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从1946年6月全面内战爆发,到1947年7月至9月人民解放军由战略防御转入战略进攻,仅仅过去一年的时间,中国历史的发展就来了个大转折.在这个"转折年代"里,由于此前的"调处"失败,美国人在中国的历史舞台上开始由台前走向幕后,只能通过援助国民党的方式来继续干涉中国内政,与中国共产党人展开间接的较量.在指挥战略防御和部署战略反攻的繁忙日子里,毛泽东不得不花费大量的心血来反复分析和考量站在战场远端的美国.考量的结果是,他不仅提出了"一切反动派都是纸老虎"的著名论断,而且提出了"中间地带的革命"理论,接受了"两个阵营"划分的新理念,极大地丰富和发展了他在"转折年代"的美国观.  相似文献   
Previous neuroimaging studies have suggested that the neural activity associated with truthful recall, with false memory, and with feigned memory impairment are different from one another. Here, we report a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study that addressed an important but yet unanswered question: Is the neural activity associated with intentional faked responses and with errors differentiable? Using a word list learning recognition paradigm, the findings of this mixed event-related fMRI study clearly indicated that the brain activity associated with intentional faked responses was different to the activity associated with errors committed unintentionally. For intentional faked responses, significant activation was found in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate region, and the precuneus. However, no significant activation was observed for unintentional errors. The results suggest that deception, in terms of feigning memory impairment, is not only more cognitively demanding than making unintentional errors but also utilizes different cognitive processes.  相似文献   
普通高校体育教师职业认同与工作满意度的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究探讨了普通高校体育教师的核心自我评价、组织承诺、职业认同和工作满意度的关系.研究发现:职业认同和组织承诺是两种不同的心理结构;普通高校体育教师的核心自我评价和组织承诺影响着职业认同,核心自我评价、组织承诺和职业认同影响着工作满意度.  相似文献   
目的:为解广州市监狱警察工作士气状况对心理健康状况提供建议。方法:采用监狱警察工作问卷对广州137名狱警进行问卷调查。结果表明:在工作投入、团队精神、需求满足,职业兴趣四个维度上高于中等强度水平在专业精神,组织认同两个维度上处于中等水平。结论:广州市监狱警察总体士气在中等偏上水平。  相似文献   
唐艺 《管子学刊》2009,(4):55-60
在孔子心目中,仁包括了人视、听、言、动等各个方面的内容。正是因为仁的集合性,每个个体的人具有不同的质,所以孔子在回答不同弟子关于什么是仁的时候,就有了不同的答案。但目的是相同的,就是希望弟子都能养成美好的道德,努力达到仁的境界。孔子是从"美"的角度理解仁的,从内心到外表都做到了"美",就达到了"仁"的高度。"仁"的思想体现在孔子的一言一行中,同样反映在孔子对于乐的理解与理论上。礼和乐是不可分割的,在礼崩乐坏、时代大变革的背景下,孔子利用礼的理性特征和乐的感性特征,达到其社会教化的目的,把"尽善尽美"和"文质彬彬"的思想贯穿其中,以实现其"天下归仁"的理想。  相似文献   
如何协调人与自然的关系,走出生存环境危机已成为关系人类前途的重大课题.这一课题不仅直接影响着全球经济的可持续发展,而且严重地威胁着人类的生存.在马克思、恩格斯所处的工业文明时代.全球生态环境并没有像今天这样空前恶化和引人注目,但是他们在论述人与自然的关系时,从理论上探讨了人与自然的辩证关系,创立了生态平衡发展的完整观念,形成了独特的马克思主义生态文明观.这一思想为当今保持人与自然的和谐发展奠定了伦理基础.  相似文献   
胡锦涛在党的十七大报告中提出了"加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德建设"的任务,同时又指出了"弘扬中华文化"的途径和方向.从传统美德中的"礼"、"忠"、"孝"、"仁"的蕴义里,挖掘其底蕴,利用其精髓,并以其作为现代"四德"的承接点,是加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德和个人品德建设的重要途径.  相似文献   
Change detection performance is influenced by a number of factors, among which is the informativeness of targets. It has not been clarified, yet, whether the highly informative regions have a processing priority as a result of resource deployment from other tasks or whether it results from a better resource management. In this paper, we adopted a change detection paradigm in which thirty participants were randomly assigned to two groups: single (change detection task) and dual task [change detection and a simplified version of the Paced Auditory Serial Oppository Task (PASOT, Gow and Deary in J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 26:723–736, 2004), which implies a verbal effort]. Stimulus informativeness was defined as social relevance, that is, changing targets were people (high relevance) versus objects (low relevance), all other aspects (i.e., salience and position in the scene) kept constant. As hypothesized, data analyses showed a significant main effect of social relevance and task condition, i.e., better change detection performance and lower change detection times for people versus objects and for single than for dual task condition. Interestingly, the PASOT accuracy remained stable across the person versus object trials, thus implying that the better performance with socially relevant targets could not be explained by a resources withdrawal from the secondary task.
Fabrizio BraccoEmail:
Echolocating bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) discriminate between objects on the basis of the echoes reflected by the objects. However, it is not clear which echo features are important for object discrimination. To gain insight into the salient features, the authors had a dolphin perform a match-to-sample task and then presented human listeners with echoes from the same objects used in the dolphin's task. In 2 experiments, human listeners performed as well or better than the dolphin at discriminating objects, and they reported the salient acoustic cues. The error patterns of the humans and the dolphin were compared to determine which acoustic features were likely to have been used by the dolphin. The results indicate that the dolphin did not appear to use overall echo amplitude, but that it attended to the pattern of changes in the echoes across different object orientations. Human listeners can quickly identify salient combinations of echo features that permit object discrimination, which can be used to generate hypotheses that can be tested using dolphins as subjects.  相似文献   
From a basis in social exchange theory, the authors investigated whether, and how, negative feedback-seeking behavior and a team empowerment climate affect the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and member performance. Results showed that subordinates' negative feedback-seeking behavior mediated the relationship between LMX and both objective and subjective in-role performance. In addition, the level of a team's empowerment climate was positively related to subordinates' own sense of empowerment, which in turn negatively moderated the effects of LMX on negative feedback-seeking behavior.  相似文献   
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