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The guiding idea of functional measurement is that measurement theory and substantive theory form an organic unity. Psychological scales are inherent in the statement of quantitative psychological laws, and these laws themselves form the base and frame for psychological measurement. Valid scales thus depend on empirically valid laws. But establishing empirical validity of any law requires appropriate data analysis. Several statistical problems are discussed with respect to simple algebraic laws. To illustrate the necessity for proper tests of goodness of fit for algebraic models, five sets of experimental data are reanalyzed. In each case, the factorial plot and the analysis of variance showed that the data were nonadditive. Nevertheless, an additive model was fit to the data. The correlations between the data and the predictions from the additive model were extremely high, ranging from .964 to .9997. The corresponding observed-predicted scatterplots also gave little sign of the deviations from additivity. These correlation-scatterplot analyses conceal and obscure what the factorial plot and the analysis of variance reveal and make clear. Other topics discussed are accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis, the use of nonmetric smoothing for parameter estimation, and problems of stimulus-response-model generality. An extension of functional measurement is suggested for a practicable error theory for nonmetric analysis.  相似文献   
Stimulus competition was studied in college students' correlational judgments in a medical decision-making setting. In accord with prior findings, subjects making cause-to-effect (predictive) judgments discounted a stimulus event that was moderately correlated with a target event when rival stimuli were more highly correlated with the effect. However, subjects making effect-to-cause (diagnostic) judgments were not at all disposed to discount a stimulus event which was moderately correlated with a target event when rival stimuli were more highly correlated with the cause. The theoretical implications of these results are considered in connection with associative and mentalistic models of causal attribution.  相似文献   
Two experiments investigate the impact of the evaluative connotation of risk terms on the judgment of risk behaviour and on risk preference. In the first experiment we focus on (1) the evaluation congruence of the risk terms with a general risk norm and (2) with subjects' individual risk preference, and its effects on the extremity of judgments of risk behaviour. In the second experiment we address (3) the effects of evaluative connotation of risk terms on risk preference. In the first experiment subjects were presented with four decision problems, each with a risky and a cautious decision option, and were required to judge options. Results showed that the judged discrepancy between the risky and cautious option was larger on scales which were evaluatively congruent with the general risk norm for that specific decision problem or with subjects' individual preference. More specificly, in decision problems for which there was considerable consensus about the risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales which were congruent with the risk norm, in those problems lacking a clear-cut risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales congruent with subjects' individual risk preference. In the second experiment we studied the reverse relation between the evaluative connotation of risk terms and risk preference. This experiment demonstrates that using evaluatively biased risk terms can affect risk preference. Using terms which imply a positive evaluation of risk-taking and a negative evaluation of risk avoidance led to increased risk preference, and vice versa. Results are discussed in the context of accentuation theory.  相似文献   
Effects of an 18-minute videotape promoting nontraditional career choices of 986 eighth-grade and 11th-grade girls and boys from rural and urban schools were examined. Models were women and men in occupations traditionally held by the opposite sex. Posttreatment realistic, investigative, and social interests of the treatment group who viewed the videotape were compared with a control group that received a minimal intervention. There was not a main effect for the brief videotape treatment. Boys in the treatment group expressed significantly higher social interests at posttest than did control group boys. Findings indicate that brief interventions promoting nontraditional careers have limited impact.  相似文献   
Goal attainment scaling (GAS) is an individually tailored way to measure treatment gains, using a highly standardized procedure. An advantage of the method is that it takes into account individual characteristics of the patients, and at the same time the data are suitable for quantitative analysis and comparable across patients. Despite the wide acceptance and use of the method in the evaluation of psychotherapy, data on its psychometric properties are rather scarce. In the current study, GAS was used as one of several outcome measures in a research project on the effectiveness of various treatments for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Guidelines for GAS are presented as well as data on the reliability and validity of the procedure. Results indicate that the procedure is reliable, valid, and sensitive to the improvement of patients during treatment. Comparison of GAS with standardized measures revealed considerable concordance, although the clinical end status of patients diverged somewhat dependent on the measure considered.  相似文献   
