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This article applies a two-process “neural autopilot” model to field data. The autopilot model hypothesizes that habitual choice occurs when the reward from a behavior has low numerical “doubt” (i.e., reward prediction errors are small). The model toggles between repeating a previous choice (habit) when doubt is low and making a goal-directed choice when doubt is high. The model has ingredients established in animal learning and cognitive neuroscience and is simple enough to make nonobvious predictions. In two empirical applications, we fit the model to field data on purchases of canned tuna and posting on the Chinese social media site Weibo. This style of modeling is called “structural” because there is a theoretical model of how different variables influence choices by agents (the “structure”), which tightly restricts how hidden variables lead to observed choices. There is empirical support for the model, more strongly for tuna purchases than for Weibo posting, relative to a baseline “reduced-form” model in which current choices are correlated with past choices without a mechanistic (structural) explanation. An interesting set of predictions can also be derived about how consumers react to different kinds of changes in prices and qualities of goods (this is called “counterfactual analysis”).  相似文献   
赵国军  张国礼 《心理科学》2003,26(5):808-811
不同的归因方式将导致人们对行为的不同预测倾向。本文正是基于这样的假设,来考察在信息匮乏的情况下,性情归因和情景归因对他人积极行为和消极行为的预测倾向的影响。结果发现,两种归因方式都导致被试对积极行为的预测多于对消极行为的预测,而情景归因下的被试对积极行为的预测又显著多于性情归因下的被试。在此基础上,在引人价值判断的因素后,发现不同的归因方式启动了不同的价值判断,进而影响到对行为的预测。  相似文献   
双陈述任务下演绎推理的错觉   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘志雅  赵冬梅  郑雪 《心理学报》2003,35(5):636-642
研究了双陈述任务下的复合命题推理和三段论推理的错觉。被试为暨南大学本科生60名。使用冠有“只有一个陈述是正确的”作为限制条件的双陈述推理任务。实验1为纯命题任务,实验2为角色化任务。t检验的结果表明被试只考虑了正确的陈述,却忽略了错误的陈述而出现推理的错觉。结果支持了心理模型理论中的正面表征原则,初步提出正反信息转换机制的观点。  相似文献   
赵文洪 《学海》2011,(2):158-165
中世纪的欧洲公地共同体公共事务的管理,一定程度上体现着民主、平等和法治的精神:民主精神体现在共同体全体成员广泛直接参与庄园法庭和村民会议的立法、决策、司法活动以及选举和担任共同事务管理者;平等精神体现于共同体成员公共权利价值的平等、在村规面前的平等;在管理共同事务的资格方面的平等。法治精神体现于法律至上、法律面前人人平等、重视法律程序。民主平等法治精神,是公地制度留给后世的政治学遗产。  相似文献   
海克尔在《宇宙之谜》*第十七章"科学和基督教"中除了破题指出科学和基督教之间的矛盾日益尖锐化,是动荡的十九世纪的显著特征之一外,  相似文献   
一、养生的最高境界———和养生之道的最高境界是达到“和”的状态。养生得和是在与外物交接中保持内心平和,静默恬淡,做到物欲与情欲不患于心,神、形、气、物兼养而不伤的自身和谐的理想境界。养者,养神为本,养形为末。本者,天也,根也,原也;末者,逐也,随也。养神与养形互为本  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that when low‐status group members are aware that their in‐group is stereotyped as dependent by a specific out‐group (i.e. a dependency meta‐stereotype is salient), they are reluctant to seek help from the high‐status out‐group to avoid confirming the negative meta‐stereotype. However, it is unclear whether low‐status group members would seek more help in the context of a salient dependency meta‐stereotype when there is low (vs. high) group boundary permeability. Therefore, we conducted two experiments to examine the moderating effect of permeability on meta‐stereotype confirmation with a real group. In study 1, we manipulated the salience of the dependency meta‐stereotype, measured participants' perceived permeability and examined their help‐seeking behaviour in a real‐world task. Participants who perceived low permeability sought more help when the meta‐stereotype was salient (vs. not salient), whereas participants who perceived high permeability sought the same amount of help across conditions. In study 2, we manipulated the permeability levels and measured the dependency meta‐stereotype. Participants who endorsed a high‐dependency meta‐stereotype sought more help than participants who endorsed a low‐dependency meta‐stereotype; this effect was particularly strong in the low‐permeability condition. The implications of these results for social mobility and intergroup helping are discussed.  相似文献   
The Cigarette Purchase Task is a behavioral economic assessment tool designed to measure the relative reinforcing efficacy of cigarette smoking across different prices. An exponential demand equation has become a standard model for analyzing purchase task data, but its utility is compromised by its inability to accommodate values of zero consumption. We propose a two‐part mixed effects model that keeps the same exponential demand equation for modeling nonzero consumption values, while providing a logistic regression for the binary outcome of zero versus nonzero consumption. Therefore, the proposed model can accommodate zero consumption values and retain the features of the exponential demand equation at the same time. As a byproduct, the logistic regression component of the proposed model provides a new demand index, the “derived breakpoint”, for the price above which a subject is more likely to be abstinent than to be smoking. We apply the proposed model to data collected at baseline from college students (N = 1,217) enrolled in a randomized clinical trial utilizing financial incentives to motivate tobacco cessation. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the proposed model provides better fits than an existing model. We note that the proposed methodology is applicable to other purchase task data, for example, drugs of abuse.  相似文献   
A total of 114 3rd- and 6th-graders from a suburban elementary school participated in a study examining the influence of implicit self-theories on rated creativity in the domains of art and literature in a quasi-experiment. Creativity was measured via the Consensual Assessment Technique. Participants were divided into two groups and received different sets of instructions emphasizing either an incremental or entity-implicit theory of creativity, before completing a drawing task and a writing task. Implicit theories of creativity of participants were measured before and after the instructions were given. The results indicated that participants in the incremental group showed increased incremental views following the manipulation; participants in the entity group showed no significant change. The writing (but not the artwork) from the incremental group was rated as more creative than those from the entity group. This effect was stronger for third graders than for sixth graders, suggesting that implicit theory interventions are more effective with younger children. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore how environmental factors (family environment and school education) and individual characteristics (personality, creative attitudes, and divergent thinking) collectively affect creative achievement of American and Chinese college students. Data were collected from 378 college students in the United States (N = 193) and China (N = 185). Results showed that the US sample had significantly higher means in home resources, high-school education, Conscientiousness, creative achievement, and all four dimensions of the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) than the China sample. In contrast, the China sample scored significantly higher in understanding the importance of creativity. Results indicated creative attitudes and divergent thinking sequentially mediated the effects of parental values on creative achievement for the US sample, whereas Openness mediated the effect of high-school education on creative achievement for the China sample. For both samples, creative attitudes mediated the effect of Openness on divergent thinking. The results suggested cultural differences in the effects of environmental factors on creativity, yet more similar findings in the effects of individual characteristics on creativity between the two samples. The results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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