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T. E. Moffitt's (1993a) hypothesis that adolescent-limited criminal offenders will have higher scores on tests of cognitive ability than life-course-persistent offenders was tested with 12 tests of cognitive ability given to a large and diverse sample of delinquent juveniles whose arrest records were collected over 20 years. This is the first investigation to empirically evaluate this proposal with longitudinal data obtained from a sample for a long enough time to distinguish life course patterns of crime. This study provided only partial support for Moffitt's hypothesis because the results varied by ethnicity. We found relatively consistent support for the hypothesis for Caucasians and Hispanics but no support for the hypothesis for African Americans. These findings are interpreted in terms of differences in developmental contexts for individual ethnic groups.  相似文献   
直视不可能性:克尔凯郭尔、德里达以及宗教的再现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
克尔凯郭尔在假名作品《恐惧与战栗》当中描述过“信仰”的“双重运动”,《再现》当中描述过对“再现”的“超越”,它们与德里达所说的“对于不可能的事情的经验”之间有着惊人的对应。因此在主线上,德里达提出的对于不可能的事情的激情与上述两部假名作品当中所提出的“宗教”范畴彼此呼应。一种“不可能性的公理”构成了德里达所说的“没有宗教的宗教”,而不是简单的宗教;构成了某种“宗教的再现”。于是,德里达和克尔凯郭尔的假名作者们拉近了宗教和解构之间的距离。  相似文献   
Recurrent stress is clinically associated with early onset hypertension and coronary artery disease. A mechanism linking emotion to pathogenic remodeling of the artery wall has not been identified. Stress stimulates acute regulated release of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) into the circulation, which is presently attributed to the vascular endothelium. Sympathetic neurons also synthesize t-PA and axonally transport it to the arterial smooth muscle. Unlike release by the endothelium, a stress-stimulated sympathetic discharge would potentially accelerate degradation of the wall matrix by plasmin. To assess whether sympathetic axons are the principal source of acute stress-induced arterial release of t-PA, we compared the output from small densely innervated and large sparsely innervated isolated artery segments before and after sympathetic stimulation, and after ablations. Following phenylephrine infusion densely-innervated microvessels in uveal eyecups were released over 60-fold greater amounts of active t-PA per milligram than the sparsely innervated aorta; and ten-fold more than carotid artery segments. Mesenteric artery release was 4.8-fold greater than release by the carotid artery. In vivo, uveal release of t-PA increased more than three-fold within one minute following superior cervical sympathetic ganglion electrical stimulation, and after phenylephrine, or nicotine infusions of the anterior chamber. Circulating levels of t-PA fell 70% following chemical sympathectomy. We propose that sympathetic nerves are the primary source of stress-induced release of t-PA into and from the densely innervated resistance arteries and arterioles, where dysregulated plasmin-induced proteolysis could damage the wall matrix.  相似文献   
Using data from a community sample of youth ( N = 1,458; ages 9-17), this study assessed the association between adolescent substance use/abuse and suicidal behaviors. Suicide attempts were strongly associated with alcohol abuse and dependence, followed by frequent cigarette smoking. The associations remained significant even after controlling for depression. The associations between substance use/abuse and suicidal ideation were no longer significant after controlling for depression. These findings highlight the important role that substance use plays in adolescent suicidal behaviors.  相似文献   
我现在谈一下西方哲学在过去10年的进展,并就下一个世纪哲学的发展提出自己的看法。这两个任务都很艰巨。如果考虑一下过去10年这个暑期学院的研讨班和讨论会,我们就会对哲学所涵盖的课题范围有所了解。这些研讨班和讨论会所涉及的论题包括伦理学、认识论、心的哲学、女性主义思想和科学哲学等。在这篇简短的文章中,我不可能充分讨论所有这些领域中的进展,更不要说哲学中的许多其他领域了。所以,我要有所选择而只是提及哲学在过去10年的许多进展中的少数几个。我首先要谈的问题,有时被称为“信息爆炸”的问题。近些年来,我们在…  相似文献   
The conventional binormal model, which assumes that a pair of latent normal decision-variable distributions underlies ROC data, has been used successfully for many years to fit smooth ROC curves. However, if the conventional binormal model is used for small data sets or ordinal-category data with poorly allocated category boundaries, a "hook" in the fitted ROC may be evident near the upper-right or lower-left corner of the unit square. To overcome this curve-fitting artifact, we developed a "proper" binormal model and a new algorithm for maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of the corresponding ROC curves. Extensive simulation studies have shown the algorithm to be highly reliable. ML estimates of the proper and conventional binormal ROC curves are virtually identical when the conventional binormal ROC shows no "hook," but the proper binormal curves have monotonic slope for all data sets, including those for which the conventional model produces degenerate fits. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   
理论伦理学罗素在他最早关于伦理学的思想中抱有浪漫主义的黑格尔主义观点,认为宇宙本身就是善的,是“理智的爱”的适当对象。他接受这个观点是受了麦克塔加特①的启发,但是这一观点不久就对他失去了的吸引力。罗素对伦理问题最早的认真研究见于他在1910年发表的论文《伦理学要义》,这篇文章表明他遵循G.E.摩尔在其《伦理学原理》(PrincwiaE山ic)中所倡导的学说。摩尔在该书中争辩说,善是一种不可定义的、不可分析的然而却是客观存在的性质,存在于事物、行为和人身上,是通过直接的道德直观行为知觉到的。摩尔抱有某种功利主义…  相似文献   
董仲舒研究:欧洲北美新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、董学研究的先期阶段在最近四十年间,欧洲北美董学研究有着显著的进展,它是在两个学术阶段中展开的.从时间意义上看,其间已面世的研究成果数量相当可观:从方法论意义上看,学者们都从董仲舒著作的可信性入手展开研究.先期学术阶段始于本世纪中叶,一直延续到70年代,以几部中国哲学史的出版为表征.这几部哲学史包括对归于董仲舒的有限的选集内容的评价和翻译.这类著作中最出名的三部是德克·布德英译的冯友兰《中国哲学简史》;陈荣捷的《中国哲学史料集》和F.W.莫待英译的肖公权的《中国政治思想史》.最近,这类专门著作有本杰明·施瓦茨1985年出版的《古代中国思想界》.  相似文献   
Ⅱ p.168说人们相信统治者有这些力量,而统治者都非常明白自己没有,或者仅仅因为他低能或白痴才不明白,那是不对的。但是,统治者的力量这一观念是以该观念与经验——不管是人民的还是统治者的——相协调的方式起作用的。说虚伪在起作用,仅因为它通常十分靠近人们所做的大部分事情。 p.169当我们的(或至少是我自己的)同伴中的某人笑得太过分时,我会有意无意地抿紧嘴唇,好象我相信这能让他闭嘴似的。  相似文献   
如果你想看清罗素的重大贡献,那就要观察一下,从两次世界大战之间的年代起在英语世界中发展的主流哲学。另外还要看一看逻辑和数理哲学的发展,20世纪西方世界中道德风气的改变,以及为了防止核武器扩散而进行的种种努力。全面讲述其中任何一个问题都要提到罗素。在上面说的某些方面他只是众多角色中的一个;比如说促成本世纪的道德革命就绝非他一人之力。他在核裁军运动中站在更靠近中心的位置,正如第一次世界大战时期他在和平运动中的地位一样。  相似文献   
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