In Stanford v. Kentucky, in which two juveniles sentenced to death raised an Eighth Amendment challenge, Justice Scalia's plurality opinion set the ground rules for deciding juvenile death penalty cases. He ruled ?socioscientific”? evidence and philosopher-king decisions out of bounds. Scalia argued that the Court must do its own social science analysis of the objective indicia to gauge whether community sentiment finds such a punishment cruel and unusual. In determining whether a ?national consensus”? exists, Justice Scalia transformed the empirical question into an impossible question, requiring that a categorical aversion must be shown. Petitioners lost, but so too did social science jurisprudence, as ?statistical magic”? and ?numerology”? reigned supreme.  相似文献   
The 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was developed in previous research to measure a general dimension of alexithymia with three inter correlated factors. These three factors reflect distinct facets of the alexithymia construct: (1) difficulty identifying feelings and distinguishing them from the bodily sensations of emotion, (2) difficulty describing feelings to others, and (3) an externally orientated style of thinking. This study tested the three-factor model for the TAS-20, using confirmatory factor analysis, in separate samples of young adults from Germany, Canada, and the United States. The previously established three-factor model was found to be replicable in all three samples. In addition, the full TAS-20 and its three factors demonstrated adequate internal reliability in all three samples. Although evaluation of the convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity of the TAS-20 is required in diverse cultural groups, the present results provide evidence for the factorial validity and internal reliability of the TAS-20.  相似文献   
A blueprint of a new method for eliciting uncertain knowledge about continuous quantities is presented. The direct realization of a proper scoring rule in a graphically oriented interactive computer program is one of the central features of the new elicitation methodology. Uncertain knowledge is internally represented through subjective probability distributions. However, in its interaction with assessors, the elicitation method uses a score representation. A proper scoring rule is applied to transform probability density functions into score functions. In order to study its merits, central ideas for the new method were implemented in an experimental version of the elicitation technique ELI. The results were promising and encouraged further development of the technique.  相似文献   
The effects of therapeutic punishment delivered following inappropriate behavior on the academic responding and eye-to-face contact of 2 persons with developmental handicaps was examined using a counterbalanced alternating treatment design. Each subject was sequentially taught by two therapists each day. While one of the therapists taught the subject, the second therapist stood in close proximity directly behind the subject. During baseline, neither therapist delivered punishment following inappropriate behavior. During the treatment condition, one of the therapists delivered all punishment regardless of whether she was teaching or standing behind the subject. The therapist who delivered all punishment for 1 subject did not deliver any punishment for the other subject. During the last condition, the therapist delivering all punishment was reversed for 1 of the subjects. The results indicated that the task being taught was mastered by each subject only when the therapist delivering punishment was teaching. Data collected also indicated that each subject made more eye-to-face contact when the therapist delivering all punishment was teaching. Although neither therapist had to deliver punishers often, punishment had to be administered less often when the therapist teaching the subject was also the therapist delivering punishment.  相似文献   
A series of four experiments was designed to investigate the minimal amounts of information required to perceive the structure of a smoothly curved surface from its pattern of projected motion. In Experiments 1 and 2, observers estimated the amplitudes of sinusoidally corrugated surfaces relative to their periods. Observers' judgments varied linearly with the depicted surface amplitudes, but the amount of perceived relative depth was systematically overestimated by approximately 30%. The observers' amplitude judgments were also influenced to a lesser extent by the amount of rotary displacement of a surface at each frame transition, and by increasing the length of the apparent motion sequences from two to eight frames. The latter effect of sequence length was quite small, however, accounting for less than 3% of the variance in the observers' judgments. Experiments 3 and 4 examined observers' discrimination thresholds for sinusoidally corrugated surfaces of variable amplitude and for ellipsoid surfaces of variable eccentricity. The results revealed that observers could reliably detect differences of surface structure as small as 5%. The length of the apparent motion sequences had no detectable effect on these tasks, although there were significant effects of angular displacement and surface orientation. These results are considered with respect to the analysis of affine structure from motion proposed by Todd and Bressan (1990).  相似文献   
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