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作为宋代理学的奠基人和洛学的开启者,程颢、程颐兄弟在儒学思想发展史上占有重要地位。关于二程思想的关系,二程自认为相同,他们的弟子及后世多数学者也不认为有什么重要区别。[1]但由于二程性格的差异及思想酝酿时期的长短不同,二程在人生境界及理论阐发上均表现出了明显的不  相似文献   
Objective: To explore trajectories of public psycho-behavioural responses over one influenza A(H7N9) epidemic wave, and examine the interplays among social norm influence, disease worry and protective behaviours.

Methods: Participants were 464 adults who completed the baseline and at least two follow-up assessments on their H7N9-related Perceived Susceptibility, Perceived Severity, Perceived Efficacy, Worry, Social Norms influence and Protective Behaviours in a five-phase longitudinal survey over one H7N9 epidemic wave. Latent growth modelling (LGM) identified trajectories of these psycho-behavioural responses while multi-process LGM examined the inter-relationships among trajectories of Social Norms influence, Worry and Protective Behaviours.

Results: Trajectories of Perceived Susceptibility, Worry, Social Norms and Protective Behaviours increased initially but declined as the epidemic decayed, while Perceived Severity increased linearly and Perceived Efficacy remained stable across the epidemic. Change in Social Norms influence was significantly associated with change in Worry (β?=?0.65) which was significantly associated with change in Protective Behaviours (β?=?0.62).

Conclusion: The public’s threat appraisal but not efficacy appraisal may have been well-informed by epidemic-related information. Social Norms may be important contributors of public emotional response to an epidemic. Communication via social networks during an epidemic could be important for regulating public emotional response and guiding their behavioural change.  相似文献   

Many studies on power and its influence on pro-social behavior have been conducted with Western samples. Little is known about whether the relevant research findings can be extended to other cultural settings. This study investigates the relationship between sense of power and self-reported helping behavior in Chinese culture. Using a sample of 388 undergraduate students, this study examines a moderated mediation model in which moral identity serves as a moderator and perspective taking serves as a mediator. The results show that sense of power is negatively associated with helping behavior, and this association is mediated by perspective taking. That is, sense of power exerts a negative effect on perspective taking, thereby decreasing people's tendency to help others. In addition, moral identity moderates the direct and indirect effect from sense of power to helping behavior. Specifically, when moral identity is low, sense of power exerts negative effects on perspective taking and helping behavior, but these effects become non-significant when moral identity is high. This study sheds new light on the understanding of sense of power by examining its profound role in influencing pro-social engagement in Eastern cultures. Our findings suggest that powerful people with lower levels of moral identity may be less willing to consider others' thoughts and feelings, and act less helping behavior. While high moral identity may buffer the negative effect of sense of power and enable powerful people to better play a role in promoting social harmony.  相似文献   
后现代主义批判了传统形而上学的知性意识及其整体主义致思,不啻为一次新启蒙。然而,后现代主义在解构了旧形而上学之后却不自觉地陷入另一种形而上学,并且在其后果上引发了价值多元主义的自我悖谬。价值多元化何以可能?在一个"诸神纷争"的价值处境中学者们提出了不同的消解策略,其中确立一种"边界意识"具有理论合理性。  相似文献   
作为宋明易学哲学的代表人物之一,张载论"易之四象",既承继前人,又有自己的创新,这尤为表现在他提出的第三种"四象"说上。张载的"象"范畴承担了沟通形而上下的使命,他并将"四象"说纳入到气象理一体的气本论哲学体系之中,重点贯彻了本体与变化相关联而突出变化通达的理论特色。  相似文献   
灵活的策略转换是个体根据情境高效解决问题的重要能力之一。本研究分别在强制转换和自由转换两种范式下,探讨乘法估算中不同难度的策略转换是否需要转换成本。结果发现,个体使用两种不同难度的策略时均存在对称策略转换成本,且从较难策略转换到简单策略存在策略顺序困难效应。对称的策略转换成本中出现策略顺序困难效应,表明策略顺序困难效应与对称的策略转换成本可以共存。  相似文献   
该研究考察法律决策中消极结果严重程度及消除策略对后见偏差的影响。实验采用3(严重程度:轻微损害、中度损害、严重损害)×3(有无策略:后见组、分散注意组、指导组)两因素被试间设计。采用自编两个案例及问卷测查法律决策中后见效应的差异,实验结果发现,后见偏差的强度随着事件消极结果严重程度的增加而显著增强。在消极结果的严重损害程度下,产生出最大的后见偏差。同时,两种策略指导都能够有效减少法律决策中的后见偏差。  相似文献   
学界对《孟子》中舜的行为是否合理纷争不已,主要原因在于,未阐明舜或孟子看待亲亲与守法公正之关系的特定视角。对此,宋儒阐发了公私对立与公私并济两种观点,从道德责任角度论证舜的行为的合理性,彰显出公私观的多维伦理意涵。公心与私意对立的道德价值观阐明,合理的行为出于主体道德责任意识与伦理角色的合宜要求,并排除主观情欲与私自用智的干扰。公义与私恩并济的政治伦理观则揭示出公私领域既分明、又可能重叠之事实,以及家庭与社会双重责任的不容推卸性。据此,有效化解恩义伦理困境的方式不是恩义的价值高低排序与选择,而是出于伦理责任与仁义道德的恩义两全与恩义不相害。  相似文献   
时尚的祛魅——时尚、现代性与消费的当代合谋的解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁芃 《哲学动态》2007,(1):29-34
时尚不仅仅是一种物质样式,更是一种行为方式、一种文化形式。从这个角度上说,所有的时尚在现代几乎都达到了某种文化的创意,都试图达到超越现象的心理满足。从传统向现代转型的中国这个大背景看,人们的生活方式、消费观念、审美体验等都发生了深刻的变化。“从日常生活到深层心理,从衣食住行到文化娱乐,短短十几年的工夫,中国人的生活趣味竟发生了翻天覆地的变化。西装、流行歌曲、发型、首饰,成了中国人形影相随的必需品”,“审美趣味与人性需求的变化,几乎发生在当代的生存形式和生活实践的所有领域和方面,并产生了新的趋向和特点”。这…  相似文献   
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