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大学生倾向性道德敏感的结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倾向性道德敏感是个体敏锐觉察和解释道德问题的反应倾向性.在文献梳理、理论建构和问卷调查的基础上,本研究以622名大学生为被试,探讨了倾向性道德敏感性的结构.探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明,大学生倾向性道德敏感由移情内疚、惩罚倾向、移情烦扰、觉察频率、共感想象等五个因素构成,本研究所编制的大学生倾向性道德敏感问卷具有较好的信效度.  相似文献   
郑宇健 《世界哲学》2013,(1):123-132,161
从一种广义的自然主义框架出发,关于内容的基本哲学问题是:在一个本无内容的自然界中内容是如何可能的?具言之,内容源于何处,其地位之特殊性何在,内容与非内容的自然存在之间有何关系?本文通过对柏济新著《客观性之起源》中的相关观点,及其与当代不同种类的诠释主义立场之间的潜在争论的述评,试图对上述问题给出某种合理解答.这一解答涉及一种受自然进化约束的、与可诠释性条件相伴随的规范性.这是一种与自然主义相容的非还原主义立场.  相似文献   
社会规范的跨文化比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中、日、美三国的社会规范进行了比较研究。被试为北京1434人,大阪608人,洛杉矶1409人。在3方共同研讨基础上编制了统一的调查问卷,共67个项目。采用SPSS 10.0软件对结果进行了多元统计、解析。结果表明:(1)三国国民的社会规范的基本维度是一致的,包括伦理道德、价值取向、法律规章和社会习俗4个维度。其中,伦理道德和价值取向组成内控规范,法律规章和社会习俗组成外控规范。(2)中日两国的社会规范都是以内控规范为主,外控规范为辅。中国人在内控规范中,以伦理道德为主,价值取向为次;在外控规范中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为辅。而日本人的内控规范中却以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。(3)美国人的社会规范以外控为主,内控为辅。在外控的两大维度中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为次;在内控规范中,以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。尽管三国之间有着相同的规范维度,但组成各规范维度的具体规范,既有超越特定文化的共同规范,又存在着依存于特定文化的特殊规范。社会规范的文化差异是导致管理冲突的根本原因。  相似文献   
Comprehension is integral to enjoyment of media narratives, yet our understanding of how viewers create the situation models that underlie comprehension is limited. This study utilizes two models of comprehension that had previously been tested with factual texts/videos to predict viewers' recall of entertainment media. Across five television/film clips, the landscape model explained at least 29% of the variance in recall. A dual coding version that assumed separate verbal and visual representations of the story significantly improved the model fit in four of the clips, accounting for an additional 15–29% of the variance. The dimensions of the event‐indexing model (time, space, protagonist, causality, and intentionality) significantly moderated the relationship between the dual coding model and participant recall in all clips.  相似文献   
郑湘萍  李绍元 《世界哲学》2007,(5):79-82,90
约翰·罗尔斯认为,万民法是一种关于权利和正义的原则和准则,是用于国际法和国际实践中的世界正义,现实乌托邦学说则是一种走向世界正义的合理的政治总念。罗尔斯的现实乌托邦学说兼有普世主义和特殊主义的双重特征,始终飘摇于理想主义与现实主义之间,表现为一种新自由主义式的带有现实关怀的国际道义主义。  相似文献   

Most scholars have focused on group differences in overall life satisfaction, and little research has explored group differences in domain-specific satisfaction. This study investigated the variation in the effects of subjective social status on domain-specific satisfaction across personality styles (combined extraversion and neuroticism) in a sample of 1120 female and 745 male Chinese. Participants completed a questionnaire comprising demographics factors, MacArthur Scale, BFI personality scale and self-rated domain-specific satisfaction with interpersonal, health, political, financial, environmental, environmental, and cultural. The findings revealed that subjective social status positively, extraversion positively, and neuroticism negatively predicted six domain-specific satisfactions. Additionally, the results of the hierarchical regression analysis confirmed that the moderating roles of personality traits, but neither extraversion nor neuroticism alone moderated the effects of subjective social status on six domains of life satisfaction. Higher subjective social status related to a substantial increase in domainspecific satisfaction with health, political and environmental for respondents with high extraversion and low neuroticism. Taking together, from the “bottom-up” perspectives, these findings provide support to extend Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory to explain the relationship between subjective social status and domain-specific satisfaction.

虚拟现实技术通过提供视觉、听觉和触觉等信息为用户创造身临其境的感知体验, 其中触觉反馈面临诸多技术瓶颈使得虚拟现实中的自然交互受限。基于多感官错觉的伪触觉技术可以借助其他通道的信息强化和丰富触觉感受, 是目前虚拟现实环境中优化触觉体验的有效途径。本文聚焦于触觉中最重要的维度之一——粗糙度, 试图为解决虚拟现实中触觉反馈的受限问题提供新思路。探讨了粗糙度感知中, 视、听、触多感觉通道整合的关系, 分析了视觉线索(表面纹理密度、表面光影、控制显示比)和听觉线索(音调/频率、响度)如何影响触觉粗糙度感知, 总结了当下调控这些因素来改变粗糙度感知的方法。最后, 探讨了使用伪触觉反馈技术时, 虚拟现实环境中视、听、触觉信息在呈现效果、感知整合等方面与真实世界相比可能存在的差异, 提出可借鉴的改善触觉体验的适用方法和未来待研究的方向。  相似文献   
已有研究发现物体识别存在视角依赖效应,那么在真实物体搜索中是否也存在视角依赖效应呢?本研究采用物体阵列搜索任务,通过眼动技术探讨真实物体搜索中的视角依赖效应及其来源。结果发现:(1)图片提示的搜索绩效优于名称提示;(2)以名称提示时,常规视角的搜索绩效高于新异视角,与新异视角相比,以常规视角呈现的目标物体在扫描和确认阶段的注视点数较少且持续时间较短,表现出视角依赖效应;(3)以图片为提示时,搜索绩效与视角无关。由此可见,在以名称提示的物体搜索中,常规视角比新异视角条件下的注意引导更高效,对目标物体的确认也更快,扫描和确认阶段均存在视角依赖效应,支持目标模板的双功能理论。  相似文献   
基于进化领域的生命史理论,采用两种实验启动的途径探讨性别比、童年经济状况和女性长短期择偶偏好间的关系。结果表明:女性在长期择偶中更为重视男性的“好爸爸”和“好资源”,在短期择偶中更为重视男性的“好基因”;性别比在女性长期择偶的“好爸爸”偏好上具有显著主效应,在“女多男少”情境下女性对“好爸爸”的偏好水平会较“男多女少”时明显提高;性别比和童年经济状况在女性长期择偶“好爸爸”偏好上的交互效应显著:童年贫穷女性在“女多”情境下会明显提高对长期择偶“好爸爸”的偏好水平,童年富裕女性在性别失衡情境下对长期“好爸爸”的偏好保持相对稳定。  相似文献   
Work–family scholars tend to work in two largely disconnected research streams, focusing on either work–family enrichment—the positive side of the work–family interface—or work–family conflict—the negative side of this interface. The purpose of this study is to suggest a reconciliation of the two research streams by proposing and testing a resource-based model of work-to-family enrichment and conflict. Specifically, we propose that an individual's work role engagement has two independent outcomes, work role resource gain and loss, and they separately mediate the relationships between work role engagement and work-to-family enrichment and conflict. We further propose that two dimensions of regulatory focus, promotion focus and prevention focus, moderate the relationships between work role engagement and work role resource gain and loss respectively. Structural equation modeling results based on data from 1052 employees of Chinese firms offer general support for these notions.  相似文献   
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