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Diffusion models (Ratcliff, 1978) make it possible to identify and separate different cognitive processes underlying responses in binary decision tasks (e.g., the speed of information accumulation vs. the degree of response conservatism). This becomes possible because of the high degree of information utilization involved. Not only mean response times or error rates are used for the parameter estimation, but also the response time distributions of both correct and error responses. In a series of simulation studies, the efficiency and robustness of parameter recovery were compared for models differing in complexity (i.e., in numbers of free parameters) and trial numbers (ranging from 24 to 5,000) using three different optimization criteria (maximum likelihood, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, and chi-square) that are all implemented in the latest version of fast-dm (Voss, Voss, & Lerche, 2015). The results revealed that maximum likelihood is superior for uncontaminated data, but in the presence of fast contaminants, Kolmogorov–Smirnov outperforms the other two methods. For most conditions, chi-square-based parameter estimations lead to less precise results than the other optimization criteria. The performance of the fast-dm methods was compared to the EZ approach (Wagenmakers, van der Maas, & Grasman, 2007) and to a Bayesian implementation (Wiecki, Sofer, & Frank, 2013). Recommendations for trial numbers are derived from the results for models of different complexities. Interestingly, under certain conditions even small numbers of trials (N < 100) are sufficient for robust parameter estimation.  相似文献   
This study presents the theoretical background, development, and psychometric properties of the German and English versions of the Experience in Personal Social Systems Questionnaire (EXIS.pers). It assesses how the members of a personal social system experience their situation within that system. It is designed as a research tool for interventions in which only one member of the system participates (e.g., Family Constellation Seminars). The EXIS.pers was created to measure change on the individual level relating to one's own important personal social system. In Study 1, we used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for latent variable identification of the original German EXIS.pers (= 179). In Studies 2 and 3, we used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the dimensionality of the German (= 634) and English (= 310) EXIS.pers. Internal consistencies and cross‐cultural structural equivalence were assessed. EFA indicated that a four‐factor model provided best fit for the German EXIS.pers. For both the German and English EXIS.pers, CFA provided the best fit for a five‐factor bi‐level model that included a general factor (Experience In Personal Social Systems) and four dimensions (Belonging, Autonomy, Accord, Confidence). Good internal consistencies, external associations, and cross‐cultural structural equivalence were demonstrated. This study provides first evidence for the German and English EXIS.pers as an economical and reliable measure of an individual's experience within his or her personal social systems.  相似文献   
本研究以认知心理学的结构建造理论为实验框架,模拟学习者母语及外语在线篇章处理的过程,从而获取第二语言阅读"熔断"假说以及"门槛"效应的认知心理证据。英语水平差别显著的高低两组共60名被试参加了英、汉语故事理解加工实验,考察他们如何对故事的人物角色进行持续跟踪,以厘清故事内的"因果链"。结果发现:(1)高水平组成功地把他们的母语故事理解加工能力迁移到第二语言的故事理解加工,而低水平组则迁移失败;(2)理解加工能力的迁移与被试心理表征建构能力以及抑制机制的效率紧密关联,高水平组被试能有效地利用抑制机制来管理他们第二语言的结构建造过程,从而建立对故事的连贯心理表征,而低水平组则不能。在分析上述结果的基础上,文章提出第二语言阅读"熔断"假说的认知心理证据就是第二语言心理表征建构与抑制机制的作用问题;要成功地进行第二语言篇章理解,读者必须要使其二语潜在的能力(如词汇效率等)发展到某个点上,使得与抑制(结构建造的关键)相关的许多无意识的决定过程能够高度自动化。  相似文献   
周元元  胡杨利  张琴  赵彦成 《心理学报》2017,(11):1439-1448
本文研究时间压力下消费者冲动性购买怎样受参照组的影响。通过二手数据和实验的方法发现时间压力和参照组影响类型对冲动性购买具有交互作用:时间压力低,信息性影响更能激发冲动性购买;时间压力高,规范性影响更能起作用;即时喜悦和规范性评估起中介作用。而且不同的信息性影响类型也会产生差异:时间压力高,数量性信息更容易使消费者冲动性购买;时间压力低,内容性信息更能起作用。本文的研究丰富了冲动性购买的相关理论和管理经验。  相似文献   
以89名小学生为被试,采用实验组对照组前后测实验设计,考察学思维网络活动对培养小学生创造性思维和创造性倾向的影响,以及认知风格的调节作用。结果发现:(1)学思维网络活动能有效促进小学生创造性思维以及创造性倾向的想象力和好奇心的发展;(2)学思维课堂活动和学思维网络活动对于培养小学生的创造性思维和创造性倾向具有一致的效果;(3)认知风格在学思维网络活动和学思维课堂活动对小学生创造性思维的影响中起调节作用:对于场依存学生,学思维网络活动能更大程度地提高其流畅性和独创性的表现。  相似文献   
就临床路径的发展和概念进行了描述,阐明了临床路径的实施步骤,讨论了临床路径在医院医疗质量管理中的作用,同时对其未得到普及的原因和在我国的发展前景进行了分析.  相似文献   
高校学术论文奖励政策的误区及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前高校在奖励学术论文中,存在以下问题:重刊物,轻论文;重国外,轻国内;以及重IF等方面。通过深入地分析了这些问题并提出了应对的措施,即国内外并重,重视论文被索引、引用、转载或摘录情况,尤其是对经济和社会发展的促进作用等。  相似文献   
医学发展呼唤原始性创新.大自然是人类创新的不竭源泉,国际上仿生学研究如火如荼.为了强化将仿生方法、仿生技术贯穿到科研创新的全过程,引导医学科技人员巧妙寻找源头创新,率先提出创立仿生医学体系,并初步建立起仿生医学的学科框架,以便更好地把握学科前沿和判断发展趋势,为我国在仿生医学学科领域的领先作用奠定重要基础.  相似文献   
连续性公共物品困境中信息结构对决策行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡卫鹏  区永东  时勘 《心理科学》2005,28(3):580-583
选取240名大学二年级的学生,通过局域网信息反馈,进行了模拟投资的小组实验。结果发现,1、在连续性公共物品困境和自协调序列规则下,先前决策者的合作行为在决策的早期和中期起到了明显的榜样示范作用,并导致后续决策者的合作行为增加;2、这种示范作用在决策后期不起作用,被试出于搭便车或者担心自己利益受损的心理会表现出较高的竞争行为;3、先前决策者的竞争行为在整个决策过程中都起到明显的示范作用,使后续决策者的合作率保持在较低的水平;4、在没有任何信息反馈的情况下,被试倾向于在初期就做出投资决策,并表现出一定程度的合作行为。  相似文献   
大学生诚信道德教育:内涵、动因及其途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“诚信”是中国传统伦理道德中最重要的基本规范。在新时期,学习和继承中国传统诚信思想的精华,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育是当前高校德育工作的重点。我们要在高校德育工作中以诚信教育为新着力点,采取多种形式、途径加强大学生诚信教育,促进校园诚信文化的形成,培养出诚实守信、具有诚信敬业的良好道德风尚的大学生。  相似文献   
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