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This study examined the role of both pubertal and social transitions in the emergence of gender differences in depressive symptoms during adolescence. This study generated the following findings: (a) Gender differences in depressive symptoms emerged during 8th grade and remained significant through 12th grade. (b) Pubertal status in 7th grade was related to adolescent depressive symptoms over time. (c) Early-maturing girls represented the group with the highest rate of depressive symptoms. (d) Depressive symptoms measured in 7th grade predicted subsequent symptom levels throughout the secondary school years. (e) Recent stressful life events were associated with increased depressive symptoms. (f) Early-maturing girls with higher levels of initial symptoms and more recent stressful life events were most likely to be depressed subsequently. The findings demonstrate the importance of the interaction between the pubertal transition and psychosocial factors in increasing adolescent vulnerability to depressive experiences.  相似文献   
性别和社会发展对中国大学生男性观念的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 前言  男性观念是“在两个性别之间的结构性关系的基础上 ,有关男子气和男性性别的内化了的文化信念体系”(Pleck ,Sonenstein ,&Ku ,1993 ,P .88)。社会建构论与实质论在男性观念上观点不同。社会建构论认为 ,性别角色是为适应特定历史时期的特定社会需要而构造起来的心理和社会的东西。男性观念没有单一标准 ,也不存在各种文化都通用的男性观念 ,不存在固定不变的男性观念 (Brod ,1987;Pleck ,1995 )。由于男性观念有社会性 ,不同社会阶层、不同民族、不同性别、不同生命阶段、不同历史时期的人 ,其男性…  相似文献   
自画像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我出生于奥尔登堡城,父亲出生于耶伏尔州,母亲出生于布加丁根,两地均临北海海岸。在我的整个童年时代,我们每年都到佛里兰岛消磨时光,并同大海一同成长。我记得,我三、四岁那年,我们曾住在斯皮格罗格,但根本不记得那里是大海,而只记得灌木丛和房屋。但几年后,我们住在诺德尼岛,傍晚时分,父亲拉着我的手,走下宽阔的海滩,向大海走去。退潮了,路穿过清洁的海滩,那番情景,令我惊讶,难以忘怀。  相似文献   
一他人不是作为客体或对象向我显现 ,这个说法 ,并不只意味着我不把另一人作为我支配的一个东西、一个“某物” ,而且还主张 ,在我自身与他者们 (theothers)、我与某人之间建立的原初关系不能被不恰当地说成是占有、把握和受制于客体的认知行为。这个被假定是外在的客体实际上已经被我包含了 :因此内在和超越的含糊身份也已经被我包含了。与他者们的关系正是这种含糊性和唯心主义哲学的老传统的终结。在这种唯心主义老传统中 ,语言的出现只是一个辅助因素、一种手段 ,通过它使严格说来是发生在我们内部的事情让外人知晓 ,或者是作…  相似文献   
晚期海德格尔的三天讨论班纪要   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
本文取自美因河畔的V .克罗斯特曼出版社 (VittorioKlostermann ,FrankfurtamMain)于 1977年出版的《四个讨论班》 (VierSeminare ,1977)一书。该书辑录了海德格尔在 6 0年代和 70年代四个哲学讨论班的讨论。由于该书篇幅较大 ,我们摘译了 196 9年 9月 7日、 1973年 9月 7日和1973年 9月 8日这三天的讨论 ,内容涉及语言、希腊哲学、胡塞尔哲学和技术问题等。其中关于马克思《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的评论 ,虽然数量不多 ,但值得关注。196 9年讨论班的举办地是法国普罗旺斯的多尔 (leThor)。 1973年讨论班在德国弗莱堡的采林根区 (Zaehringen)海德格尔寓所举行。参与者主要是法国哲学家。原文记录是法文 ,记录者有《存在与时间》的法译者F 费迪耶 (FFedier)、瓦岑 (FVezin)、蒙日 (Mongis)、塔米尼奥(Taminiaux)等。全部记录都向海德格尔宣读过。最后由居尔·奥赫瓦特 (CurdOchwadt)将法文记录译为德文。  相似文献   
胡塞尔先验哲学的交互主体性转折   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在本世纪,语言哲学对古典心智哲学的批评常常被理解为哲学范式一个不可逆的决定性转向,即从主体哲学转向了交互主体性哲学。这一转向在阿佩尔和哈贝马斯的著作中不断得到认同。因此,阿佩尔鲜明地倡导先验哲学向交互主体性哲学的转折。不是单个的、自我-意识自我,而是语言共同体,即交互主体性,才应被看作为基本的先验框架。阿佩尔和哈贝马斯都认为,哲学范式的这一转变对现象学提出了一个决定性的挑战,并且,从他们的立场出发,讨论的结果经常是否定性的。他们把胡塞尔的现象学看成是古典主体哲学最后一次也许是最有力的尝试,并竭力揭示其唯我论的荒谬和困境,希望借此来显示他们自己的倾向的合理性。简而言之,他们声称,胡塞尔所运用的真理和意义概念无视其内在的交互主体性特征;胡塞尔的理论不能解释那种表征交互主体性的特定的主体-主体的对称性关联,它完全受制于一种唯我论的、定位于主体-客体的意向性概念;并且最后,胡塞尔自主的主体性概念也是不可接受的,因为自我-意识和个体性远非自我一般(sui generis),而只是那个更为基础的社会化过程的产物。  相似文献   
评罗尔斯的《政治自由主义》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治哲学是当代西方哲学中最活跃和引人注目的领域 ,近几十年来 ,著名的思想家和重要的论著不断涌现。我国学术界在这方面的翻译、介绍工作相当积极、多产 ,尽管如此 ,由于起步很晚 ,不少重要篇章至今尚未译 ,本栏目将择要选介 ,以期研究者和读者能对当代西方政治哲学的脉络和进展有一全面、深入了解。哈贝马斯访华 ,进一步激起了对他的思想的关注 ;当代政治哲学中 ,平等问题和正义问题一样处于中心地位。本栏目的介绍工作从这两个话题做起。  相似文献   
