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印象整饰的测量及其在人力资源管理中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈启山  温忠麟 《心理科学》2005,28(1):178-179
印象整饰是一个人通过一定的方式影响别人形成对自己的印象的过程。近年来,印象整饰日益受到心理学、组织科学的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。本文回顾了印象整饰的研究脉络,评介了4种印象整饰的测量工具,概述了印象整饰和人力资源管理关系的研究。对我国开展印象整饰方面的研究特别是组织中的应用提供了一些建议和思路。  相似文献   
教师教学风格的调查研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
贺雯 《心理科学》2005,28(1):214-216
采用教师教学风格量表(TST1),对142名教师的教学风格进行了调查。结果表明:(1)从总体上看,教师的教学风格以激进型、立法型、评判型和整体型四种教学风格为主,这四种教学风格是相对复杂、有创造性、效率较高的教学风格;(2)相对于教龄较短的教师,教龄在20年以上的教师教学风格更加倾向于保守型;(3)相对于文科教师,理科教师和其它学科教师更加倾向于执行型教学风格;(4)一般教师相对于高效能教师更加倾向于执行型、保守型的教学风格,而执行型、保守型是相对简单、效率低和不受欢迎的教学风格(5)1—4年教龄教师中高效能教师的比例远低于5年以上教龄的教师,说明教师进入成熟阶段以后在教学经验、教学风格等方面不断完善,教学效能得以极大提高。  相似文献   
青年学生价值目标结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文萍  李红  彭宇  罗卫华 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1487-1489
本研究在文献分析的基础上,结合国外已有相关量表,通过访谈、开放式问卷等方法,构建了我国青年学生价值目标理论维度,并据此编制了青年学生价值目标量表,对量表进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析后表明,青年学生价值目标包括6个维度:和平和安宁的价值目标、友谊和真爱价值目标、刺激和享乐价值目标、名望和权力价值目标、自我实现与发展价值目标、奉献价值目标。  相似文献   
China suffered both a heavy snow‐hit and a major earthquake in 2008. To investigate the effects of disasters on risky decision making, opportunity samples were obtained by recruiting residents in both devastated and non‐devastated areas. In a survey (Study 1) conducted shortly after the heavy snow‐hit, we found that people were not always more risk averse after a disaster as previous studies had claimed and that they were inclined to approach an option with ‘low probability associated gain’ and to avoid an option with ‘low probability associated loss’. These findings were replicated in a consecutive survey (Study 2) conducted after the Wenchuan earthquake. It was further found that the popularity of both insurance and lottery, which presumably contributed to overweighing of small probabilities, was detected to have been enhanced with substantial exposure to the earthquake disaster. The implications of these findings for risk education and government policy making were discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
刘文  毛晶晶 《心理科学进展》2011,19(7):1011-1019
浪漫关系(romantic relationship)是情侣在交往过程中形成的一种心理关系, 由亲密、激情和承诺三部分组成。本文对浪漫关系的概念、类型、行为系统, 以及发展等方面进行了分析。家庭、同伴、个体沟通手段, 以及文化背景等是青少年浪漫关系的主要影响因素。当前浪漫关系的研究方法主要包括自我报告法、访谈法、观察法、叙述法以及实验法。未来研究应着重探讨青少年浪漫关系机制, 及其与心理健康的关系和青少年浪漫关系的本土化研究与跨文化研究的比较。  相似文献   
Following a landmark component analysis of cognitive therapy by Jacobson and colleagues (1996), there has been renewed interest in behavioral activation (BA) treatments for depression. The Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) was developed to measure when and how clients become activated over the course of BA treatment. Multiple studies have provided initial support for the BADS but have also identified several potential problems. Four studies were conducted in order to develop and provide initial evaluation of a short form of the BADS that addresses these concerns. In Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on existing data using the original BADS in order to identify items to retain for the short form. In Study 2, these items were administered to a new sample of college students with elevated depressive symptoms and were analyzed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Study 3 examined the predictive validity of the BADS-SF by examining the BADS-SF and depression scores in relation to activity tracking and reward-value ratings over the course of 1 week. Study 4 examined BADS-SF data over the course of BA treatment for two clients using cross-lagged panel correlations. With one client, changes in BADS-SF scores led changes in depression scores by 1 week, whereas with the other client changes in BADS-SF and depression scores occurred concurrently. These studies resulted in a nine-item scale that demonstrated good item characteristics as well as acceptable internal consistency reliability, construct validity, and predictive validity.  相似文献   
从早期止痛的意义,早期止痛的依据以及传统止痛现念的成因等三个方面论述急腹症早期止痛的必要性和合理性,并探讨早期止痛的策略.提醒医务人员要更新观念,对急腹症忘者应尽早实施止痛干预.  相似文献   
从早期止痛的意义,早期止痛的依据以及传统止痛观念的成因等三个方面论述急腹症早期止痛的必要性和合理性,并探讨早期止痛的策略。提醒医务人员要更新观念,对急腹症患者应尽早实施止痛干预。  相似文献   
从进化心理学视角看两性冒险行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进化心理学研究发现, 男性比女性更冒险, 男性冒险行为有社会助长和性别助长效应, 求偶动机与异性高魅力均可助长男性冒险行为。按照进化心理学观点, 冒险行为能表现男性作为潜在配偶的积极特征, 可增加其获得异性配偶的几率。择偶偏好研究也证实, 女性青睐敢于冒险的男性。作者认为, 女性冒险行为与求偶动机的关系主要受社会文化影响, 如中国女性在中意的异性面前更避险, 冒险行为领域中进化和文化的交互作用可能成为未来研究焦点。  相似文献   
元刻板印象是指个体关于外群体成员对其所属群体(内群体)所持刻板印象的信念。作为一种群际元知觉, 元刻板印象的内容和效价可以在一定程度上反映群际关系。近些年, 越来越多的研究表明元刻板印象是影响群际关系的更加重要的变量。相对于刻板印象, 元刻板印象的激活更加复杂, 激活的元刻板印象会引发一系列的情绪、认知和行为效应。未来研究应关注元刻板印象作用于群际关系的心理机制, 并进一步探讨通过元刻板印象改善群际关系的策略, 开展针对于我国不同群体的本土化研究。  相似文献   
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