and subjects were asked to imagine each pciture two, five, or eight times. Subsequently, subjects estimated the number of times each picture had been presented. Their estimates of the frequency of these external events were influenced by imagination trials; this effect was greater for good imagers than for poor imagers. Experiment 2 involved a similar design in which subjects were asked either to imagine the same referent for a word or to imagine a different referent for a word on successive imagination trials. Consistency (same referent) did not increase the influence of imaginations on immediate judgments of external frequency. Thus, the results of Experiment 1 were attributed to the greater accuracy (as opposed to greater consistency) of good imagers' internal generations of the stimuli. Furthermore, variation (imagining different referents), like greater accuracy, increased the effects of imagination trials on immediate but not on delayed judgments of frequency. Possible mechanisms underlying these effects are discussed. In general, the two studies show that qualitative characteristics of completely covert generations influence their impact on estimates of the frequency of external events.  相似文献   
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