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An experiment examines the effect of time constraints on the ability of subjects to utilize relevant information during problem solving. Previous studies found that potentially relevant information was not effectively utilized unless subjects were explicitly informed of the information’s relevance to the problem. The present study demonstrates that subjects who are not informed of the relation between relevant information and the problem are still able to access the information if allowed adequate time. These findings are interpreted within a model of problem solving that postulates search in a problem space as fundamental to the problem solving process.  相似文献   
In response to several problems identified in the primary and secondary literature, this article advances an “expressive” conception of action and agency that (i) is consistent with the metaphysics of Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus, (ii) can underpin the ethical dimensions of this text, and (iii) meets some of the general requirements of a philosophy of action. This conception will be distinguished from standard theories in the philosophy of action, to the extent that these latter conceptualize and explain action with reference to intentions taken as psychological causes that are specifiable in advance and independently of the resultant activity. But it will also be distinguished from commentaries that, after rightly identifying the standard conception of intentional action as incompatible with Deleuze and Guattari’s metaphysics, fail to substitute a viable conception of action and agency in its stead. In short, drawing on a notion of expression, this article will advance a conception of intentions that does not treat them as prior and independently specifiable causes of action, but rather as “immanent” causes whose intelligible content is inseparable from—that is, dynamically assembled and specified within—the ecologically and socially situated, temporally extended and reality-transforming actions they animate.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to identify population and sex-specific relationships between perceived stress, self-esteem, and physical activity in college students. 90 students, ages 18 and older and enrolled in five sections of a health and human behavior class during the spring 2010 semester, were contacted for this study with 74 consenting to serve as study participants. Each participant completed three surveys: the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Significant correlations were observed between perceived stress and self-esteem in men, and in women. Physical activity was not significantly correlated with perceived stress or self-esteem.  相似文献   
The current study compares a traditional “scientist-practitioner” and a “research-informed” approach utilizing a sample of students from a COAMFTE accredited master’s program. Students were enrolled in a research methods course with either a “scientist-practitioner” or a “research-informed” focus. Results from both self assessment of core competencies, as well as basic research knowledge, found that both course types led to significant improvements; however neither course emerged as more significant than the other. Implications for best practices in teaching research methods in MFT training programs are discussed.  相似文献   
Examination of measurement invariance tests the assumption that the model underlying a set of test scores is directly comparable across groups. The observation of measurement invariance provides fundamental evidence for the inference that scores on a test afford equivalent measurement of the same psychological traits among diverse groups. Groups may be derived from different psychosocial backgrounds or different clinical presentations. In the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III)/Wechsler Memory Scale-III (WMS-III) Technical Manual (Psychological Corporation, 2002), there appears to be a breakdown in factor structure among the standardization cases in older adults. In this study, the authors evaluated the invariance of the measurement model of the WAIS-III across 5 age bands. All components of the measurement model were examined. Overall, the evidence pointed to invariance across age of a modified 4-factor model that included cross-loadings for the Similarities and Arithmetic subtests. These results support the utility of the WAIS-III as a measure of stable intelligence traits across a wide age range.  相似文献   
Two experiments examined hemispheric differences in information processing that may contribute to solving insight problems. We propose that right-hemisphere (RH) coarse semantic coding is more likely than left-hemisphere (LH) fine semantic coding to activate distantly related information or unusual interpretations of words, and thus more likely to activate solution-relevant information for insight problems. In Experiment 1, after trying to solve insight problems, participants read aloud solution or unrelated target words presented to the left visual field (lvf) or right visual field (rvf). Participants showed greater lvf-RH than rvf-LH priming for solutions for solved problems and priming only in the lvf-RH for unsolved problems. In Experiment 2, participants showed an lvf-RH advantage for recognizing solutions to unsolved problems. These results demonstrate that in a problem-solving context, there was greater activation of solution-relevant information in the RH than in the LH. This activation is useful for recognizing, and perhaps producing, solutions to insight problems.  相似文献   
Recent studies that have combined neuropathological data and clinical histories in a retrospective fashion have shown that Wernicke-Korsakoff neuropathology is often unsuspected antemortem and that, in terms of clinical presentation, it is more heterogeneous than previously assumed. Thus, many studies of neurologically normal alcoholics may have been confounded by the inclusion of patients with neurologically asymptomatic Wernicke-Korsakoff neuropathology. Postmortem and in vivo studies have shown that alcoholics, irrespective of neurological diagnosis, have widespread pathology involving many cortical and subcortical sites. In addition, clinical studies have indicated that, like neurologically asymptomatic alcoholics, alcoholic Korsakoff patients may enjoy substantial recovery in cognitive function. Furthermore, the common research strategy of identifying a subset of neurologically diagnosed Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome as a discrete group of "pure" Korsakoff's amnesia by using a definitional IQ-Wechsler Memory Scale quotient difference may have created a neuropsychological stereotype that is not representative of the broader clinical group. In light of these considerations, the separate treatment of cognitive impairment in groups of alcoholics distinguished by the clinical signs of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may not be justified.  相似文献   
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