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Response process data collected from human–computer interactive items contain detailed information about respondents' behavioural patterns and cognitive processes. Such data are valuable sources for analysing respondents' problem-solving strategies. However, the irregular data format and the complex structure make standard statistical tools difficult to apply. This article develops a computationally efficient method for exploratory analysis of such process data. The new approach segments a lengthy individual process into a sequence of short subprocesses to achieve complexity reduction, easy clustering and meaningful interpretation. Each subprocess is considered a subtask. The segmentation is based on sequential action predictability using a parsimonious predictive model combined with the Shannon entropy. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance of the new method. We use a case study of PIAAC 2012 to demonstrate how exploratory analysis for process data can be carried out with the new approach.  相似文献   
Both stress and blunted reward responsiveness have been identified as core risk factors of depression. Whether blunted reward responsiveness increases psychological vulnerability to real-life stress from a dynamic perspective (from stress reactivity to recovery) has not been investigated. By utilizing a real-world stressful event (i.e. the final examination), this study aimed to explore the role of reward responsiveness in the stress-emotional distress relationship during stress reactivity and recovery phases. We followed 57 undergraduates with three assessments, from six weeks before examination weeks (T1, baseline), one day before the examinations (T2) to two weeks after the examinations (T3), therefore, covering stress reactivity (T1 to T2) and recovery (T2 to T3) phases. At baseline, reward responsiveness was measured as the Reward Positivity (RewP) in the doors task. Stress and emotional distress (anxiety and depression) were reported at T1, T2 and T3 to capture their dynamic changes. Results showed that self-report stress levels significantly increased from T1 to T2 (stress reactivity phase) and decreased from T2 to T3 (stress recovery phase). Furthermore, blunted reward responsiveness at baseline prospectively predicted emotional distress during the stress reactivity phase but not the recovery phase. Specifically, during the stress reactivity phase, higher perceived stress was associated with greater anxiety and depression only in participants with relatively smaller residual RewP amplitudes but not in participants with relatively larger residual RewP amplitudes. Our study demonstrated that a blunted reward responsiveness is a vulnerable factor of depression, especially when exposed to stress. Our findings provide insights into prevention and intervention for stress-related disturbance.  相似文献   
先秦时期,儒、墨虽分属于不同的派别,但其思想观念方面却有许多相通之处,尤其是关于人的道德修养方面理论性的论述。就如何进行修养这个问题,儒、墨两派都提出要立志、学习、自省、端正义利观、经得起困境的磨练等。这些对于现代社会的道德建设,有着重要的借鉴意义和价值。  相似文献   
春秋战国时期是第一个大变局时期。在政治格局上,亲缘政治开始瓦解而地缘政治开始兴起。诸侯国兴起,春秋的历史基本上都是围绕着“争霸”这个主题展开的:制度改革、学术争鸣以及兼并战争。齐法家在春秋时期通过一系列主张帮助齐国在争霸中强大起来。笔者认为,其主张中已经包含接近现代国际法的国际法理念。齐法家思想中的国际法要素主要体现在齐国主持的历次会盟的盟约,以及齐法家的代表人物的外交活动中所遵循的原则中,本文着重从这两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   
王珏 《管子学刊》2006,(3):120-121
钱穆治古史地名,提倡“就秦以前的旧籍,从其内证上,来建立更自然的解释,来重新审定更合当时实际的地理形势”。但在考证春秋时期豫章之地的所在时,却以《水经注·淯水篇》所记秦之后的地望来推说秦以前春秋时的地名,终于未能得到确解。  相似文献   
民族风格的服装一直是现代服装设计主要潮流,中华民族有着悠久的服饰文化历史,一些民族的元素或多或少地也出现一些现代设计中,但总的来说,不是很系统。服装设计的继承不能只停留在形制的模仿上,而是要从文化的层面上融会传统服饰的精髓,用神似的手法进行设计。本文分析了中华服饰的色彩文化的形成和色彩文化的哲学基础。从先民对色彩的认识、色彩的运用和染色技术等方面论证,显示了中华民族优秀的服饰文明,同时也给我们在现代服装设计中色彩的运用提供了很好的启示。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》在商业经营中有着非常的启发作用。书中很多军事论断如兵为诡道、致人而不致于人、避实而击虚、不战而屈人之兵等等完全可以用来指导我们的商业活动。  相似文献   
哈耶克主张规则正义,反对结果正义,反对假“社会正义”之名行“分配正义”之实,进而导向平均分配的泥沼。正义的作用仅在于它为个人行动提供了否定性价值标准。正义只能告诉人们不能做什么,而不能指示人们必须做什么,特别是它不能成为人类认识未知领域的行动准则,这就在逻辑上为个人自由行动提供了一个开放的正义域。他反对把正义作为行为的价值观念,因为对个体行为的正义性施以道德判断会束缚人的自由。  相似文献   
Standardization and decomposition are widely used analytic techniques in population studies for adjusting the impact of compositional factors on rates. This study demonstrates the application of these methods to behavior and health studies. Bootstrapping is used to estimate standard errors of the component effects and to conduct significance tests for them. The authors have developed a Windows-based computer program that is demonstrated in the study for standardization and decomposition analysis by using empirical data on HIV seropositivity rates in two injection-drug-using populations in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   
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