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为探讨青少年公正世界信念的发展轨迹及其影响因素,采用公正世界信念量表(BJW)、友谊质量量表(FQ)和网络社会支持量表(OSS)对来自河南省某3所高中的518名高一学生进行两年追踪调查。结果发现:(1)青少年一般公正世界信念高于个人公正世界信念;(2)青少年一般公正世界信念呈逐步下滑趋势,而个人公正世界信念的发展趋势则相对平稳;(3)友谊质量和网络社会支持均能分别解释个人公正世界信念和一般公正世界信念发展过程中的个体差异。研究结果揭示了青少年公正世界信念发展的轨迹,为引导青少年树立正确的世界观和人生观,培养积极的社会心态提供了有益建议。  相似文献   
This research draws on regulatory focus theory and applies it to the context of price framing in group meals. Specifically, it examines the possibility that a per‐person framing of price (an aggregate price) may activate a promotion focus (prevention focus) in consumers. The results of five experiments show that participants (a) generated more promotion‐relevant (vs. prevention‐relevant) thoughts, (b) were more inclined to consume the group meal when a persistent focus on promotion (vs. prevention) was exhibited, (c) rated promotion‐focused (vs. prevention‐focused) messages more favorably, and (d) reported a higher intention to opt for an offer where the chance of obtaining a positive goal was enhanced, in response to a per‐person price rather than an aggregate price. Mediation analyses provide additional evidence for the notion that pursuit of promotion goals (prevention goals), which relate to obtaining value (avoiding loss) primed by a per‐person price (an aggregate price), had the effect of regulating one's choices. Managerial implications of the findings are discussed, followed by recommendations for future research.  相似文献   
A significant body of research on the motives and pathways to attaining status has accumulated in the last few decades. At the same time, many of the commonly held assumptions and established findings in the status literature are drawn from research conducted in industrialized Western cultures. In this article, we review several fundamental differences between two widely studied cultures—Eastern and Western cultures—and propose that the core premises in the status literature map far more neatly onto what is known about Western cultures and less well onto what is known of Eastern cultures. More specifically, we examine cross‐cultural differences with respect to the meaning of status, motives underlying status pursuits, and the pathways that lead to status. We note how the reasons behind status pursuits may diverge among people from these two cultures, and how the behaviors that people employ when striving for status in Western cultures may not be effective in Eastern cultures. We conclude by proposing several avenues for future research.  相似文献   
以44名小学六年级儿童与40名大学生为被试,通过0~1和1/100~1/10两种数字线的NP(数字位置)和PN(位置数字)估计任务系统考察儿童与成人的分数估计的表征方式。结果显示:(1)儿童和成人在0~1数字线的NP和PN任务上都呈线性表征,但在1/100~1/10数字线下,两组被试在NP任务上却呈对数表征,在PN任务上呈指数表征;(2)NP任务的错误百分比均高于PN任务,且儿童在两数字线下的准确性均明显低于成人。  相似文献   
Kelly, Avraamides和Loomis (2007)发现被试在新环境中空间更新失败, 而肖承丽和刘传军(2014)发现被试在新环境中可使用想象平移等策略来实现空间更新。为了探索该两项研究的异同, 本研究采用与Kelly等相同的实验范式进行研究。实验1被试在原学习环境中完成实验任务。实验2被试记忆完物体空间位置后, 转移至新环境, 在只依靠离线表征、离线表征与在线表征相协调和离线表征与在线表征相矛盾三种条件下完成相同的实验任务。结果发现, 被试在原环境中通过躯体运动和记忆两种方式促进空间更新, 具有同等有效性, 而在新环境中躯体运动显著差于记忆对空间更新的促进作用; 躯体运动和记忆对空间更新的促进作用在两种环境中均高度相关。研究表明, 躯体运动促进空间更新具有环境依赖效应, 与记忆对空间更新的促进作用相比, 躯体运动对空间更新的促进作用会随着环境的改变而降低。  相似文献   
Hearing Spaces     
In this paper I argue that empty space can be heard. This position contrasts with the generally held view that the only things that can be heard are sounds, their properties, echoes, and perhaps sound sources. Specifically, I suggest that when sounds reverberate in enclosed environments we auditorily represent the volume of space surrounding us. Clearly, we can learn the approximate size of an enclosed space through hearing a sound reverberate within it, and so any account that denies that we hear empty space must instead show how beliefs about volumes of space can be derived indirectly from what is heard. That is, if space is not auditorily represented when we hear sounds reverberate, what is? I consider whether hearing reverberation can be thought of as hearing a distinct sound, hearing echoes, or hearing a property of a sound. I argue that experiences of reverberation cannot be reduced to the perception of any of these types and that therefore empty space is represented in auditory perceptual content. In the final section I outline two ways in which space might be represented.  相似文献   
