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为了从社会生态学的视角探讨预测主观幸福感的相关因素、考察拒绝敏感性在其中的中介作用、揭示高关系流动的社会环境对心理健康可能的积极作用,以生活满意度和心理幸福感等为测量工具,对成人进行了研究。研究结果显示:关系流动性可显著正向预测主观幸福感; 拒绝敏感性在关系流动性与主观幸福感之间起中介作用。研究结果表明,高关系流动性能预测个体的低拒绝敏感性,进而预测更高的主观幸福感。  相似文献   
Recent work suggests that collective narcissism—an exaggerated, unrealistic belief in an ingroup's greatness that demands constant external validation—is a strong predictor of a variety of political attitudes. In the present study, we use nationally representative panel data from Poland to examine the relationship between national collective narcissism and nationalism, a belief that the national ingroup is superior and should dominate other nations. We first demonstrate that national collective narcissism, nationalism, and mere satisfaction with national ingroup are distinct. In turn, in both cross-sectional and panel analyses, we find that (1) national collective narcissism is positively related to nationalism, whereas satisfaction with the national ingroup is not; and (2) national collective narcissism is a stronger predictor of nationalism than national ingroup satisfaction is in absolute terms. Our analyses thus provide evidence that nationalism may be rooted in narcissistic exaggeration of the greatness of the national ingroup rather than nonnarcissistic national ingroup satisfaction.  相似文献   
《燕赵都市报》3月1日报道,在河北省邯郸县南堡乡小北堡村老邯郸——大名公路的西侧路旁,一棵高大的杨树成了人们朝拜的对象,人们在树上还筑起了“杨仙庙”。1994年春天,杨树上面由于虫害等原因造成的杨絮结团,个别人传为“杨仙显灵”,使许多人上当受骗。在大名县县城南关一条老街上长着一棵高大的槐树,树冠直径达20余米,树干直径约1米有余,虽然部分枝干已  相似文献   
《大众科技报》6月2日刊登文章《重提80年前的“猴子审判”》说,2005年5月,关于“神创论”、“智能设计论”与“进化论”的争论又达到一个高峰。5月5日,美国堪萨斯州教育委员会针对该州学校应该如何教授进化论进行了听证会,会议于5月13日结束。堪萨斯州教育委员会提出:达尔文的进化论能否作为一个真理出现在学校的科学课本中?是不是应该在课本和参考书中为“平衡”起见  相似文献   

Are syntactic representations shared across languages, and how might that inform the nature of syntactic computations? To investigate these issues, we presented French-English bilinguals with mixed-language word sequences for 200 ms and asked them to report the identity of one word at a post-cued location. The words either formed an interpretable grammatical sequence via shared syntax (e.g., ses feet sont big – where the French words ses and sont translate into his and are, respectively) or an ungrammatical sequence with the same words (e.g., sont feet ses big). Word identification was significantly greater in the grammatical sequences – a bilingual sentence superiority effect. These results not only provide support for shared syntax, but also reveal a fascinating ability of bilinguals to simultaneously connect words from their two languages through these shared syntactic representations.


Quality of life (QoL) is an important factor which influences local economic development (LED). The study aims to evaluate the quality of life in large Chinese cities and explore the relationship between life quality and local economic development. By constructing the index system of QoL of large cities, this study analyses the spatial pattern of QoL in 39 largest cities across China and then introduces the spatial mismatch method to analyse the relationship between QoL and LED. The results point to the significant differences in QoL among large Chinese cities and unlock the spatial mismatch between QoL and LED in these cities. The quality of life is generally better than local economic development in large cities across Western China and different cities display various spatial mismatch features. This study also shows that local economic development can promote quality of life, though they do not merely stand in a quantitative relation. Quality of life is related more to the economic structure. It is suggested that future urban development focus on high value-added and environmental-friendly industries, which can improve both local economic development and quality of life.

《北京青年报》2006年12月27日报道,南京市博物馆考古队员开启了疑似秦桧墓的西边墓室。“墓室开启前,发掘现场最先映入人们眼帘的是一  相似文献   
There are a number of problems and challenges in relating the science of epidemiology to mental retardation (MR). These relate to how MR is defined and classified and how these definitions may change over time. These as well as other differences in ascertainment sources and methods need to be considered when comparing MR prevalence over time and place. On the other hand, advances in technology also provide new and efficient methods of data collection both by data linkage and by use of web-based methods to study rare diseases. While prevalence studies have not been individually reviewed, we have examined the range of data including recent studies relating to how prevalence differs according to age, gender, social class and ethnicity. Some problems with available etiological classification systems have been identified. Recent etiological studies, most of which use different classification systems, have been reviewed and explanations have been postulated to account for differences in results. Individual risk factors for MR are considered whilst the option of considering a population as opposed to a high risk strategy to MR prevention is raised. This might well involve improving the social milieu surrounding the occurrence of individual risk factors. The impact of biotechnological advances such as antenatal and neonatal screening and assisted reproduction on MR are discussed. The issue of how inequalities in access to technology may impact on case identification and even have the potential to further widen inequalities is raised. The importance of extending the use of epidemiological tools to study the social, health and economic burden of MR is also emphasized. However, in order to apply to MR the "prevention-intervention-research" cycle, which surely underpins all epidemiology, it is vital to ensure that the methodological challenges we raise are adequately addressed.  相似文献   
流行病学研究显示幽门螺杆菌可能与某些胃肠外疾病发生有关,根除治疗可能缓解缺铁性贫血、ITP、酒糟鼻等疾病的临床症状和实验室异常。从粥样硬化相关心血管疾病、血液系统疾病、皮肤病的研究结果看,尽管有证据显示该类疾病患者幽门螺杆菌感染率高于普通人群,但二者是因果还是伴随现象仍不得而知,同时尚无根除治疗远期效果的报道。对相关胃肠外疾病是否需要进行幽门螺杆菌检测和治疗尚无定论。鉴于流行病学研究的局限性和发病机制的不确定性,对二者关系应持慎重态度,避免对幽门螺杆菌检测和根除治疗的过度滥用。二者关系的阐明有待机制研究的进展。  相似文献   
欧洲社会心理学的成长历程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方文 《心理学报》2002,34(6):99-103
论文以学科制度化过程和学科理智演化为分析视角 ,概要研究欧洲社会心理学的成长历程。论文结论是 :经过近 40年的不懈努力 ,欧洲社会心理学 ,已经成功地解构美国社会心理学的主宰地位 ,并和美国社会心理学一起 ,建构国际社会心理学新的研究范式。  相似文献   
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