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The present study explored the intrinsic event-related potential (ERP) features of the effects of acute psychological stress on the processing of motion-in-depth perception using a dual-task paradigm. After a mental arithmetic task was used to induce acute psychological stress, a collision task was used to evaluate motion-in-depth perception. The error value and average amplitude of late slow waves (SW) were significantly larger for the earlier colliding spheres’ than for the later colliding spheres. The P1 peak latency in the left occipital region was significantly shorter than that of the right occipital region in the motion-in-depth perception task. Compared to the control condition, the estimated value of residual time-to-collision and error value were significantly reduced, and the N1 peak amplitude and the SW averaged amplitude were significantly increased in the stress condition. Longer motion-in-depth time improved discrimination accuracy and decreased the investment of cognitive resources. Acute psychological stress increased behavioral performance and enhanced attention resources on the motion-in-depth perception task together with greater investment of cognitive resources.  相似文献   
赵玉杰  高扬  周欣悦 《心理学报》2020,52(7):909-920
本文通过两个研究探讨天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响。研究1通过重新分析Cohn, Maréchal, Tannenbaum和Zünd (2019)在全球范围内对诚信行为的研究数据, 发现了天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响; 研究2通过准实验的研究方法, 在3所高校进行了丢钱包的实验并记录当天天气和空气污染状况。两项研究共同表明:(1)在非晴朗的天气下, 人们会做出更多的不诚信行为; (2)空气污染越严重, 人们越有可能出现不诚信的 行为。  相似文献   
The current experiments examined the creation of nonbelieved true and false memories after imagining bizarre and familiar actions using the imagination inflation procedure (Goff & Roediger, 1998). In both experiments, participants took part in three sessions. In Session 1, participants had to perform or imagine simple familiar actions (e.g., “stir the water with the spoon”) and bizarre actions (e.g., “balance the spoon on your nose”). A day later, participants needed to imagine simple actions of which some were new actions, and some were old actions that appeared in the first session. After a week, the participants completed a recognition task. For those actions that were correctly or incorrectly remembered as having been performed, the participant was challenged that the action was not performed in order to evoke nonbelieved true and false memories. In general, we found that the imagination inflation procedure can successfully induce participants to produce nonbelieved memories. In Study 1, we successfully induced nonbelieved memories for bizarre actions, although in general nonbelieved memory rates were low. In Study 2, more participants formed nonbelieved memories for bizarre actions than for familiar actions. Also, we found that especially belief was more susceptible to revision when memories were challenged than recollection. In two experiments, we showed that nonbelieved memories can successfully be induced for both familiar and bizarre actions.  相似文献   
与价值观上主张自然原则相应,庄子肯定政治领域应顺物自然,合乎民意。较之儒家的“民本”思想,与顺物自然相联系的“合乎民意”具有不同涵义。儒家所主张的“民本”主要强调治国应奠基于民众之上,其特点在于以民众作为治国的基础和出发点,庄子所理解的“顺应民意”,则首先以不干预民众为指向。从形而上的层面看,政治哲学关乎对道的理解。通过道术与巫术交锋,庄子指出了两者的重要分别在于自然无为和有意而为之:巫术的特点是基于经验性的显现作出推测,属有意而为之;道术则趋向于自然无为。本于天性,构成了为道的特点。巫术与道术之别,体现了“技”与“道”的分野,其中包含着以道的智慧引导治国过程的内在意向。从治国或政治哲学的角度来说,“浑沌”隐喻着庄子所认同的原始秩序,此种秩序以智慧未开、是非之争尚未展开为前提。从人性的角度看,原初秩序与人的自然天性相一致。庄子以天人之辨为政治哲学的内在主线。天人之分体现于不同方面,包括人性规定、行为方式,等等。“浑沌之死”意味着理想存在状态的结束,它表明偏离本然的有为而治,将导致理想存在状态的终结。庄子的相关理解中,同时包含内在的历史限定。  相似文献   
王时槐是江右王学的代表性人物之一,他将善恶视为念能否顺本性而动,对合法性与道德性有清楚的辨析,并注重过恶之辨,意念无明显的邪妄可以视为无恶,但不代表无过。他主张善有本体,而恶无根即无形上的本体,但恶仍有其根源,这就是人的"自离其性"或"甘自弃之"的主观条件,这与康德的根本恶学说可以接榫。王时槐强调改过迁善的根本动力或力量源于自身,他主张人要立志、修治与敦礼,旨在实现心灵转变与在感官方式上的逐渐改良,达到念念归根的状态,从而纠正准则中颠倒的道德动机的顺序,他对静坐的强调则是通过收敛与暂息尘缘,以默识自心,从而达到动静皆能复归本性。  相似文献   
经民族学与宗教学双重比较研究发现,不像其他民族、宗教,汉族及其宗教都是很难说清的,即不仅汉族的族源问题与特征问题难以说清,而且汉族的宗教认同也远比其他民族宗教难以说清。在学界,很少有人把汉族与汉族宗教联系起来。但从民族与宗教的相互关系视角,能够更好探明二者的渊源。用宗教阐释汉族的渊源,能使人豁然开朗。汉族的族性与汉族的宗教性是互为因果的,汉族的先民创造了独特的多元宗教信仰,多元宗教反过来造就了后来汉族的多元文化属性,使其能够吸收更多周边民族的精华,变成更大更为多元的民族,这是汉族能够成为世界第一大民族的根本原因之一。汉族及其宗教根源在于早期汉族并未塑造创世说,造成上古时代创世说的空白,对汉族宗教产生和发展都产生了深远影响。为此,本文探讨的重点问题是汉族发生学意义上的宗教渊源。  相似文献   
