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试论西方萨满教研究的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方萨满教研究大体经历了魔鬼化、骗子化、精神病理学化、普遍化、理想化、多样化等几个发展阶段,文章分析了这几个阶段的主要表现,并对西方萨满教历史研究特点进行了反思。  相似文献   
自我复杂性模型研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Linville的自我复杂性模型认为,高度分化的自我概念(自我维度数量少且维度间的相似性低)能够通过防止情绪扩散缓冲压力事件的消极影响。相关研究有的证实了这一假设,有的则未获得相关证据。研究者认为结果存在差异的主要原因在于对以下问题尚存分歧:自我复杂性反映的是整合还是分化、内容与结构的关系问题等等。研究者由此提出将自我复杂性的重叠成分单独研究,或者将内容和结构相结合的方法对模型做了一定的修正。作者在回顾上述文化的同时提出,未来研究需要清楚地进行概念界定,澄清其作用机制和选择有效的研究方法,由此促进自我复杂性理论的进一步发展完善  相似文献   
目的:考察强制戒毒人员的戒毒动机对于复吸倾向的影响机制。方法:使用强制戒毒者复吸倾向性心理调查表、戒毒动机量表、心理韧性量表和情绪调节自我效能感量表对710名强制戒毒人员进行调查。结果:(1)强制戒毒人员戒毒动机负向预测复吸倾向;(2)情绪调节自我效能感中介了戒毒动机和复吸倾向的关系;(3)心理韧性调节了情绪调节自我效能感的中介效应。结论:戒毒动机不仅直接影响强制隔离戒毒人员的复吸倾向,也通过情绪调节自我效能感间接影响强制隔离戒毒人员复吸倾向,心理韧性增强了情绪调节自我效能感对复吸倾向的影响。  相似文献   
The evidence that distractor processing increases with greater load on working memory has come mainly from Stroop-type interference tasks, making it difficult to establish whether cognitive load affects distractor processing at the perceptual level or during response selection. We measured the Ebbinghaus illusion under varying levels of working memory load to test whether cognitive control is also relevant for preventing processing of distractors that do not produce any response conflict, and instead affect target processing at the perceptual level. The Ebbinghaus illusion was greater under high working memory load, suggesting that availability of cognitive control functions is critical to reduce distractor processing even for distractors that are not associated with a response. We conclude that the effect of loading working memory during selective attention leads to greater distractor perception.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that people can implicitly acquire mappings between word forms and literal meanings (Williams, 2004, Williams, 2005). We argue, from the metaphor-representation and embodiment perspectives, that people can unconsciously establish mappings between word forms and not only literal but also metaphorical meanings. Using Williams’ (2005) paradigm, we found that transfer of form-meaning connections from a concrete domain (space) to an abstract domain (power) was achieved in a metaphor-consistent way without awareness. Our results support the view that unconscious knowledge can be flexibly deployed in an abstract way not previously explored in the implicit learning literature.  相似文献   
The ACE and ADE models have been heavily exploited in twin studies to identify the genetic and environmental components in phenotypes. However, the validity of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) of the existence of a variance component, a key step in the use of such models, has been doubted because the true values of the parameters lie on the boundary of the parameter space of the alternative model for such tests, violating a regularity condition required for a LRT (e.g., Carey in Behav. Genet. 35:653–665, 2005; Visscher in Twin Res. Hum. Genet. 9:490–495, 2006). Dominicus, Skrondal, Gjessing, Pedersen, and Palmgren (Behav. Genet. 36:331–340, 2006) solve the problem of testing univariate components in ACDE models. Our current work as presented in this paper resolves the issue of LRTs in bivariate ACDE models by exploiting the theoretical frameworks of inequality constrained LRTs based on cone approximations. Our derivation shows that the asymptotic sampling distribution of the test statistic for testing a single bivariate component in an ACE or ADE model is a mixture of χ 2 distributions of degrees of freedom (dfs) ranging from 0 to 3, and that for testing both the A and C (or D) components is one of dfs ranging from 0 to 6. These correct distributions are stochastically smaller than the χ 2 distributions in traditional LRTs and therefore LRTs based on these distributions are more powerful than those used naively. Formulas for calculating the weights are derived and the sampling distributions are confirmed by simulation studies. Several invariance properties for normal data (at most) missing by person are also proved. Potential generalizations of this work are also discussed.  相似文献   
People with high level of trait mindfulness are more likely to maintain an open and present-focused awareness and attention. Whereas a positive link between trait mindfulness and well-being has been established, its influence on real-world performance has not been fully addressed. In Study 1, we validated the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI) in a Chinese sample (N = 294) and found that a two-dimensional solution (a presence factor and an acceptance factor) best fit the data. In Study 2, using this validated scale, we directly investigated the influence of trait mindfulness on task and safety performance. In a sample of 136 Chinese nuclear power plant operators, it was found that trait mindfulness interacted with task complexity to influence performance. For high-complexity-task holders (the control room operators), the presence factor was positively related to their task and safety performance; for the low-complexity-task holders (the field operators), the presence factor had no influence on safety performance but a negative influence on task performance. The acceptance factor did not have any meaningful influences. These results suggest that the benefit of being mindful outweighs its cost for complex but not simple tasks. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   
弥勒信仰衰落原因简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥勒净土信仰在南北朝时期非常兴盛,到隋唐以后逐渐衰落.其衰落的内在原因,主要是在弥勒净土和弥陀净土的选择上,信众更倾向于后者.其次·弥勒净土后继乏人而弥陀净土却人才辈出,以及以弥勒为号召的民众起义所带来的负面影响,是弥勒信仰衰落的另一在原因.  相似文献   
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