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复杂系统控制内隐学习范式的特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂晶 《心理科学》2007,30(3):647-649
在人工语法学习、序列学习以及复杂系统控制这三大内隐学习研究范式中,复杂系统控制范式尝试模拟出入们在实际问题解决过程中可能出现的内隐学习,具有更高的生态效度。对城市交通系统、英国经济学模型、糖生产任务以及人际交互任务等复杂系统控制任务进行研究后,我们得出复杂系统控制范式的特点:任务情境的自然性、学习过程的互动性、系统变化的连续性、系统规则的隐蔽性及内隐-外显学习的混合性等。  相似文献   
青少年压力:两个华人社区之比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聂衍刚  张卫  岳颂华  李智能  邹泓 《心理科学》2006,29(2):332-335,326
研制适合当代我国青少年的生活压力事件问卷,并对广州和澳门两地中学生的压力状况进行比较。研究一在参考前人问卷及预试的基础上编制初步问卷,用之对广州1652名初一到高三6个年级的中学生进行问卷调查,通过因素分析形成一份六维度的正式问卷,这六个维度分别是学业压力、社会人际压力、父母压力、自我发展压力、环境压力和学校-老师压力。研究二用问卷对广州和澳门两地初一到高三6个年级的中学生进行比较,结果发现,两地学生在这所有维度上均差异显著,只有环境维度广州学生感受到的压力高于澳门,其他五个维度均是澳门学生高于广州学生。  相似文献   
Military metaphors are pervasive in biomedicine, including HIV research. Rooted in the mind set that regards pathogens as enemies to be defeated, terms such as “shock and kill” have become widely accepted idioms within HIV cure research. Such language and symbolism must be critically examined as they may be especially problematic when used to express scientific ideas within emerging health-related fields. In this article, philosophical analysis and an interdisciplinary literature review utilizing key texts from sociology, anthropology, history, and Chinese and African studies were conducted to investigate the current proliferation of military metaphors. We found the use of these metaphors to be ironic, unfortunate, and unnecessary. To overcome military metaphors we propose to (1) give them less aggressive meanings, and/or (2) replace them with more peaceful metaphors. Building on previous authors' work, we argue for the increased use of “journey” (and related) metaphors as meaningful, cross-culturally appropriate alternatives to military metaphors.  相似文献   
Gao  Hong  Liu  Wei  Nie  Jinlan 《Science and engineering ethics》2018,24(1):327-330
Science and Engineering Ethics - The results of the National Higher Education Entrance Examination (Gaokao, in Chinese) have a life-long effect on most Chinese by labeling them clever or not. Some...  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to revise and further develop an attitude towards person with intellectual disability scale (APIDs). The further development of this scale was mainly based on Community Living Attitude Scale (CLAS) and Attitude towards Intellectual Disability Questionnaire (ATTID). The study examined the psychometric properties of the proposed measuring instrument in terms of its factorial validity and internal consistency reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the proposed five-factor model did not fit the data well. Exploratory factorial analysis was then conducted to re-examine the structure. The results suggested a three-factor structure, i.e. sociality, capacity, and protection. The internal consistency reliability was good for sociality and capacity but needs further improvement for protection. The cultural and social landscape within a population affects the factorial structure an attitude scale. The use of APIDs was also discussed.  相似文献   
Liang  Yue  Zhou  Nan  Cao  Hongjian  Li  Jian-Bin  Dou  Kai  Wu  Fushuang  Liu  Qingqi  Wu  Qinglu  Nie  Yangang  Ning  Zhijun  Wang  Guodong 《Journal of child and family studies》2022,31(5):1373-1386
Journal of Child and Family Studies - Adolescents’ career development is associated with various contextual factors, among which career-related parenting practice is particularly important....  相似文献   
本研究的目的在于探讨青少年情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感之间的关系及情绪调节方式在其中的中介作用。采用《情绪调节自我效能感量表》、《情绪调节方式量表》和《主观幸福感量表》对1128名中学生进行测查,结果表明:(1) 情绪调节自我效能感与情绪调节方式、生活满意度、积极情感、消极情感关系紧密;(2) 情绪调节自我效能感和情绪调节方式可显著预测主观幸福感;(3) 减弱调节在情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   
亚里士多德的形而上学是一个长期引起人们争论和困惑的问题.本文从对<形而上学>T卷开始的一段话的分析入手,在澄清了人们的种种误解之后,表明了亚里士多德的形而上学的以一类特殊的实体亦即不动的动者为研究对象的根本特征.在此基础上,本文从亚里士多德的实体理论出发,通过分析这个理论的本质主义的、功能主义的、目的论的内涵,最终说明亚里士多德的形而上学体系是一个自然目的论的体系.  相似文献   
目前马克思主义政治哲学研究中,对经典作家原始文本及其思想的深度挖掘和客观阐释仍显得非常不够,基于此,本文特别解读了《德意志意识形态》中选择关乎这一议题的《我的权力》部分。在人们通常的理解中,权利、法律乃至犯罪等现象归属具体法学讨论的范畴,然而无论是施蒂纳还是马克思、恩格斯,从来没有把它们看作单纯的法的问题,而是从个体与社会的分野中,紧密结合人的自由问题来透视它们的存在方式、表现形态及其本质特征,这使其各自的分析别具特色和深度,而且呈现出两种很不相同的视角和思路。当然,它们之间与其说是对立的,还不如说是互补的;人的社会性与个体性的矛盾、现实性与超越性的差异,要求我们必须多角度、多方位地考虑问题、判明趋势,这也符合马克思主义的辩证分析方法。  相似文献   
<正>在研究者通常的印象中,较之《德意志意识形态》中的其他章节,"正面阐发"马克思、恩格斯见解的"费尔巴哈"章可能是最好把握和理解的了。然而,如果我们不是沿袭过去习见的那种抽象而宏观的研究方式,寻章摘句、断章取义,笼而统之地涉略而不顾及细节,就会发现事实并非如此。  相似文献   
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