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采用文献法、调查法,对北京大学医学部本科生学术道德的现状进行系统研究,了解北京大学医学部本科生学术道德的行为、态度以及对学术道德管理的认识,提出完善制度规范、营造维护学术道德的良好氛围、建立学生、教师、管理者共同参与的体系等对策.  相似文献   
流感的蔓延给社会带来极大危机与风险.在风险社会中风险分布的概率是不同的,其中部分阶层与群体由于风险意识薄弱、知识相对匮乏、资源获得能力的弱势,所面对的风险更大,社会工作对此必须做出积极的干预.在医疗社会工作中,社工可以通过资源的链接、医学知识的培训、心理的辅导、防控网络的构建等干预方式来增加弱势群体抵御风险的能力.  相似文献   
达到并维持哮喘控制和减少未来风险是哮喘的管理目标,绝大多数患者通过药物治疗可以实现这一目标。但目前哮喘控制率很低,除与GINA和我国哮喘诊治规范实施不足有关外,还与传统医疗结构、医疗体制和医疗观念有关,加速医疗改革,人人享有基本医疗卫生服务是提高哮喘控制率的重要环节。  相似文献   
美国金融危机是全球经济过度金融化的后果。过度金融化不仅形成了脱离实体经济发展水平的巨量金融资产泡沫,而且造成了储蓄动员机制、风险管理机制和分配调节机制等市场经济运行机制的蜕化。更为严重的是,过度金融化破坏了正常的经济生态,使私人资本的逐利本性凌驾于其他社会价值之上,人们的经济行为被恐惧和贪婪所统治。只有深刻认识过度金融化对于市场经济运行机制和社会伦理文化所造成的负面影响,才能在深化金融改革、扩大金融开放的过程中始终保持清醒的头脑,避免重蹈过度金融化的覆辙。  相似文献   
任丑 《道德与文明》2010,(6):109-113
工程伦理学如今已成为伦理学领域的一支劲旅,相关问题的争论却愈演愈烈,极难达成伦理共识。至关重要的两个基本问题是:工程伦理学是否可能?工程伦理学为何种伦理学?实际上,工程伦理学不但可能,而且是具有鲜明的现实价值和实践意义的应用伦理学。  相似文献   
Previous evidence showed that administration of d-galactose (d-gal) increased ROS production and resulted in impairment of cholinergic system. Troxerutin, a natural bioflavonoid, has been reported to have many benefits and medicinal properties. In this study, we evaluated the protective effect of troxerutin against d-gal-induced impairment of cholinergic system, and explored the potential mechanism of its action. Our results displayed that troxerutin administration significantly improved behavioral performance of d-gal-treated mice in step-through test and morris water maze task. One of the potential mechanisms of this action was decreased AGEs, ROS and protein carbonyl levels in the basal forebrain, hippocampus and front cortex of d-gal-treated mice. Furthermore, our results also showed that troxerutin significantly inhibited cholinesterase (AchE) activity, increased the expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 7 (nAchRα7) and enhanced interactions between nAchRα7 and either postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95) or N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors subunit 1 (NMDAR1) in the basal forebrain, hippocampus and front cortex of d-gal-treated mice, which could help restore impairment of brain function.  相似文献   
陈献章是明代心学的先驱,提出著名的"静中养出端倪"之说,其心学思想与道教、佛教有着密切的关系.本文即对陈献章与道教、佛教的交涉加以梳理和描述.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships between reciprocal filial piety beliefs, emotional intelligence, and life satisfaction among Taiwanese young adults. A total of 481 college students from Taiwan were recruited for the study. Structural equation modelling was employed to analyze the data. The analysis produced the following results. First, reciprocal filial piety was positively related to all of the four types of emotional intelligence: self‐emotional appraisal (SEA), others' emotional appraisal (OEA), regulation of emotion (ROE), and use of emotion (UOE). Second, both ROE and UOE had a positive association with life satisfaction whereas SEA and OEA had a nonsignificant association with life satisfaction. Third, the two types of emotional intelligence, ROE and UOE, mediated the relation between reciprocal filial piety and young adults' life satisfaction. The findings suggest that reciprocal filial piety, representing high‐quality interaction between children and parents, can facilitate individuals' ability to control and use their emotions, which in turn improves their life satisfaction.  相似文献   
萨满式文明是以巫术为特征的广义萨满信仰的文明形态,这种文明特征广泛存在于中国乃至世界各民族中。本文通过对中国东北部索伦鄂温克族的田野调查,对现代萨满信仰进行分析,探讨这种文明形态对人们的观念、行为以及社会文化的影响。  相似文献   
为了分析餐后低血压(PPH)患者的24h 动态血压变化特点,选择150例原发性高血压患者进行24h 动态血压监测,分成 PPH 组(n=85)和非 PPH(n=65)。观察两组平均血压、血压负荷值、晨峰值、血压变异性等指标。结果显示,(1) PPH 组年龄明显高于非 PPH 组(P<0.05);(2)PPH 组患者24h 及日间、夜间平均收缩压及平均收缩压负荷高于非PPH 组(P<0.05),但舒张压无统计学差异(P>0.05);(3) PPH 组患者血压变异性明显高于非 PPH 组(P <0.05);(4) PPH 组患者血压晨峰数值及晨峰发生率明显高于非 PPH 组(P<0.05);(5) PPH 组夜间血压下降率及非勺型率较非 PPH 组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。因此,PPH 患者易发生于高龄患者,且具有收缩压、血压变异性增高,更易发生晨峰现象的特点。  相似文献   
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