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2008年2月2日,中共中央统战部、全国政协民宗委、国家宗教事务局共同主办的"2008年宗教界人士迎春茶话会"在国家宗教事务局银安殿举行.中共中央统战部常务副部长朱维群,全国政协民宗委副主任黄璜,全国政协副秘书长蒋作君,国家宗教事务局局长叶小文、副局长王作安、齐晓飞、蒋坚永等有关方面领导和五大宗教全国性团体负责人近百人出席了茶活会.  相似文献   
随着经济与医疗卫生事业的发展和医疗模式的转变,病人群体对诊治措施的质量也有了更高和更明确的要求。对非意向性怀孕妇女来说,在舒适、无痛的环境下进行人流手术便成了发展的必然,也符合伦理要求,体现了医者对病人的人文关怀。  相似文献   
在全面推进素质教育的新时期,对大学生进行心理健康教育,增强他们的,心理素质,促进其全面发展是目前高等教育的重要任务之一。而高校的思想政治教育与大学生的心理健康教育有着密切的联系,因此怎样把思想政治教育与大学生心理健康教育有机结合起来,提高思想政治教育工作的实效性,成为思想政治工作者的重要任务。  相似文献   
为研究盐酸戊乙奎醚对心脏瓣膜置换术患者心肌NF-κB转录活性的影响,选取择期瓣膜置换术患者60例,随机分为对照组(C)、盐酸戊乙奎醚组1(P1)、盐酸戊乙奎醚组2(P2),每组20例。结果心肌缺血再灌注后,P1、P2组NF-κB的转录活性明显下降,可见盐酸戊乙奎醚可以抑制心肌NF-κB的激活,在一定程度上具有心肌保护作用。  相似文献   
为了考察入学过渡期高中新生主观社会地位(subjective social status, SSS)的变化轨迹及人格在其中的作用,本研究对546名高一新生进行了历时4个月的4次追踪测试。基于潜变量增长模型的分析结果显示:(1)SSS呈阶段化线性增长,且个体间差异显著;(2)人格中的外倾性、宜人性、责任心和开放性均能显著预测SSS的初始水平;(3)外倾性、宜人性和神经质对SSS的第一阶段变化速度有显著预测作用。结果表明,SSS会在新生入学后1个月内初步形成,且人格与其变化轨迹有关。  相似文献   
Background/Objective: This study explored the association between active school travel (AST) and suicide attempts among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Method: We used the data from the Global School-based Health Survey, including 127,097 adolescents aged 13-17 years from 34 LMICs. A self-reported survey was used to collect data on AST and suicide attempts as well as some variables. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess the association between AST and suicide attempts. A meta-analysis with random effects was undertaken to identify the difference in the association between AST and suicide attempts. Results: Across all the adolescents, the prevalence of AST was 37% and the prevalence of suicide attempts was 11.60%. Adolescents who engaged in AST were less likely to have suicide attempts irrespective of gender. The country-wise analysis indicated a large inconsistency in the association between AST and suicide attempt across the countries. Conclusions: AST would appear to be a protective factor for reducing suicide attempts among adolescents. However, the association between AST and suicide attempts varied greatly across the countries. Future studies should confirm the association between AST and suicide attempts.  相似文献   
控制感剥夺会阻碍工作记忆中的转换功能,但对工作记忆中刷新功能的影响机制尚不清楚。据此,本文通过两个实验来探究控制感剥夺对工作记忆刷新功能的影响。结果发现,相较于基线水平,无论是通过行为无助任务(实验1)还是通过信息无助任务(实验2)操纵的稳定控制感剥夺均未阻碍随后的刷新任务;但在不稳定控制感剥夺的条件下(实验2),刷新任务的成绩显著降低。这表明,控制感剥夺对工作记忆刷新功能的影响依赖于对其操纵的稳定性。  相似文献   

追踪和探索近10年中医药科技伦理研究的趋势与热点。检索中国知网数据库近10年相关文献,应用CiteSpace 6.1.R6软件分别对纳入的238篇文献的作者、机构、关键词绘制知识图谱并进行分析。从2013年1月1日—2023年1月1日,中医药科技伦理领域发文量总体呈波动性上升趋势。频数最多的5个关键词为伦理审查、中医药、临床研究、中医、伦理。研究显示中医药研究伦理审查、中医药现代化面临的伦理问题、中医学理论在伦理领域的新发展、中国传统医德研究是该领域关注的重点。大医精诚的相关研究可能成为未来研究方向。

Wei L 《Brain and language》2002,81(1-3):691-707
The Chinese/English intrasentential code-switching data provide evidence that the bilingual mental lexicon involves language contact between language-specific semantic/pragmatic feature bundles. Lemmas in the mental lexicon are tagged for specific languages and contain semantic, syntactic, and morphological information about lexemes. In a bilingual mode, the speaker makes choices at the preverbal level of lexical-conceptual structure, and these choices activate the lemmas in the mental lexicon for the speaker's preverbal message to be morphosyntactically realized at the functional level of predicate-argument structure. The result will be language-specific surface forms at the positional level of morphological realization patterns. The languages involved in the bilingual's mixed speech are never equally activated, with one language projecting the sentential frame and the other supplying a particular type of morphemes for the speaker's communicative intentions.  相似文献   
王红  李薇 《管子学刊》2005,(3):25-28
晏婴以极忠尽谏闻名,而其劝谏的主要内容便是要齐君效法古之贤君爱民、重民,体现出中国传统文化中的民本思想.本文以《晏子春秋》为据,描述晏婴的谏诤形象和高超的进谏艺术与技巧.  相似文献   
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