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通过问卷调查的方式,采用同胞不同经历问卷、关系网络问卷和问题行为量表对开封市1179名初高中学生进行研究。研究结果显示:(1)父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为呈显著正相关;同胞关系与外/内化问题行为呈显著负相关;父母差别对待和同胞关系呈显著负相关。(2)同胞关系在父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)“父母差别对待→同胞关系→外/内化问题行为”这一中介路径的前半段受出生顺序调节;与年幼个体相比,父母差别对待对年长个体的同胞关系影响更大。出生顺序会调节父母差别对待对同胞关系的影响,提示二胎家庭要更关注年长个体的变化。  相似文献   
The centennial exploration of the Chinese road started with the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). This road is essentially characterized by modernization and adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. The fundamental correlation between China’s modernization and Marxism lies in the fact that China must go through a thorough social revolution to lay the foundation for its modernization cause, which charted a historical course from new democracy to socialism. However, only adapting Marxism to the Chinese context can help China’s modernization, because it is this philosophy that is intrinsically related to China’s practice in revolution, construction and reform. The contemporary form of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context is socialism with Chinese characteristics, which holds great significance for both the Chinese nation and international socialism and the overall development of human society in the new historical phase. This is a kind of “significance for world history” because the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies not only in its own development into a modern power, but also in the fact that it is actively opening up the possibility of a new type of civilization besides completing the modernization mission and obtaining achievements from modern civilization.  相似文献   
Prior research has described embarrassment and empathy as predictors of social helping and as self-conscious emotions involving reasoning about the self and others. It remains unclear how cognitive representations of the self and others relate to the two emotions as precursors of social helping. We examined 136 participants’ self-report measures of internal working models as well as dispositional embarrassability, empathic concern, personal distress, and perspective taking. Controlling all the other variables, embarrassability was primarily associated with the model of self and personal distress, whereas empathic concern was primarily associated with the model of others and perspective taking. Moreover, the association between personal distress and embarrassability was moderated by the interaction between models of others and perspective taking. The general proneness to distress arousal was also predicted by the interaction between models of self and others. The findings extended prior research linking internal working models and socio-cognitive emotions associated with helping.  相似文献   
随着聚乙二醇化干扰素(IFN)的普及应用和慢性丙型肝炎规范化治疗的开展,其治愈率不断提高.但疗效不佳的慢性丙型肝炎患者不断积累,难治性慢性丙型肝炎患者成为临床医生必须面对的挑战.难治性丙型肝炎患者应当分为两类,第一类为“难治疗”性慢性丙型肝炎患者,该类患者由于宿主条件限制,不能耐受IFN联合利巴韦林(RBV)的标准治疗,如儿童和老年人、慢性肾功能衰竭患者等.第二类为“难治愈”性慢性丙型肝炎患者,该类患者可以耐受标准治疗方案,但按照应答指导的治疗原则(RGT)治疗后,效果仍然不佳或复发.本文就近年关于难治性丙型肝炎的研究进展,从难治性丙型肝炎的定义、机制、治疗诸方面作一综述.  相似文献   
根据教育出版社编辑工作特征,运用调查研究法、特尔菲(Delphi)专家评价法等,编制了编辑胜任力调查量表,通过对分布在全国的7个教育出版社301名编辑问卷测试,并对测试数据采用因素分析与验证分析的方法进行了系统分析,建构了教育编辑胜任力模型。研究结果表明,教育编辑胜任力主要由工作取向、自我取向、人际取向3方面8个因子构成。本研究为教育出版社的优秀编辑的培养、选拔及测评方面提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   
要发挥SCI论文促进学科建设与医院发展的作用,关键是在医院管理中如何发挥SCI效应。SCI效应是指医院通过对发表SCI论文的指引、评价、激励等机制,在专业人员、学术团队及医院管理中引起的反应和产生的效果。SCI效应分为良性SCI效应、有限正性SCI效应、负性SCI效应和恶劣SCI效应四种。医院发展需要发挥良性SCI效应,通过建立以医疗、教学、科研综合要素为基础的科学合理的专业技术人员绩效评价体系,有利于医院形成良性SCI效应。  相似文献   
喙内侧被盖核(RMTg)位于腹侧被盖区(VTA)的尾部, 富含抑制性的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能神经元.RMTg是中脑边缘多巴胺系统的一个综合调节器.它的GABA能神经元接受外侧缰核(LHb)的输入, 然后投射到VTA多巴胺能神经元, 进而抑制多巴胺的释放.这三个脑区是奖赏环路的重要组成部分, 其中RMTg在阿片类物质激活的奖赏环路中尤为重要.阿片类物质主要通过抑制RMTg GABA能神经元使VTA多巴胺能神经元去抑制, 进而激活奖赏系统.因此, RMTg有望成为治疗药物成瘾(尤其是阿片成瘾)的一个重要靶点.此外, 胆碱类物质作用于RMTg的毒蕈碱受体能够抑制阿片类物质诱导的奖赏效应.未来研究应深入探讨RMTg调控的负性奖赏环路, 这对弱化觅药动机,促进消退和戒断具有重要意义.  相似文献   
2019年5月中旬在北京举办的亚洲文明对话大会掀起了对文明互鉴的热议。习近平主席在大会开幕式上的主旨演讲中指出:璀璨的亚洲文明,为世界文明发展史书写了浓墨重彩的篇章,人类文明因亚洲而更加绚烂多姿。从宗教到哲学、从道德到法律、从文学到绘画、从戏剧到音乐、从城市到乡村,亚洲形成了覆盖广泛的世俗礼仪、写下了传承千年的不朽巨著、留下了精湛深邃的艺术瑰宝、形成了种类多样的制度成果,为世界提供了丰富的文明选择。  相似文献   
社会比较作为认识自我的一种方式,对个体心理与行为的诸多方面产生影响,但对于社会比较如何影响不诚实行为以及归因反馈在其中的作用,目前尚不清楚。在3项实验中操纵了不同方向的能力社会比较,探讨其对不诚实行为的影响(研究1)以及归因反馈在其中的调节作用(研究2)。结果发现:(1)相比于向下比较和无比较,向上比较会增加个体的不诚实行为;(2)归因反馈调节上述影响:向上比较后,相比于给予能力反馈,给予努力反馈可以减少个体的不诚实行为。本研究拓展了社会比较后效研究,对如何减少社会比较引起的不诚实行为具有重要启示。  相似文献   
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