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With only two to five slots of visual working memory (VWM), humans are able to quickly solve complex visual problems to near optimal solutions. To explain the paradox between tightly constrained VWM and impressively complex human visual problem-solving ability, we propose several principles for dynamic VWM allocation. In particular, we propose that complex visual information is represented in a temporal manner using only a few slots of VWM that include global and local visual chunks. We built a model of human traveling salesman problem solving based on these principles of VWM allocation and tested the model with eye-movement data. Exactly as the model predicted, human eye movements during traveling salesman problem solving have precise quantitative regularities with regard to both the general statistical pattern of attentional fixations and how they vary across individuals with different VWM capacities. Even though VWM capacity is very limited, eye movements dynamically allocate VWM resources to both local and global information, enabling attention to fine details without loss of the big picture.  相似文献   
陈抟学术旨趣在于其易老(庄)相通、孔老为一、佛道不二的老学思想.陈抟易老相通,无极而太极,太极是一,使道教宇宙生成哲学和生命哲学有了创新发展,从而使宇宙生成和生死解脱变得切实可行.陈抟指出道教义理玄妙之一是清净无为,修身治国,济世达人.陈抟著作多以儒入道,儒道互训,在人身修养方面,陈抟践行儒家典范,以自身言行自由出入儒道之间,这也正是蒙文通先生所指出的陈抟学派宗风所在.从学术大旨来说,陈抟学派正是继承了唐代的重玄学,以心性论为缘起,极力融合三教,经陈景元、李道纯等对心性理论的深入阐发而开启宋代道教新的学风.  相似文献   
Controversy surrounding dissociative identity disorder (DID) has focused on conflicting findings regarding the validity and nature of interidentity amnesia, illustrating the need for objective methods of examining amnesia that can discriminate between explicit and implicit memory transfer. In the present study, the authors used a cross-modal manipulation designed to mitigate implicit memory effects. Explicit memory transfer between identities was examined in 7 DID participants and 34 matched control participants. After words were presented to one identity auditorily, the authors tested another identity for memory of those words in the visual modality using an exclusion paradigm. Despite self-reported interidentity amnesia, memory for experimental stimuli transferred between identities. DID patients showed no superior ability to compartmentalize information, as would be expected with interidentity amnesia. The cross-modal nature of the test makes it unlikely that memory transfer was implicit. These findings demonstrate that subjective reports of interidentity amnesia are not necessarily corroborated by objective tests of explicit memory transfer.  相似文献   
清朝道士娄近垣,被雍正帝表以“秉性忠实,居心诚敬”,乾隆帝封其为通议大夫,赐三品,备员两朝,屡荷恩赐。称娄近垣为“清代正一道士之冠”当不为过。娄近垣以其丰富、深刻的人格魅力,逐渐成为后世千百万学道者的楷模。一、主要生平真人姓娄,名近垣,字朗斋,法号三臣,又号上清外史  相似文献   
从进化心理学生命史理论视角探究童年环境和典型消费行为的关系。通过专项问卷调查收集1028个有效样本进行实证研究,证实童年环境的核心变量——童年社会经济地位显著影响成年后的绿色消费和炫耀性消费行为,生命史策略和"团结和谐"的传统价值观维度在其中分别起显著的中介和调节作用。研究有助于理解炫耀攀比、奢侈浪费等非理性消费的深层原因,并从生命史和价值观角度提供可能的解决思路,为大众培养健康理性消费提供借鉴。  相似文献   
动态视觉加工与儿童汉字阅读   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
使用视觉阈限测验、图片命名、字形相似性判断实验和语音意识等测验 ,考察了小学五年级儿童视觉加工技能与汉字阅读之间的关系。结果发现 :动态视觉加工与图片命名错误率、字形判断反应时和错误率、语音意识均有显著相关 ,静态视觉加工只与图片命名错误率相关显著 ;控制识字量后的偏相关分析显示 ,动态视觉加工与其他变量的相关关系不变 ,静态视觉加工与图片命名错误率的相关不再显著 ;回归分析发现动态视觉加工在识字量和语音意识的影响控制后 ,能够分别解释阅读流畅性、字形判断反应时和图片命名错误率 7%、2 5 %和 5 6 %的变化 ;语音意识能够解释识字量和阅读流畅性 9%和 10 %的变化 ;对差读者的动态视觉加工和语音意识分析发现 ,儿童在这两种测验上的个体差异很大。上述结果表明 ,阅读过程受基本知觉技能影响 ,动态视觉加工作用于汉字阅读的特定过程。  相似文献   