尼采的革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗里德里希·尼采是当今西方非马克思主义世界中最有影响的哲学家。他的影响范围冲破了那种通常把知识分子和政治活动家分开的、理论与实践的传统界限。而且 ,他的学说已经在公众中广为传播 ,即使在那些从未听说过他的名字或从未读过他的著作的人中也是如此 ,从表面上看 ,这似乎与尼采本人的不为群氓写作的主张相矛盾。值得注意的是 ,尼采是一位自诩的颓废者、虚无主义者、无神论者、反基督教者、经院哲学的反对者 ,社会主义、平均主义和“人民”的严厉批评者。他拥护贵族的政治观念 ,坚决主张将人类划分为不同的等级 ,他甚至劝说男人到女人…  相似文献   
Rips and Estin (1998) provided evidence that mental events such as dreaming are more homogeneous than physical events such as checking out a book; that is, their parts are more difficult to distinguish. In their experiment, participants listed more distinctive properties for the parts of physical events than for the parts of mental events. However, the physicality of stimuli was confounded with temporal aspects. Mental stimuli tended to be processes, and physical stimuli, events. This study tested homogeneity with new stimuli separating out the factors of physicality and aspect. Consistently, both physicality and aspect had significant effects on the perceived homogeneity of activities, as measured by the number of listed parts, the number of distinctive properties of each part, and homogeneity ratings. The study shows that homogeneity is strongly influenced by aspect but that physicality remains a robust factor for homogeneity, even after taking aspect into account.  相似文献   
The zebrafish represents a potentially useful organism for studying genes involved in learning and memory function in vertebrates, because a number of genetic techniques in zebrafish have been developed to produce a wide variety of genetic mutants. While zebrafish mutants are being developed, behavioral studies on learning and memory function in zebrafish are in urgent need. The present study investigated active avoidance conditioning in normal zebrafish. Zebrafish were trained to swim from a lighted (CS) compartment to a dark compartment to avoid an electrical body shock (US) in a shuttle-box that consisted of a water-filled tank separated by an opaque barrier into two equal compartments. By varying the number of trials per training session and the duration of the intertrial interval, Experiments 1 and 2 showed that, with the CS, US, and intertrial interval being 12s, zebrafish learned avoidance responses within a training session consisting of 30 trials and retained the avoidance responses. Experiment 3 showed that zebrafish learned avoidance responses following the association between the CS of light and the US of shock in the avoidance conditioning paradigm. Using the avoidance conditioning paradigm, Experiment 4 investigated the amnestic effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME in zebrafish. Experiment 4 showed that post-training injection of L-NAME significantly impaired retention of avoidance responses while MK-801 did not, confirming previous results with other vertebrates. The results of the present study suggest the similar involvements of neurochemicals in learning and memory among vertebrates. Thus, future studies with zebrafish mutants may identify genes involved in learning and memory in vertebrates.  相似文献   
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