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谈生理功能的整体调节方式   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
面对生理学整体水平研究的挑战,应研究生理功能整体调节方式。这一调节方式的基础是神经内分泌免疫网络,它的特征是依照个体特点的分型。讨论其混沌特性,研究方法及医学的影响。  相似文献   
The authors used structural modeling to predict institutional aggression among male mentally ill offenders using the predictors of anger, antisocial personality style, current violent offense, ethnicity, and impulsivity. Measures included the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Personality Assessment Inventory, age, ethnicity, current violent offense, victim injury from current offense, and institutional incidents of physical and verbal aggression. The model fit the data, and accounted for 94% and 87% of the variance of physical and verbal aggression, respectively. Results indicated anger, antisocial personality style, and impulsivity are stronger predictors of institutional aggression than are ethnicity and current violent offense; anger was the best predictor. Results suggest dynamic variables such as anger can be targeted for clinical intervention to reduce institutional violence.  相似文献   
This research assessed an interactive satellite-based training program integrating interactive audiovisual experiences with face-to-face interactions. Key elements were content created by experts, high-quality video segments, satellite-based interaction, off-line interactions among teams of parents and caregivers, workshops, and team building exercises. For pragmatic reasons, it was necessary to develop brief assessment instruments concurrently with training. A large set of survey items were created from draft materials and reduced empirically through piloting to those with the best psychometric properties. To avoid the appearance of traditional testing, knowledge was assessed with Likert items. Surveys measured participant satisfaction, knowledge, attitudes, and the application and articulation of concepts. Participant satisfaction was high. Participants increased positive attitudes and learned appropriate vocabulary. Training was more effective than no training or watching videotapes. The program appears to represent a viable model of training that could successfully be applied to Internet technologies.  相似文献   
任务难度对基于位置返回抑制时间进程的影响   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
王玉改 《心理科学》1999,22(3):205-208
在返回抑制的实验范式下,采用线索一靶子模式进行了视觉字母觉察实验、实验发现,返回抑制在线索与靶子之间的时间间隔(SOA)为700ms时出现,且在900ms时消退。这与先前许多实验发现的返回抑制在SOA为300ms左右时出现的结果不一致。作者认为,实验任务的难度是影响返回抑制时间进程的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
时点,时距和时序信息加工之间相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王振勇  黄希庭 《心理科学》1999,22(5):398-402
本研究分为两个实验,分别采用预期式和回溯式范型,探讨时距、时序和时点三者之间信息加工的相关性,结果发现:同一时间经历,时距估计与时序判断随注意参与程度的增加,由负相关趋势向正相关变化;时距估计与时点离散度可能呈正相关趋势;时序判断与时点离散度随注意参与程度的增加,由负相关趋势向正相关变化。  相似文献   
王常生  耿昌明 《心理科学》1999,22(2):112-115
采用WMS—CR和MMSE对临床脑损伤患者进行了认知功能与记忆功能两方面的筛选,获得9名遗忘症患者。然后采用偏好和自由联想两项语义性启动效应任务进行测验,发现遗忘症患者在外显记忆受损情况下,的确存在语义性启动效应,且与正常对照相近。推论语义性启动效应任务与遗忘患者损伤的颞叶或间脑结构无关。同时还讨论了启动效应任务,认为偏好任务采用言语性材料不是理想的方法。  相似文献   
采用偏好、自由联想、字根补笔和字辨认等4项任务观察一例单纯性右侧基底节损伤遗忘症患者和两组正常对照的启动效应。结果发现:(1)该患者知觉性启动效应障碍、而语义性启动效应正常。认为知觉性启动效应的神经学基础可能在基底节。(2)该患者知觉性启动效应与语义性启动效应分离。认为神经组织的损伤可导致不同形式启动效应的分解,提出内隐记忆或启动效应的不同形式可能存在不同的神经学基础。  相似文献   
张智勇  王垒  漆鸣 《心理学报》1998,31(1):85-92
根据王登峰等人收集的中文人格词表,本研究用定距抽取的方式构造了一个包含244个人格特质词的自我评定检核表。601名中国大学生参加了自我评定。因素分析结果表明,七因素模式能较好地体现中文人格特质词的基本维度。中国大学生自我描述维度由七个因素钩:(1)负价一:虚伪浮夸,(2)正价:严谨负责,(3)负价二:浅薄无能,(4)内向负情绪:多悉善感。(5)外同正情绪:热情可爱,(6)外向负情绪:暴躁易怒,(7  相似文献   
McCollough效应在完全黑暗和自然视觉条件下的消退过程很缓慢,而利用同频补色条栅来进行反诱导,能在十几分钟内消除显色效应。消除所用时间与反诱导条栅的亮度、颜色和栅条间距(空间频率)有关。进一步说明导致McCollough效应恢复平衡的主要因素跟网膜刺激方式有关。  相似文献   
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