We investigated the role of inhibition failure in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) through an eye tracking experiment. Twenty-five subjects with OCD were recruited, as well as 25 with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and 25 healthy controls. A 3 (group: OCD group, GAD group and control group) × 2 (target eccentricity: far and near) × 2 (saccade task: prosaccade and antisaccade) mixed design was used, with all participants completing two sets of tasks involving both prosaccade (eye movement towards a target) and antisaccade (eye movement away from a target). The main outcome was the eye movement index, including the saccade latency (the time interval from the onset of the target screen to the first saccade) and the error rate of saccade direction. The antisaccade latency and antisaccade error rates for OCDs were much higher than those for GADs and healthy controls. OCDs had longer latency and error rates for antisaccades than for prosaccades, and for far-eccentricity rather than near-eccentricity stimuli. These results suggest that OCDs experience difficulty with behavior inhibition, and that they have higher visual sensitivity to peripheral stimuli. In particular, they show greatest difficulty in inhibiting behavior directed towards peripheral stimuli.  相似文献   
Female athletes experience pressure to conform to social and sporting norms concerning body weight. This study compared general and sporting body dissatisfaction and disordered eating symptomatology among 320 elite, recreational, and noncompetitive female athletes aged 17 to 30 years competing in leanness focused sports and nonleanness focused sports. Participants completed an online questionnaire including demographic questions, the Eating Attitudes Test, and the Figure Rating Scale. Athletes from leanness focused sports reported higher levels of body dissatisfaction and greater disordered eating symptomatology regardless of participation level. Elite athletes reported higher levels of body dissatisfaction and greater disordered eating symptomatology regardless of sport type, and differences between recreational and noncompetitive athletes were not found. More than 60% of elite athletes from leanness focused and nonleanness focused sports reported pressure from coaches concerning body shape. The findings have important implications for identifying risk factors for eating disorders among female athletes, where athletes who compete at elite level and those who compete in leanness focused sports at any level may be at higher risk for developing eating disorders.  相似文献   
鲍德里亚是否是一个典型的后现代论者,长期以来一直是国内外学界争论的核心问题。本文认为,这一问题并不是一个简单的概念之争。在鲍德里亚思想是否归属于“后现代主义”之争的背后,它反映的人们对现代消费社会、后工业社会、仿真社会或超真实社会的性质及其特征的认识。澄清并深化这一问题的研究,有助于加深对鲍德里亚思想的理解。为此,本文从现代技术的特征,即技术的仿真、仿像和超真实性等特征出发,对现代技术与现代性、后现代性的关系进行了考察,并在此基础上指出,鲍德里亚是一个以原始的“象征交换”为原则,对现代性进行激进批判的理论家和预言者,一个具有诸多后现代主义的特征,但又不仅仅局限于后现代性特征的学者,一个后现代性的超论者。当然,在这一问题的探讨中,必须对现代性、后现代性等概念加以给予必要的界定。  相似文献   
What is the best account to explain the object-based attentional benefit—that is, the spread of attention within an attended object or prioritization of search across possible target locations within an attended object? Using a task in which the location of the target was known with certainty, in the present study we systematically manipulated the type (letters or bites) and the presentation time (long or short) of the target and flankers in order to test the effects of target–object integration and target presentation time on object-based attention. The results showed that an object-based effect could appear when the target was a bite, no matter whether the target presentation time was long or short; but when the target was a letter, an object-based effect was only observed when the target presentation time was short enough. These findings provide additional evidence supporting the argument of attentional spreading in object-based attention. However, this spreading is moderated jointly by target–object integration and the target presentation time.  相似文献   
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