人类道德进步的历史就是道德关怀的范围不断扩展的历史。环境伦理学的重要理论贡献是,区分了道德行为体与道德承受体,把道德承受体的范围扩展到了人类物种之外的自在物。当代机器人伦理学接过环境伦理学扩展道德关怀的接力棒,不仅把道德承受体的范围从自然存在物扩展到了作为人工制品的机器人,还把道德行为体的范围扩展到了具有道德功能的社会机器人。随着道德关怀范围的扩展,出现了三种不同类型的道德行为体和五类不同的道德承受体。为了应对伦理共同体成员的增加所带来的伦理挑战,需要建构具有拓展主义、非人类中心主义、后科学主义与全球主义性质的新型伦理文化。  相似文献   
Advertisements using assertive language are commonly seen in marketing communications, yet assertive language has often been shown to be ineffective in communication and even decrease compliance. Recent research began to examine factors that influence the effectiveness of assertive advertising messages, but little research has studied the potential moderating role of consumer‐related factors. The current research fills this gap by investigating the moderating role of consumers’ power. Across five studies, the authors find that for high‐power consumers, assertive ads are effective in promoting want products but ineffective in promoting should products. For low‐power consumers, however, assertive ads are effective in promoting should products but ineffective in promoting want products. Moreover, the authors show that this pattern of results is driven (mediated) by consumers’ perception of the fit between the advertising message and the advertised product. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Incremental validity testing (i.e., testing whether a focal predictor is associated with an outcome above and beyond a covariate) is common (e.g., 57% of Personal Relationships articles in 2017), yet it is fraught with conceptual and statistical problems. First, researchers often use it to overemphasize the novelty or counterintuitiveness of findings, which hinders cumulative understanding. Second, incremental validity testing requires that the focal predictor and the covariate represent separate constructs; researchers risk committing the “jangle fallacy” without such evidence. Third, the most common approach to incremental validity testing (i.e., standard multiple regression, 88% of articles) inflates Type I error and can produce invalid conclusions. This article also discusses the relevance of these issues to dyadic/longitudinal designs and offers concrete solutions.  相似文献   
Over the last 15 years, researchers have been increasingly interested in understanding the nature and development of children’s selective trust. Three meta‐analyses were conducted on a total of 51 unique studies (88 experiments) to provide a quantitative overview of 3‐ to 6‐year‐old children’s selective trust in an informant based on the informant’s epistemic or social characteristics, and to examine the relation between age and children’s selective trust decisions. The first and second meta‐analyses found that children displayed medium‐to‐large pooled effects in favor of trusting the informant who was knowledgeable or the informant with positive social characteristics. Moderator analyses revealed that 4‐year‐olds were more likely to endorse knowledgeable informants than 3‐year‐olds. The third meta‐analysis examined cases where two informants simultaneously differed in their epistemic and social characteristics. The results revealed that 3‐year‐old children did not selectively endorse informants who were more knowledgeable but had negative social characteristics over informants who were less knowledgeable but had positive social characteristics. However, 4‐ to 6‐year‐olds consistently prioritized epistemic cues over social characteristics when deciding who to trust. Together, these meta‐analyses suggest that epistemic and social characteristics are both valuable to children when they evaluate the reliability of informants. Moreover, with age, children place greater value on epistemic characteristics when deciding whether to endorse an informant’s testimony. Implications for the development of epistemic trust and the design of studies of children’s selective trust are discussed.  相似文献   
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