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Xiaoqin Wu  Alfred DeMaris 《Sex roles》1996,34(5-6):299-319
Although women evidently have higher depression levels than men and singles have higher depression levels than the married, the reasons for these differences are yet unclear. This paper investigates whether differences in the stress-producing circumstances of the lives of men and women, and the married and unmarried, might explain the differences in their levels of depression. Using data from the National Survey of Families and Households, we found that gender differences in depression were accounted for by chronic strains. Family-based strains and economic hardship are significant predictors of higher distress in women. Chronic strains also explain why variations in depression are more pronounced among the married than among the unmarried.Bowling Green State University  相似文献   
提高智慧的再次研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴天敏 《心理学报》1985,18(1):40-47
本文是关于提高智慧的第二次实验报告。这次实验所得结果与上次所得结果完全一致。这次实验历时三个月,总共进行了大约了个半小时的动脑筋练习。两个实验班的智商分别提高了6分和5分,再次证明了智商是可以通过动脑筋练习而得到提高的。这样提高的智商与学习成绩的提高是否有一致关系,不但是个理论问题,也是个重要的实际问题。研究这个问题,虽然不在我们这次实验计划之中,根据这次实验结果,我们也作了一些分析。结果表明:智商提高与期末考试成绩之间,没有明显的一致关系;不过随着智商的提高而增加考试分数的趋势,似乎是存在的。  相似文献   
本文是关于作文评分中主观性问题的研究,包括三部分内容: 1.作文评分中差异性的特点。 2.不同类型主观性暗示效应差异特点原因分析。 3.不同暗示程度与年龄、性别、教龄、文化程度,任教年级的关系分析。  相似文献   
听、说、读、写是有文化的正常人言语交际的四个基本环节。言语行为有两个方面即:口语行为和书面言语行为。这两个方面有着各自的神经结构基础。但就个体言语发展来看,从听语到口语,到书面言语却又是相继形成,相互推动,相互制约的统一的大脑过  相似文献   
Some recent studies have demonstrated that the processing of color is favored by the nondominant hemisphere in English-speaking subjects. Single Chinese logographs in Japanese- as well as Chinese-speaking subjects are similarly favored. In the present study, it was hypothesized that more Stroop interference would occur in the nondominant hemisphere because the two processes involved in the Stroop effect (i.e., reading logographs and naming colors) are possibly localized in that hemisphere in Chinese-speaking subjects. Eighteen right-handed Chinese-English bilinguals were used as subjects. There were three conditions in each visual field: Interference, reading, and naming. Each slide was presented for 150 msec preceded by a fixation dot. Subjects were asked to verbally report as fast and as accurately as possible either the color words or the color names, depending upon the condition. Reaction times and error rates were analyzed. As expected, more Stroop interference was obtained when color words were presented in the left visual field. This result is in direct contrast with that of Y-C. Tsao, T. Feustel, and C. Soseos 1979, Brain and Language, 8, 367–371. In that study, more Stroop interference was obtained when the materials were presented in the right visual field in English-speaking subjects.  相似文献   
50—90岁成人的短时记忆研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作研究了102例50—90岁成人的短时记忆,其中85例进行了较详细的体格检查。以22例20—25岁青年的记忆检查作为对照,结果看到: 1.在图片自由回忆、逻辑故事识记、数字广度识记三个项目上,记忆都有随年龄增长而逐步减退的明显趋势; 2.识记逻辑故事时,对中心意义的记忆减退较分节记忆减退缓慢,顺背数字的记忆广度随年龄增长而减小较其他项目都要缓慢,表明老年记忆减退有其特点; 3.神经系统和心血管系统的病理性或老年性变化与记忆减退有关。  相似文献   
分心对记忆影响的年龄差异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了分心对老年人和青年人的记忆影响的年龄差异。分心条件是在判断简单算术题正误的同时,识记指向记忆和故事。结果:1.在上述分心条件下,老年组记忆作业受损比青年人更为严重;分心扩大了记忆的年龄差异。2.相对分心消耗值显然受刺激条件的影响,属片断记忆的故事分节分,分心消耗最大,类似语义记忆的故事意义分,分心消耗最小,介乎两者之间的指向记忆分,分心消耗居中。3.分心对上述记忆的影响有适应现象,两组的第二次分心测试成绩均较第一次进步。  相似文献   
神经症患者MMPI模式特点的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴彩云  赵介城 《心理学报》1991,24(2):97-105
本研究总结了1112例神经症患者MMPI测查结果,探讨了神经症患者MMPI的模式特点。研究结果表明,本症患者除K、Mf-f分外其余量表原始分均显著高于常模。以中国T分60为界,大部分神经症患者都表现在1、2、3、7量表上升高,两点编码模式为12/21、13/31、23/32或27/72型。其基本符合率和完全符合率在70%以上。本文还探讨了神经症各型的编码特点,它与临床表现相符。故作者认为MMPI对神经症患者的心理状态和心理特征评定和描述,可为本症的诊断和心理治疗提供较为客观的依据。  相似文献   
窗口形状对视觉局域运动知觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据人类视觉运动中小孔问题(Aperture Problem)的观点,如果通过小孔观察一个运动的光栅,那么人类视觉系统能够检测的唯一运动只有光栅的法向运动分量。本文设计了一系列不同形状的窗口,研究窗口内视觉系统的局域运动知觉。研究结果表明,窗口内视觉系统的局域运动知觉,包括主观运动方向和速度大小,取决于窗口的形状及光栅的朝向。传统的小孔问题的观点显然是片面的。  相似文献   
Startle reflexes to intense sound bursts are inhibited by weak stimuli that briefly precede their elicitation. In three experiments the startle stimulus (a 110-dB SPL tone burst) was presented 100 ms after the final link in a train of stimuli, the length of the train varying from 1 to 1,000, its repetition rate varying from 1 per s to 10 per s, and its constituents being 40 dB or 50 dB white noise bursts of 25 ms duration. Inhibition was invariant across train length and repetition rate. In a final experiment the startle stimulus was presented a variable interval after the final link, from 40 ms to 1280 ms, with 1 or 100 noise bursts (50 dB) in the train. Inhibition developed more rapidly following the last member of the 100-stimulus train, suggestive of a "priming" or sensitization effect of stimulus repetition, but its overall strength and subsequent rate of decay were not different in the two conditions. The general persistence of inhibition following these extended series of stimuli reveals that reflex inhibition must be the outcome of a fixed and obligatory process associated with sensory input.  相似文献   
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