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In the present experiments, we investigated the effects of several commonly employed antiepileptic drugs on the performance of adult rats in a Morris water maze task. We found that phenytoin treatment produced the most deleterious performance impairments across all days of training, and that these performance deficits are not likely due to any general sensorimotor impairments. Carbamazepine had milder, but detectable negative effects, as carbamazepine-treated animals exhibited initial acquisition deficits, but rapidly achieved escape levels comparable to controls. In marked contrast, valproate and ethosuximide had no detectable effects on learning in the water maze. These results parallel previous findings in rats treated with these compounds and tested in an instrumental learning task, and are in general agreement with the human clinical literature. To the extent that one might wish to minimize learning deficits associated with maintenance on antiepileptic drugs, phenytoin is definitely not the treatment of choice, while valproate or ethosuximide are apparently much less disruptive.  相似文献   
Long-term episodic memory depends on the retention of associative information, such as the relationship between a friend’s face and his name, a home and its neighborhood, and a mint and its odor. How many of these associative links can be stored and recalled? Many have considered memory’s capacity, but relevant data are scant. Some previous experiments on humans have assessed the retention of thousands of visual impressions using forced-choice picture recognition and have concluded that there are virtually no constraints on how much information can be successfully retained. However, no previous experiments on humans have investigated the capacity of associative memory. I describe the first relevant data, which I obtained by systematically probing my own capacity during 58,560 memory trials for picture-response associations (approximately 1 year of testing). Estimated capacity was on the order of several thousand associations, and this and other indicators of memory function were remarkably similar to those obtained for baboons (Papio papio) under comparable circumstances. These findings, along with other data, suggest conservation of long-term memory mechanisms and effectiveness in humans relative to nonhuman primates, despite at least 20 million years of divergent evolution and vastly different behavioral and cognitive repertoires. The present findings also indicate that the associative processes that support our ability to remember episodes are limited in capacity relative to processes that support picture recognition.  相似文献   
Leaving patches: Effects of travel requirements   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five pigeons were trained in an analogue foraging procedure in which, by completing a travel requirement, they entered a “patch” in which a reinforcer might be available after an unpredictable time. They also had the opportunity, by emitting a defined response, to exit the patch and travel to another patch. Prey availability in a patch was not signaled. Data were collected on the length of time that subjects stayed in patches before exiting (residence times) as a function of various travel requirements: travel for a fixed time in blackout, fixed-interval schedule traveling, fixed-time traveling with an added response required to terminate traveling, and fixed-ratio traveling. For each of these conditions, the required amount of travel (time or responses) was varied over a wide range. As previously reported, residence times increased with increases in fixed-time traveling, as they did with increasing fixed-interval or fixed-ratio traveling. There was no evidence that adding response or work requirements systematically affected residence time except via increased travel time, although 3 of the 5 birds stayed longer in a patch under higher fixed-ratio values. A “threshold-maximization” model described the data well with a single parameter that was consistent across subjects, procedures, and experiments.  相似文献   
Despite considerable evidence that modeling procedures provide effective methods for the acquisition and change of behavior, there is very little research on the effects of vicarious reward, and none on the effects of vicarious punishment, on social imitation in chronic psychotics. Two studies (Goldstein et al., 1973: Gutride, Goldstein and Hunter, 1973) demonstrated the superiority of vicarious reward over no-treatment with adult psychotics. However, in neither study was a model no-consequences group included in order to control for the effects of observation per se; therefore, such findings cannot be clearly attributed to vicarious reinforcement (Thelen and Rennie, 1972). The only other study known to bear on this issue revealed no differences in initial learning between a model-rewarded and a model no-consequences group (Olson, 1971).The present study included model no-consequences control groups in an attempt to examine the effects of vicarious reward and punishment on subsequent interview behavior in chronic psychotics. Drawing on the larger body of vicarious learning research (Bandura, 1969). it was hypothesized that such patients demonstrate higher levels of socially appropriate behavior after observation of a model who is (a) rewarded for appropriate behavior or (b) punished for inappropriate responses, and lower levels of appropriate behavior after exposure to a model who is (c) rewarded for inappropriate behavior or (d) punished for appropriate responses, relative to conditions in which the same modeled behaviors elicit no contingent consequences.  相似文献   
Age and expertise effects on time-sharing performance were examined. Pilots were considered to have an expertise in time-sharing because of their cockpit experience. Ninety pilots and nonpilots performed a battery of cognitive tasks that represented different aspects of piloting. The results revealed that time-sharing performance was age sensitive. However, expertise appeared to have some moderating influence on the age effects. Further, analysis of the overlap of the response distributions from different age groups suggested that age alone was not a definitive discriminator of an individual's time-sharing skill.  相似文献   
J. R. Vokey and J. D. Read (1985) indicated that listeners cannot consciously recognize backward messages but that some information can be obtained from reversed speech. If reverse speech has a powerful influence on language processing, as D. J. Oates (1991) has claimed, then one should be able to measure a reliable priming effect from reversed messages. Sixty undergraduate students listened to short messages presented either backward or forward. Immediately after listening to each message, they responded in a lexical decision task to a visually presented word that had either been present or had not been present in the preceding message. No priming effect was found for backward messages, although there was significant priming for forward messages. The results are not consistent with an effect of reverse speech on word processing.  相似文献   
In four experiments, task-switching processes were investigated with variants of the alternating runs paradigm and the explicit cueing paradigm. The classical diffusion model for binary decisions (Ratcliff, 1978) was used to dissociate different components of task-switching costs. Findings can be reconciled with the view that task-switching processes take place in successive phases as postulated by multiple-components models of task switching (e.g., Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; Ruthruff, Remington, & Johnston, 2001). At an earlier phase, task-set reconfiguration (Rogers & Monsell, 1995) or cue-encoding (Schneider & Logan, 2005) takes place, at a later phase, the response is selected in accord with constraints set in the first phase. Inertia effects (Allport, Styles, & Hsieh, 1994; Allport & Wylie, 2000) were shown to affect this later stage. Additionally, findings support the notion that response caution contributes to both global as well as to local switching costs when task switches are predictable.  相似文献   
Research using the diffusion model to decompose task-switching effects has contributed to a better understanding of the processes underlying the observed effect in the explicit task cueing paradigm: Previous findings could be reconciled with multiple component models of task switching or with an account on compound-cue retrieval/repetition priming. In the present study, we used two cues for each task in order to decompose task-switch and cue-switch effects. Response time data support previous findings that comparable parts of the switching effect can be attributed to cue-switching and task-switching. A diffusion model analysis of the data confirmed that non-decision time is increased and drift rates are decreased in unpredicted task-switches. Importantly, it was shown that non-decision time was selectively increased in task-switching trials but not in cue-switching trials. Results of the present study specifically support the notion of additional processes in task-switches and can be reconciled with broader multiple component accounts.  相似文献   
Recent literature has demonstrated the usefulness of fitness and computer‐based cognitive training as a means to enhance cognition and brain function. However, it is unclear whether the combination of fitness and cognitive training that results from years of extensive sport training also results in superior performance on tests of cognitive processes. In this study we examine, in a quantitative meta‐analysis (k = 20), the relationship between expertise in sports and laboratory‐based measures of cognition. We found that athletes performed better on measures of processing speed and a category of varied attentional paradigms, and athletes from interceptive sport types and males showed the largest effects. Based on our results, more research should be done with higher‐level cognitive tasks, such as tasks of executive function and more varied sub‐domains of visual attention. Furthermore, future studies should incorporate more female athletes and use a diverse range of sport types and levels of expertise. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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