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Little is known about how parents socialize children’s positive affect regulation during late childhood. Consequently, we examined how mothers’ reported responses to their children’s (aged 7–12 years) positive emotions were linked to children’s behavioral problems and how children’s self-control moderated these associations. Our results indicated that maternal encouragement of positive emotions predicted fewer externalizing behaviors, but only for youth with lower self-control. Maternal explanation about their children’s positive emotions was unrelated to youth’s behavioral problems. Lastly, maternal dismissing responses to their children’s positive emotions (i.e., reprimanding responses and discomfort) were related to more externalizing and internalizing in youth, and these effects were not dependent on the children’s self-control. The current study adds to the limited research on positive affect socialization and offers some evidence that youth’s self-control may serve as a vantage-sensitivity factor in the association between maternal positive affect socialization and youth adjustment.  相似文献   
地方性立法涉及道德与法律的关系,审慎、科学地认识道德与法律的关系在地方性立法中具有十分重要的实践意义,地方性立法应注意区分不同类型的道德,并审慎量度道德立法的必要性与可行性同题.  相似文献   
钱怡  赵婧  毕鸿燕 《心理学报》2013,45(1):60-69
本研究选择北京地区幼儿园3岁、4岁、5岁儿童各31、48、33名, 采用单部件意识测验和部件位置及功能意识测验系统探查了学龄前儿童的正字法意识各个层面的发展状况。单部件意识测验包括部件替换、部件缺失和部件旋转三个部分; 部件位置及功能意识测验分为假字和非字两个部分, 而非字又包括两形非字和形声非字。结果发现单部件意识测验中, 5岁组儿童在部件替换水平上的得分显著高于3岁组儿童, 而3岁组与4岁组、4岁组与5岁组儿童之间无显著差异; 部件缺失和部件旋转水平上, 三个年龄段的儿童的得分表现出明显的增长趋势。部件位置及功能意识测验中, 假字得分在三个年龄段之间无显著差异; 非字得分随年龄增长显著提高。这些结果表明, 单部件意识在学前期处于不断发展的阶段, 其中对部件替换的非字的拒绝能力发展较早, 部件缺失和部件旋转非字的拒绝能力发展较晚; 部件位置及功能意识在学前期已经开始发展, 3岁儿童已经具有假字符合正字法规则的认识, 但对非字违反部件位置合法性和功能完整性的认识直到4岁左右才开始萌芽, 5岁还未成熟。  相似文献   
Visual attention can be oriented toward a spatial location in the visual field exogenously by an abrupt onset of a peripheral cue. In a series of behavioral studies on exogenous orienting of attention with a double-cue paradigm, we demonstrated a functional subdivision of perceptual space in the visual field. Specifically, inhibition of return (IOR) is much stronger at periphery relative to perifoveal visual field up to approximately 15° eccentricity, suggesting two dissociable functional areas in the visual field. To further investigate the generality of this functional subdivision of the visual field, we measured IOR effects with another single-cue paradigm and applied a very short cue-target interval that was typically anticipated not to observe any inhibitory effect at all. Consistent with this expectation, no IOR effects at the eccentricities up to 15° were observed. However, significant IOR effects beyond 15° eccentricities were consistently demonstrated. These results not only revealed an early onset of IOR for more peripheral stimuli, but also confirmed that the perceptual space in the visual field is not homogeneous but underlies a functional subdivision with a border of ca. 15° eccentricity.  相似文献   
吴伟炯  刘毅  路红  谢雪贤 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1349-1370
职业幸福感是国内外学者和管理实践者关注的重要问题, 本文综合资源保存理论、工作要求-资源模型和本土心理资本理论, 构建并检验了本土心理资本对职业幸福感的影响模型。研究一通过访谈、问卷调查等方法研制了信效度较好的问卷, 1566名教师的调查结果表明, 本土心理资本包含事务型心理资本(希望、乐观和坚韧)与人际型心理资本(自谦、感恩、利他、情商/情绪智力和信心/自我效能)。研究二使用2280名教师的有效数据, 通过控制了其他变量影响后进行结构方程建模及交叉验证分析, 结果表明:(1)职业幸福感(工作投入、工作倦怠、离职意愿和工作满意度)的积极情感体验(工作投入)与认知评价(工作满意度)存在增益螺旋过程; (2)心理资本通过能量补充和动机激发双过程促进职业幸福感; (3)人际型心理资本通过一级、二级能量补充与动机激发过程影响职业幸福感; 事务型心理资本也通过一级、二级动机激发过程影响职业幸福感, 但是只通过二级能量补充过程影响职业幸福感。在中国文化背景下, 人际型心理资本对职业幸福感的作用更大。  相似文献   
论维特根斯坦的“哲学语法”概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江怡 《哲学研究》2012,(7):46-49,57,128
<正>近些年来,国内外哲学界在维特根斯坦思想研究中,逐渐关注到维特根斯坦的"哲学语法",特别是试图从当代哲学的视角解读他的语法概念的思想内容。(Forster;陈嘉映;韩林合,第11章)我在阅读过程中发现,维特根斯坦对"语法"概念的使用完全不像我们想象的那样严格,而如何理解其"哲学语法"概念,实际上意味着如何理解维特根斯坦哲学。  相似文献   
根治性子宫切除术与保留生育功能的根治性宫颈切除术均可用于早期宫颈癌患者的手术治疗。根据生物-心理-社会医学模式的要求,本文采用比较治疗学的方法,对这两种手术方式,从适应证、手术方式、并发症、疗效等方面进行比较,为宫颈癌临床科学决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Wang (2004) showed that people do not always simultaneously update their relationships to real and imagined environments in a dual-environment situation. Employing the same paradigm, we examined whether spatial updating operates on virtual reality as it does on a real or fictitious environment. Participants learned target locations in a real room and a virtual kitchen. Then they turned to face targets either in the room or in the kitchen, while blindfolded, and pointed to the targets before and after turning. Participants kept track of their orientation in both environments equally efficiently, regardless of explicit instructions. In contrast, when the real environment was described verbally but not directly perceived, participants automatically updated the virtual kitchen but not the room. These results suggest that people automatically update a virtual environment as they do a real one when the two environments are superimposed. The automaticity of spatial updating is discussed.  相似文献   
论我国养老金的替代率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养老金替代率看似一个具体的、"技术性的"问题,实际上却影响养老保险制度运行的全局.国家政策对养老金替代率的影响是全局性的、决定性的.从现在开始,我国养老保险建设将进入以合理调节养老金替代率为重点,完善制度运行的阶段.未来几十年间养老金替代率的调节将仍然主要依靠国家政策和资金的投入.我国能够解决未来调节养老金替代率所需的资金问题.未来调节养老金替代率应遵循保障基本生活、共享发展成果、实现社会公平的原则.  相似文献   
本文尝试通过梳理《抱朴子外篇.用刑》所展现的"刑治"思想,来对葛洪的思想体系概貌作一全面的把握。葛洪将刑罚视为"国之神器",对刑罚的必然性与必要性作了充分论证。葛洪的刑治思想是秦汉黄老道家涵容法家思想的延续与发展,也是其自身思想体系不可分割的组成部分,对于理解和把握道教的社会政治思想有着重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   
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