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临床医学是医学教育的关键,随着社会的进步,科技的发展及患者自我保护意识的提高,传统的临床医学技能教育模式面临新的考验.本文探讨了医学模拟教学在临床教学中的重要意义,介绍了临床技能培训中心的建设及应用评价,对其未来的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
足够的网络调查回复率是确保网络调查结果有效性的一个重要指标.现有研究缺乏从心理因素视角对网络调查参与行为的考察,且缺少一个较为完整的整合多个心理因素的模型用于解释调查参与意愿的形成过程.本研究基于理性行为理论,构建了一个整合模型,考察了主题卷入、主题敏感性、信任调查者、调查者声誉和道德规范等心理因素对被调查者网络调查参与意愿的影响作用.本研究通过结构方程建模方法对变量之间的关系进行了验证.结果表明:主题卷入、信任、声誉和道德规范等对被调查者的网络调查参与意愿具有显著的预测作用,但调查主题敏感性对参与意愿的预测作用在网络调查中不显著.  相似文献   
在企业何以具有社会责任的价值理由的分析中,学界多从经济学和法学的视阈进行论证,缺乏伦理学独立性的价值分析。从人性的精神特质、经济活动的人本目的性、经济活动方式的人道归属性、意志自由与责任的对应性出发,伦理学可以为企业社会责任提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
The present research explores whether the type of relationship one holds with deceptive or honest actors influences cross-cultural differences in reward and punishment. Research suggests that Americans reward honest actors more than they punish deceptive perpetrators, whereas East Asians reward and punish equally (Wang & Leung, 2010). Our research suggests that the type of relationship with the actor matters for East Asians, but not for Americans. East Asians exhibit favoritism toward their friends by rewarding more than punishing them, but reward and punish equally when the actors are strangers (Experiment 1 and 2); Americans reward more than they punish regardless of the type of relationship (Experiment 2). Furthermore, the findings were replicated when the proposed mechanism – social mobility – was manipulated within the same culture (Experiment 3). We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding how friends versus strangers are rewarded and punished in an increasingly relationally complex world.  相似文献   
Xiang, L. & Zhao, Y. (2012). Automatic and controlled cognitive responses to intergroup threat as assessed using the process dissociation procedure: A study of a low-status group from China. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 280-285. Explicit and implicit methods are typically employed to investigate the respective controlled and automatic cognitive responses to intergroup threat. However, these may not be "process pure" measures of automatic or controlled responses. The present study used the process dissociation procedure to investigate the relative contributions of automatic and controlled cognitive responses to intergroup threat. Following exposure to a threat/no threat manipulation, fifty Chinese rural undergraduates who were regarded as low-status group members completed a recognition memory task, in which they were asked to identify all or select "old" (previously presented) trait words relating to an urban outgroup. The results showed that compared to the non-threat group, when rural members perceived threat from an urban group, their automatic response was a decrease in favoritism for this outgroup, but was not derogative, whereas the controlled response was neither positive nor negative. These findings are inconsistent with previous research using explicit and implicit methods. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   
良好的医护合作态度是医生开展医疗活动的基础,同时对建立和谐的医护关系有重要意义.通过对辽宁省6所三级甲等医院的933名临床医生进行问卷调查,了解临床医生医护合作态度的现状,揭示职称、工作年限、是否参加过医护合作有关课程的学习以及对目前工作环境的满意度是影响临床医生对医护合作态度的主要因素.  相似文献   
冠心病是我国居民致残、致死的重要原因之一,冠心病的主要死因是急性冠脉综合征.急性冠脉综合征是一系列病因相同,但病情严重程度、治疗方法和预后差别很大的疾病谱.对非ST段抬高急性冠脉综合征进行危险分层和个体化治疗已成为共识.本文对最近发表的中华心血管病学会非ST段抬高急性冠脉综合征诊治指南,并结合欧洲心脏病学会、美国心脏病学会指南进行解读.  相似文献   
宗教心理学有助于缓解临终患者的痛苦,但应通过把握宗教共同精神而非具体程序,将天堂和神两大要素剥离后,在合理范围有条件地使用.东西方主流宗教心理特点不同,西方主流宗教不适合我国国情.本土儒教和道教不能有效满足临终关怀应用前提,而大小乘佛教创造性结合后的心理模式或更适合在临终关怀中使用,更适应我国国情.  相似文献   
朱子哲学思想的形成和发展与其易学思想的演变过程是分不开的。由于易学问题的特殊性,在关于朱子哲学的研究日益深入的今天,其哲学思想的形成和发展与其易学思想的演变之间的关系依旧晦而不明。本文在有关朱子生平思想发展的既有学术成果的基础上,力图清晰地勾勒出朱子河图洛书说的演变过程。经由本文的考察可知,朱熹的河图洛书说曾有较大的变化,他对河图洛书的认识逐步深入的过程也是努力折中诸家之说并建立自己的易学体系的过程。本文说明,朱子的义理易学是以他对图书象数的深入研究作为基础的。  相似文献   
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