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李慧中  祁飞 《学海》2011,(1):104-109
本文主要对母市场效应理论进行文献评述。描述了Krugman关于母市场效应理论的最初模型,并介绍了对母市场效应的理论拓展和实证检验,文章最后提出了在中国出口市场面临一定变化和强调扩大内需条件下对中国制造业出口的母市场效应进行实证检验的一些设想。  相似文献   
使用跨语言启动条件下的真假词汇判断任务,以母语为维语,第二语言为汉语,第三语言为英语的维吾尔族大学生为被试。通过两个实验探讨了维吾尔族三语者不熟练的第三语言的语义表征特点,即他们的第三语言的语义是共同存储还是独立存储问题。结果发现,跨语言的启动条件下,在实验一,启动刺激(维语)与目标刺激(英语)之间具有语义联想关系时,产生了显著的启动效应。在实验二,启动刺激(英语)与目标刺激(维语)之间没有产生语义启动效应。这些结果表明,被试的第三语言的语义概念表征是同第一语言的概念表征共同存储的;被试的母语较容易启动第三语言,但非熟练的第三语言不太容易启动母语,这是因为被试的第三语言还没有达到一定程度的熟练水平。  相似文献   
马华维  杨柳  姚琦 《心理学探新》2011,31(2):186-191
随着组织联盟与合作的增多,组织间信任问题日益得到研究者关注。文章尝试从动、静态的角度对组织间信任的前因变量和结果变量进行梳理:单方组织层面的人口学特征及获得性特征,以及涉及双方互动层面的过去经历、目前状态及未来期望等因素会影响组织间信任的建立,降低双方合作的风险;而已经形成的组织间信任又会起到促进新知识的应用,提高联盟绩效及合作满意度的作用。今后的研究应关注组织信任的多层次分析、重视研究对象领域和地域的多样化以及互动(配对)和纵向数据的收集等。  相似文献   
目的研究初二学生父母教养方式、自尊对应对方式的影响。方法使用父母教养方式问卷、自尊量表、中学生应对方式量表对广州及深圳162名初中二年级学生进行施测。结果 (1)各量表不同因子存在不同的性别效应,父亲惩罚(t=2.737,P<0.01)、父亲拒绝否认(t=2.444,P<0.05)、问题指向应对(t=2.196,P<0.05)。(2)父母情感温暖与自尊、问题指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.350,r=0.490,P<0.01),父亲偏爱对问题指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.170,P<0.05);而母亲的拒绝否认和严惩与自尊存在显著的负相关(r=-0.198,r=-0.209,P<0.01),但与情绪指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.235,r=0.258,P<0.01)。(3)父亲情感温暖(β=0.413,P<0.05)和自尊(β=0.230P<0.05)是问题指向应对方式的预测因子,且自尊是中介因素;母亲严惩(β=0.299,P<0.001)、父亲温暖(β=0.158,P<0.05)对情绪指向应对方式存在显著的预测作用。结论不同教养方式、自尊对不同应对方式存在影响。  相似文献   
近年来,社会上许多研究科学无神论的专家学者对当前我国社会中无神论教育宣传的现状,以及比较普遍地存在的信仰缺失,而各种有神论却呈流行趋势的现象,发表了自己的看法。他们的一些认识、思考和建议,对我们进一步加强科学无神论的工作,有着重要的启发。  相似文献   
在荀爽与《九家易》关系问题上"荀集九家"和"九家述荀"两种观点对立。易学家尚秉和先生根据荀爽易学与《九家易》有相同的古易学说,认同前一种观点。但其理由并不充分,《九家易》不是淮南九师《易》,该书并非荀爽所集。《九家易》当成书于虞翻之后,是汉魏易学嬗变、魏晋时期象数易学与义理易学斗争的产物。研究荀爽与《九家易》的关系对于衡定荀爽易学的历史地位、把握汉魏象数易学向义理易学的演变脉络具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Culture shapes children’s memories. However, scant attention has been given to the influence of culture on specific memory stages. Thus, we conducted two controlled experiments to examine cultural differences in memory recall at immediate and delayed retrieval phases. In Studies 1 and 2 (n = 217), 7- to 10-year-old Chinese and Euro-Canadian children watched a story involving both social- and individual-focused scenarios. Participants then recalled the story immediately afterwards (Study 1) and 5–7 days later (Studies 1 and 2). Findings reveal that Chinese children accurately reported more details from the social-focused events than did their Euro-Canadian counterparts in the immediate interview, and this result was replicated after a delay in both studies. Moreover, as expected, within-country comparisons showed that Euro-Canadian children had better memory for individual- than for social-focused events in both studies. Chinese children, however, showed better memory for social- than for individual-focused events only in the immediate interview in Study 1; their delayed retrieval was not affected by event focus. These findings reveal that cultural variations in memory are evident in both immediate and delayed retrieval. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
通过对重庆某综合大学大一到大三527名学生的问卷调查, 运用结构方程模型技术考察了特质愤怒、敌意认知、冲动性水平和攻击行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)敌意认知在特质愤怒和攻击行为之间起部分中介的作用, 特质愤怒既对攻击行为产生直接影响, 也通过敌意认知对攻击行为产生间接影响;(2)运动冲动性因子对敌意认知的中介作用起到调节作用, 即敌意认知对攻击行为的影响随着个体冲动性水平的增加而提升;敌意认知对个体的攻击行为起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that 6‐month‐old infants extrapolate object motion on linear paths when they act predictively on fully visible moving objects but not when they observe partly occluded moving objects. The present research probed whether differences in the tasks presented to infants or in the visibility of the objects account for these findings, by investigating infants’ predictive head tracking of a visible object that moves behind a small occluder. Six‐month‐old infants were presented with an object that moved repeatedly on linear or nonlinear paths, with an occluder covering the place where all the paths intersected. The first time infants viewed an object’s motion, their head movements did not anticipate either linear or nonlinear motion, but they quickly learned to anticipate linear motion on successive trials. Infants also learned to anticipate nonlinear motion, but this learning was slower and less consistent. Learning in all cases concerned the trajectory of the object, not the specific locations at which the object appeared. These findings suggest that infants form object representations that are weakly biased toward inertial motion and that are influenced by learning. The findings accord with the thesis that a single system of representation underlies both predictive action and perception of object motion, and that occlusion reduces the precision of object representations.  相似文献   
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