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明代弘治至崇祯年间,曲阜孔氏《阙里志》和颜氏《陋巷志》共经历过四次编修,邹县孟氏《三迁志》也三次修纂。孔、颜、孟三氏家族志的每一次编纂,都呈现出特殊且鲜明的群聚现象,具体表现为编纂时间前后相因,体例内容相互借鉴,编修人员交集并处,修纂意旨彼此关切。这一现象出现的根本原因,在于孔、颜、孟三者在儒家文化体系中的内在联动性和外在整体性。同时,明代尊崇儒学,志书修纂盛行和三氏林庙修建,也是促成这一现象出现的文化动因。  相似文献   
The bundling literature largely holds that a person's reaction to a given product bundle depends only on the characteristics of the products contained in the bundle. This paper, instead, proposes that people evaluate bundles in reference to other bundles that they have seen. Prior research indicates that people are sensitive to a bundle's “attribute inventory” or the aggregate level of comparable attributes possessed by its constituent products. We show that when people evaluate a bundle, they compare the attribute inventories that it offers to those offered by other bundles that they have seen. The resulting compositional comparisons can occur without changes to the products that comprise the target and contextual bundles, vary by attribute comparability and attentional focus, and coexist with (and at times reverse the effects of) well‐established product‐specific context effects, which are determined solely by the products and their attributes.  相似文献   
Conduct disorder (CD) symptoms and callous-unemotional (CU) traits have been shown to be uniquely associated with risky sexual behavior (RSB) in adolescence and early adulthood, yet their interactive role in predicting RSB remains largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the predictive value of CD symptoms and CU traits, as well as their interaction, on several RSB outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood. A total of 683 participants (41.7 % female, 47.4 % African American) were followed annually and self-reported age of first sexual intercourse, frequency of condom use, pregnancy, contraction of sexually transmitted infections, and engagement in sexual solicitation from grade 7 to 2-years post-high school. CD symptoms predicted age of first sexual intercourse, condom use, and sexual solicitation. CU traits predicted age of first sexual intercourse and pregnancy. Their interaction predicted a composite score of these RSBs such that CD symptoms positively predicted the composite score among those with high levels of CU traits but not among those with low levels of CU traits. The current findings provide information regarding the importance of both CD symptoms and CU traits in understanding adolescent and early adulthood RSB, as well as the benefits of examining multiple RSB outcomes during this developmental period. These findings have implications for the development and implementation of preventive efforts to target these risky behaviors among adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to reveal the most critical underlying factor influencing the mechanical properties of metal matrix composites (MMCs). It is shown that the mechanical properties of MMCs are essentially governed by the degree of strain localisation during plastic deformation. In other words, the MMCs exhibit superior mechanical performance only if the strain localisation is obviously inhibited and the accumulated stresses can be effectively transferred out. The work provides a new perspective in guiding the design of next-generation high-performance MMCs by suppressing the strain localisation as far as possible.  相似文献   
本研究使用眼动技术及模拟操作任务考察了图示写实性对飞机安全须知卡可理解性的影响。三组被试分别阅读写实照片、卡通插画、目标实物+其余图画的混合呈现等三种不同呈现形式的安全须知示意图,随后完成模拟操作任务。结果显示,混合组较写实组能更好地引导被试注意投放到与安全操作有关的关键区域上;混合组与写实组的模拟操作绩效均优于卡通组。基于上述结果,笔者建议使用"混合呈现方式"的飞机安全须知卡向乘客传递安全信息。  相似文献   
中国文化中自尊结构的内隐社会认知研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
耿晓伟  郑全全 《心理科学》2005,28(2):379-382
本研究同时运用外显的自陈式量表和自行设计的内隐联想测验(IAT)及Go/No-go联想任务(GNAT)来研究中国大学生的自尊结构,结果表明:(1)运用内隐联想测验和Go/No-go联想任务来测量内隐自尊是敏感的;(2)中国文化中自尊是一个双重的结构:包括一个内隐的成分和一个外显的成分。(3)自尊在内隐和外显两个层面上都不存在性别差异。  相似文献   
人格特质对选择性加工偏向的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈少华  郑雪 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1135-1139
采用词性辨别和注意探测任务,考察了神经质和外倾性对选择性加工偏向的影响。结果表明:(1)放试在选择信息时存在特质一致性倾向;(2)在单一刺激条件下,当刺激词呈现时间为0.5s时,高神经质对所有效价词的RT均快于低神经质;而当呈现时间为1.0s时,外倾者比内倾者的反应潜伏期更短4(3)双重刺激条件下的选择性加工偏向比单一刺激条件更明显;(4)在词性辨别任务中.刺激词呈现时间只影响了神经质被试对情绪词的RT;在注意探测任务中,呈现时间对内外倾被试的加工偏向影响不显著。  相似文献   
《中国大学生心理健康量表》的编制   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
本研究在文献研究、咨询案例分析、专家访谈和讨论、开放式问卷调查的基础上,采用实证法,编制了大学生心理健康量表,制定了全国大学生常模,并对其信度和效度进行了检验。结果表明:该量表具有良好的信度与效度,可以用于我国大学生心理健康水平的的检测。  相似文献   
食管癌内镜技术最优化原则的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着消化内镜及其配件的不断更新和内镜医师操作技术的进步,消化内镜在食管癌的应用从诊断为主发展到诊断与治疗并重.回顾历史,医疗需求是医学科学进步的强大动力,科学技术进步推动医学的发展,内镜技术的发展促进了食管癌诊断与治疗水平的最优化.  相似文献   
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