Hens responded under multiple fixed‐ratio schedules with equal response requirements and either a 1‐s or a 6‐s reinforcer. Upcoming reinforcer size was indicated by key color. Components were presented in a quasirandom series so that all four component transitions occurred. Postreinforcement pauses were affected by the upcoming and preceding reinforcer size, with longer pauses after large reinforcers followed by small reinforcers than when followed by large ones, and longer pauses after small reinforcers that were followed by small reinforcers rather than large ones. Pauses increased with fixed‐ratio size and the effects of reinforcer size were larger the larger the ratio. When reinforcer size was not signaled—mixed fixed‐ratio schedules—pauses were shorter after small than after large reinforcers. Signalling the upcoming reinforcer attenuated the effect of the previous reinforcer size on pause duration when small was followed by small and when either small or large by large, but enhanced the effect when large was followed by small. There was no effect of reinforcer size on pause duration when single fixed‐ratio schedules were arranged. The effects of reinforcer size on pauses depends on the size and range of the fixed ratios as well as the exact procedures used in the study.  相似文献   
This article considers the influence of Broadway musicals on the spiritual growth, prosocial attitudes, church values, and moral reasoning of adults when used in Christian congregational worship. Can a church structure and use Broadway musicals in sermons to encourage its lay congregation to identify moral reasoning and recognize core church values and prosocial ideas through sermons based on Broadway musical theater? We applied humanistic psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning and development considered along with the church's stated core values and prosocial behavior to test if these themes were reflected in the rhetoric of sermons based on Broadway musicals presented from 2008–2015. Findings indicate that this series was well received by the congregation and leadership. Suggestions for further research and church applications for Christian education are given. This research highlights the importance of church archives and library support for the further development of information about the church and its role in society.  相似文献   
Despite the well-documented role of condoms in safe sex, people frequently fail to use them. Embarrassment and other negative emotions that occur while acquiring condoms may make it less likely that people will consistently purchase condoms, subsequently decreasing condom use. It is important to examine how situational factors affect emotions related to condom purchasing behaviors. Two experiments examined the influence of different condom purchasing situations on emotions felt and willingness to purchase condoms. Participants imagined one of three condom purchasing scenarios: anonymously at a self-checkout counter, non-anonymously at a regular checkout counter, or asking for condoms from a locked display. Results revealed that participants’ self-reported willingness to purchase condoms increased as levels of anonymity increased. Similarly, participants reported more positive emotions as anonymity increased. A negative correlation between negative emotion and willingness to purchase condoms also emerged. Overall, results suggest a need for businesses to help provide anonymity to customers, perhaps through incorporating self-checkouts into their stores to potentially decrease negative emotion felt and increase condom sales and potentially consistent condom use.  相似文献   
Different acculturation strategies (i.e. integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization) tend to contribute to different adaptation outcomes for international students. The current study examines Chinese international students’ acculturation strategies under the influence of sociodemographic variables and social ties they developed in the host country. A group of Chinese international students in Belgium (N = 183) participated in an online survey. The results indicate that integration was the most commonly adopted strategy among Chinese international students in Belgium, followed by separation, marginalization and assimilation. The results from three separate multiple regressions show that English proficiency, local language proficiency, prior adaptation experience and female were significant predictors of Chinese students’ social ties (i.e. host‐national ties, international ties and co‐national ties). The discriminant analysis identified host‐national ties, international ties, co‐national ties, local language proficiency and prior adaptation experience as important variables that can distinguish Chinese students’ acculturation strategies.  相似文献   
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