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本文以《辩中边论》、《大般若经》第二会卷488和《大智度论》为中心,对瑜伽行派和《般若经》以及中观派所说之十六空的含义进行了具体的比较,并从四个方面对三者阐释的异同做了细致的分析和总结,指出唯识学者对十六空的阐释侧重于有情能所的角度来说,对于空性、真如则侧重于有的角度加以诠释;而《般若经》和中观派则偏重于从一切法平等和空的角度来说。另外,本文还特别指出了龙树在其《大智度论》中也从有情妄执的角度来谈论空,对于第一义空也从肯定和真实有的角度加以阐释。由此可略窥唯识与中观在空义阐释上的会通与歧异之处。  相似文献   
Workers with disabilities are understudied, and workers with childhood onset of disability have been excluded from many of the studies on disability and work that do exist. This research compares the effects of childhood and adult onset of disability in a nationally representative sample of workers with disabilities. Educational disruptions due to disability status in childhood are negatively associated with life satisfaction and positively associated with perceived discrimination. Although age is associated with increased life satisfaction and decreased perceptions of discrimination for workers with adult disability onset, age is unrelated to these outcomes for workers with childhood disability onset. Receiving workplace accommodations is positively associated with satisfaction and negatively associated with discrimination for both groups, however, these relationships are stronger in magnitude for the childhood disability onset group. Organizational environments, both in education and in the workplace, play a critical role in the vocational well-being of workers with childhood disability onset.  相似文献   
Fitts’ law robustly predicts the time required to move rapidly to a target. However, it is unclear whether Fitts’ law holds for visually guided actions under visually restricted conditions. We tested whether Fitts’ law applies under various conditions of visual restriction and compared pointing movements in each condition. Ten healthy participants performed four pointing movement tasks under different visual feedback conditions, including full-vision (FV), no-hand-movement (NM), no-target-location (NT), and no-vision (NV) feedback conditions. The movement times (MTs) for each task exhibited highly linear relationships with the index of difficulty (r2 > .96). These findings suggest that pointing movements follow Fitts’ law even when visual feedback is restricted or absent. However, the MTs and accuracy of pointing movements decreased for difficult tasks involving visual restriction.  相似文献   
尔曼里作为回族文化的一部分,有着多元的文化类型,是伊斯兰教中国本土化的产物,在中国回族多元教派门宦的社会中,尔曼里具有着地域性和教派门宦的特征,其多元的文化类型是回族人多元认同的中国化表达。笔者认为,尔曼里作为一种回族民俗与宗教兼顾的族群行为,其形成的特定场景和历程决定着这一华俗存在的合理性。  相似文献   
公正是一个复杂的概念.公正具有严格的概念范畴和内涵尺度,而不仅仅是一种哲学分析模式的指代符号.在政治哲学的语境中,公正意味着促进人对公民性、价值认知、观念认同、制度均衡和社会结构稳定的产生、发展或实现.这就意味着公正概念必须建立在某种特定的政治实践的基础上.对于当代公正概念分析而言,这一基础离不开政治评价行为、政治生活结构和政治价值构建等三个维度,且表现为这样三个维度之间的均衡存在.  相似文献   
分析指背动脉背侧支与其血管网联合供血滋养皮瓣在指末端皮肤缺损的修复中的应用效果。取中节手指固有动脉的背侧支为蒂血管,逆行切取指背皮瓣31例共35指,移植修补位于远端指间关节或其远端的皮肤缺损。若同时伴有骨、关节、肌腱等的损伤,则予以同期修复。本研究中最大切取皮瓣1.5cm×3.5cm,平均随访6±0.5个月(3至9个月),皮瓣成活率100%,皮瓣两点辨别觉9±0.2mm,95%的患者具有良好的指间关节活动能力。因此,指动脉背侧支皮瓣手术操作简单,术后成功率高且患者恢复效果好。  相似文献   
高血压是抗血管生成靶向药物最常见的副作用之一,其机制和管理受到重视。本文就靶向药物导致高血压的机制进行了探讨,考虑可能与抗血管生成药物的作用靶点有关,即影响了血管内皮生长因子的功能所致;介绍临床如何进行高血压管理并建议在抗血管生成靶向药物使用过程中规范地监测、控制血压,开展相关研究。  相似文献   
该研究为了考察数量信息能否独立引发符号的空间表征,采用若干面积不等的圆和点数不同的点阵作为实验刺激,让被试用左右手按键,判断圆面积的大小,以及点阵点数的多少。结果发现,无论在面积大小判断任务中,还是在点数数量判断任务中,都没有产生SNARC效应。这说明,单纯的数量信息,并不能引发符号进行空间表征。这一结果也在一定程度上支持了Gevers等人的假设:数字的空间表征,是由数字的顺序性信息决定的,而并非是由其数量信息决定的。  相似文献   
道金斯,当代著名的动物行为学家,自然选择理论的辩手,坚定的无神论者,并为自己拥有彻底的无神论思想而自豪。上帝是否存在?道金斯明确表明:上帝就是一种错觉。无论是宇宙的起源与运行,生命的发生与演变,还是道德的敬畏与维护,心灵的抚慰与激励,诸如此类问题大可不必由宗教来回答或承担。从科学观出发逐一废黜上帝在人类心目中的位置。  相似文献   
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