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该文介绍了《心理学报》对稿件的选择、送审至发排过程,及编辑部对稿件的要求;并简述了来稿中常见的问题。  相似文献   
儿童对几种时间词句的理解   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现实中任何事情总是在一定的时、空条件下发生的,所以语言学家概括出简单陈述句的基本模式为:时间坐标+空间坐标+核心句。但时间不同于空间,它是看不见摸不着的,因此儿童在语言中使用时间词汇比空间词汇少而且迟,我们从调查中(注)发现,在七十名  相似文献   
言语产生中的词长效应   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
庄捷  周晓林 《心理学报》2001,34(3):23-27
采用图片命名方法考察言语产生中的词长效应,并进而分析语音计划的单位和序列性。选取能同时用单音节(如“羊”)和双音节(“山羊”)命名的图片作刺激材料,发现双音节命名明显慢于单音节命名,这种效应既表现在首音节型(如“花”与“花朵”),也表现在尾音节型(如“羊”与“山羊”)刺激材料上。研究结果支持语音编码从左到右、系列提取和双音节词的词音计划单位大于单音节词的观点。该文还对图片命名中的频率效应进行了事后分析。  相似文献   
动态视觉加工与儿童汉字阅读   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
使用视觉阈限测验、图片命名、字形相似性判断实验和语音意识等测验 ,考察了小学五年级儿童视觉加工技能与汉字阅读之间的关系。结果发现 :动态视觉加工与图片命名错误率、字形判断反应时和错误率、语音意识均有显著相关 ,静态视觉加工只与图片命名错误率相关显著 ;控制识字量后的偏相关分析显示 ,动态视觉加工与其他变量的相关关系不变 ,静态视觉加工与图片命名错误率的相关不再显著 ;回归分析发现动态视觉加工在识字量和语音意识的影响控制后 ,能够分别解释阅读流畅性、字形判断反应时和图片命名错误率 7%、2 5 %和 5 6 %的变化 ;语音意识能够解释识字量和阅读流畅性 9%和 10 %的变化 ;对差读者的动态视觉加工和语音意识分析发现 ,儿童在这两种测验上的个体差异很大。上述结果表明 ,阅读过程受基本知觉技能影响 ,动态视觉加工作用于汉字阅读的特定过程。  相似文献   
成就动机的多重目标理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于成就目标的三分法,Harackiewicz等人提出多重目标理论。该理论认为,学生在学习过程中采用多种类型的成就目标将会带来最佳的适应性结果,这种观点与单纯强调掌握目标正性作用的传统目标理论相对立。根据多重目标对成就结果的作用模式,理论学家分别提出了四种模型:累加目标模型、交互目标模型、特定目标模型以及选择目标模型。最近的实证研究支持了选择目标模型的观点,并为如何提升个体的成就水平提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - In Chinese, the graphic units are Chinese characters, most of which are compound characters. Since a compound character can be different from another one in...  相似文献   
We report on a study of the influence of aging pathways on the evolution of solute-rich features in peak-aged Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys. The concentration and partitioning ratios of Mg, Si and Cu and Mg/Si ratios in the heterogeneous solute-rich features all increase with increasing size, with Si exhibiting the highest partitioning ratio, but notably these ratios change dramatically depending on the aging pathway selected. Accordingly, the short-time age hardening response can be enhanced by promoting both homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitate nucleation, while simultaneous improvements in peak-aged strength and elongation can be attained by a vacancy-assisted aging pathway.  相似文献   
庄锦英  刘永芳 《心理科学》2003,26(2):249-252
控制知觉材料的熟悉性和概念范例的典型性,以考察它们对内隐与外显记忆发展的影响。结果表明:(1)知觉内隐记忆的启动效应不存在年龄和熟悉性效应,而知觉外显记忆成绩则具有明显的年龄和熟悉性效应;(2)在概念内隐记忆任务上,典型范例的启动效应不存在年龄差异,非典型范例的启动效应则存在随年龄而增长的启动效应:无论是典型范例还是非典型范例的外显记忆成绩均随年龄增长而提高。  相似文献   
Researchers have gone beyond identity status and been putting more and more emphases on the dynamic process of identity development and its contextual embeddedness. Study of individual’s adaptation to the multicultural background is a good point of penetration. Because of the differences in regional conditions and cultural traditions, the minority youths who go to university in the mainstream culture would have special experiences and challenges in the development of their self-identities. Semi-structured interview and narrative were used in this research to discover the characteristics of the self-identity constructing processes of Mongolian undergraduates in a Shanghai university context. Their identity constructing process could be divided into three stages: difference-detecting, self-doubting and self-orienting. The main efforts of identity constructing in each stage could all be described as self-exploring and support-seeking. Special contents of internal explorations and sources of support were distinguished at different stages. As relative results, three main types of self-orientation were revealed: goal-oriented, self-isolated and unreserved assimilated. The characteristics of them are quite similar to those of three identity processing styles proposed by Berzonsky, which indicates there are some common elements lying in all self-development processes of adolescences and young adults. Ethnicity and culture could be background and resource or what Côté called identity capital that impacts the special course of self-identity constructing under similar principles. Different attitudes towards and relationships with their own ethnicity and new surroundings separated the three types of students from each other and interacted with the developmental characteristics and tendencies of their ethnicity identifications and self identities. It was found that minority youths’ self-identity constructing was based on their needs of self-value and interacted with their ecological niche constructing. Take ethnicity attachment and ethnicity responsibility as a typical example: the setting up of bi-direction relationship between individuals and their ethnicity (or other identity-related factors) was very important for minority youths to expand and integrate themselves. We also presented in detail our methodological exploring process so as to illuminate the limitation of traditional methods and the necessity and importance of methodological reform. Methodologically, both emic and etic positions were taken, interview and narrative approaches were adopted and individual angle of analysis was kept in the research. They were all proved to be effective to provide insight into the dynamic process of self identity constructing.  相似文献   
