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人文关怀是医学实践的核心精神,是医学“以人为本”的思维模式、道德观念、精神价值的具体体现,它与医药卫生制度化建设密切相关,已成为我国当代医学发展的核心议题之一。简介了北京北亚骨科医院多年来对医学人文与医疗实际相结合的探索经验,从社会发展需求、医院制度化建设、医生道德行为培养三个层面进行了探索性的尝试,对举办研修班、创建急救绿色通道、医风十大禁令、患者满意度评价、数字化信息建设、常态化义诊、师承式教育模式、特色诊疗体系、慈善活动等取得的成绩进行了总结和介绍。  相似文献   
法兴禅师塔 位于五台山佛光寺西北的塔坪上、解脱禅师塔前.法兴禅师,京洛人,7岁出家.精通《妙法莲华经》和《净名经》等.他志历名山,乐止林泉,遂隶名佛光寺,并建三层九间弥勒大阁.又塑佛菩萨像万尊,分置台山诸寺.他曾任五台山山门都纲.唐文宗太和二年(828)圆寂,建塔于佛光寺西北一里.塔身平面六角形,下为石制六角束腰须弥座,上下各三层,中间无雕饰.其下为石制基台,年深日久,被土掩埋.塔身一层正面辟有方门,上为方形塔铭,记述了塔主的生平行履和建塔时间.铭上为砖砌的普柏枋和阑额,承托着仿木构的转角斗拱和颇浅的叠涩塔檐.一层和三层塔檐相似,二层和四层塔檐仿佛.一、三层的塔檐比二、四层的塔檐既厚且大.三层塔身正面也嵌有一块刻石,可惜文字漫漶不清.一、三层的塔身远远高于二、四层的塔身.四层塔檐上面,反叠涩内收而成塔顶.年长日久,风沙掩埋,现在看去犹似一个半圆形的塔顶.该塔敦厚稳重,形制特殊,实为罕见,而且现在已荡然无存,仅留一张影片了.所以说,它是一张弥足珍贵的资料.  相似文献   
通过分析社会转型期下岗人群心理障碍的主要表现 ,针对下岗人群社会支持状况 ,提出了通过构建包括政府组织、非政府组织和个人支持在内的多层次社会支持系统 ,有效控制和预防下岗人员心理障碍的社会干预策略  相似文献   
通过分析目前白血病单一治疗方法学中的利与弊,可以得到一些重要的启示和思考,这些启示引导我们要用综合的手段去治疗白血病,并最终攻克白血病这一顽疾。  相似文献   
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technology renders the issue of the cognitive subject in epistemology a prominent one. It challenges the epistemological consensus that humankind is the only cognitive subject. With the development from weak AI to strong AI, the significance of humankind being the cognitive subject will undergo new changes. At present, AI technology does not possess the cognitive ability that humans do. As a result, considering the existing AI technology, the issue related to the cognitive subject to which we must give more attention ultimately concerns the epistemological labor division between human and machine. This division of labor requires the foundation that the technical possibility is governed by the value orientation. From the value perspective of regarding human beings as the purpose, machine intelligence, and the direction and limit of the power that technology brings to cognitive subjects will be clarified. This will let the information technology do what it is meant to do, while people will always be able to reserve the subject status for themselves.  相似文献   
流行病学在人群的疾病预防控制方面应用广泛,与哲学、统计学、传染病学等学科相互渗透.然而流行病学作为一门自然科学有其固有的缺陷.扼要的介绍了流行病学研究范围的局限性,研究中偏倚避免的困难性等发展中所面临的挑战,归纳总结了流行病学与相关学科的联系,并对流行病学未来的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   
Separate studies of Chinese and Western individuals have suggested that there are cultural differences in perceptions of creativity, particularly in an emphasis on meritorious salience versus aesthetic salience as bases for creativity, but cross‐cultural studies are needed to substantiate that difference. In this study, undergraduates from Giessen in Germany and Hong Kong and Nanjing in China provided data on the recognition of famous creative persons. Chinese undergraduates in Hong Kong and Nanjing mostly nominated politicians, scientists or inventors, but rarely nominated artists, musicians. German undergraduates mostly nominated philosophers, artists, and writers but rarely nominated politicians. This supports our assumption that the Chinese evaluation of creators emphasizes the meritorious salience of creativity whereas the German evaluation of creators emphasizes the aesthetic salience of creativity. Implications and limitations of this study are discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
浅谈非法实施胎儿性别鉴定的刑事立法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,我国出生婴儿性别比例严重失调,给整个社会带来了严重的危害.虽然国家和各地方制定了一系列相关的法律、法规,严禁对胎儿实施性别鉴定.但依靠的是民事和行政法律手段,因而收效甚微,未能有效遏制这一现象的恶性循环,男女性别比例失调的形势愈加严峻.因此,有必要对非法实施胎儿性别鉴定行为进行刑事立法.以我国出生婴儿性别比严重失调的现状为切入点,并以此为基点提出一些个人的刑事立法观点.  相似文献   
上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《易经》中的蛊卦,所记述的是西周早、中期关于侍奉父母的应有态度;其丰卦,所记述的则是西周早、中期出现的一次太阳黑斑天象以及当时官方的祭祀风俗。  相似文献   
咨访关系中的客观与主观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咨访关系是种特殊的、动态的、治疗性的人际关系,咨访双方互为主体.其间,咨访双方探求的"客观真实",因时空情境、历史文化、价值观念和个体经验不同而各异.建构主义认为真实是多元的,而在涉及心理现象,尤其是心理咨询与治疗的咨访互动的人际关系过程时,实证主义也显得力不从心,使咨访关系中的主观与客观成为很有争议、有价值的探讨点.  相似文献   
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