In appetitive Pavlovian learning, animals learn to associate discrete cues or environmental contexts with rewarding outcomes, and these cues and/or contexts can potentiate an ongoing instrumental response for reward. Although anatomical substrates underlying cued and contextual learning have been proposed, it remains unknown whether specific molecular signaling pathways within the striatum underlie one form of learning or the other. Here, we show that while the striatum-enriched isoform of adenylyl cyclase (AC5) is required for cued appetitive Pavlovian learning, it is not required for contextual appetitive learning. Mice lacking AC5 (AC5KO) could not learn an appetitive Pavlovian learning task in which a discrete signal light predicted reward delivery, yet they could form associations between context and either natural or drug reward, which could in turn elicit Pavlovian approach behavior. However, unlike wild-type (WT) mice, AC5KO mice could not use these Pavlovian conditioned stimuli to potentiate ongoing instrumental behavior in a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer paradigm. These data suggest that AC5 is specifically required for learning associations between discrete cues and outcomes in which the temporal relationship between conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) is essential, while alternative signaling mechanisms may underlie the formation of associations between context and reward. In addition, loss of AC5 compromises the ability of both contextual and discrete cues to modulate instrumental behavior.In Pavlovian learning, animals form associations between discrete or contextual stimuli in their environment to shape their behavior and make appropriate responses. In discrete cue appetitive Pavlovian conditioning, a single cue with a defined onset and offset that typically activates one sensory modality is provided, immediately followed by reward delivery (Hall 2002; Domjan 2006; Ito et al. 2006). Alternatively, behavior can be driven by context, an assortment of stimuli activating a number of sensory modalities that contribute to the representation of environmental space (Balsam 1985; Rudy and Sutherland 1995; Smith and Mizumori 2006). Collectively, these stimuli make up a context that is paired with reward delivery in contextual appetitive learning. One important distinction between these two forms of learning is that in cued conditioning, there is a discrete temporal relationship between conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US). Thus, an animal can effectively anticipate timing of reward delivery from onset and offset of CS. In vivo studies of dopamine (DA) neuron activity have suggested this discrete temporal relationship can be encoded by DA neurons (Schultz et al. 1997; Schultz 1998a). In contrast, in many contextual Pavlovian conditioning tasks, US delivery is not predicted, it is delivered as the animal explores the environment; thus, the temporal relationship between contextual stimuli and reinforcement is not an essential component of the learned associations (Fanselow 2000). These two types of environmental stimuli may be encoded differently and mediated by different neural substrates.Lesion studies have elucidated the anatomical dissociations between cued and contextual appetitive learning. Using a modified Y-maze procedure, it has been suggested that contextual appetitive learning is hippocampus- and nucleus-accumbens (NAc) dependent, while cued learning is dependent on the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) and the NAc (Ito et al. 2005, 2006). In addition, as the NAc processes glutamatergic inputs from the amygdala and the hippocampus (Groenewegen et al. 1999; Goto and Grace 2008), recent studies have indicated that disconnecting the hippocampus from the NAc shell can disrupt contextual appetitive conditioning (Ito et al. 2008). In addition to glutamatergic inputs, the NAc, as part of the ventral striatum, receives dense dopaminergic input from midbrain nuclei (Groenewegen et al. 1999). Temporal shifts in phasic DA release in striatal regions has been correlated with appetitive Pavlovian learning (Day et al. 2007), and models of striatal function suggest that DA-dependent modification of glutamatergic transmission in the striatum may underlie reinforcement learning (Reynolds et al. 2001; Reynolds and Wickens 2002).The cAMP pathway has been implicated in plasticity and learning in a number of neuronal structures (Abel et al. 1997; Ferguson and Storm 2004; Pittenger et al. 2006). Adenylyl cyclase (AC), the enzyme that makes cAMP, has nine membrane-bound isoforms, each with different expression patterns and regulatory properties (Hanoune and Defer 2001). AC5 is highly enriched in the striatum, with very low levels of expression in other regions of the brain (Mons et al. 1998; Iwamoto et al. 2003; Kheirbek et al. 2008, 2009), and genetic deletion of AC5 (AC5KO) severely compromises DA''s ability to modulate cAMP levels in the striatum (Iwamoto et al. 2003). Previous studies have shown that AC5KO mice were severely impaired in acquisition of a cued appetitive Pavlovian learning task, while formation of action–outcome contingencies in instrumental learning was intact (Kheirbek et al. 2008). Yet, it remains unknown whether the cAMP pathway in the striatum underlies all forms of appetitive Pavlovian learning, or how it contributes to the ability of Pavlovian cues to modulate instrumental behavior.In this study, we asked if genetic deletion of AC5 selectively impairs cued or contextual appetitive learning. In addition, we tested whether loss of AC5 affects the ability of conditioned cues or contexts to modulate instrumental behavior. Our data indicate that although loss of AC5 abolishes cued appetitive learning, contextual learning is spared. Although contextual stimuli could elicit approach behavior in AC5KO mice, they could not potentiate an ongoing instrumental response, highlighting the importance of this isoform of AC in Pavlovian–instrumental interactions.  相似文献   
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