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诊断幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染有侵入性和非侵入性两类方法。前者需通过胃镜取胃粘膜活检,包括快速尿素酶试验(RUT)、病理组织学检查、细菌培养及基因检测等;非侵入性方法包括尿素呼气试验(UBT)、血清Hp抗体测定及Hp粪便抗原检测等。各种检测方法的敏感性及特异性不一,适用范围也不同,选择合适的检测方法需结合Hp感染特点、检测条件及费用情况等。  相似文献   
Background music has been studied as a key element of the store atmosphere in terms of its emotional effects; however, previous studies have shown also that music may have cognitive influence on consumers. How does music affect the salespersons' persuasive efforts within the store? To answer this question an experimental study was designed to assess the effects of four levels of arousing music conditions (no-low-moderate high arousing music). The level of pleasure of the musical pieces was controlled for. Music does not moderate significantly the effects of the salespersons on the intent to buy, but low and moderately arousing music (similarly low and moderately interesting musical pieces) does influence significantly the effects on the acceptance of the salesperson's arguments and the "desire to affiliate," i.e., to enter into communication.  相似文献   
言语理解是听者接受外部语音输入并且获得意义的心理过程。日常交流中,听觉言语理解受多尺度节律信息的影响,常见有韵律结构节律、语境节律、和说话者身体语言节律三方面外部节律。它们改变听者在言语理解中的音素判别、词汇感知以及言语可懂度等过程。内部节律表现为大脑内神经振荡,其能够表征外部言语输入在不同时间尺度下的层级特征。外部节律性刺激与内部神经活动的神经夹带能够优化大脑对言语刺激的处理,并受到听者自上而下的认知过程的调节进一步增强目标言语的内在表征。我们认为它可能是实现内外节律相互联系并共同影响言语理解的关键机制。对内外节律及其联系机制的揭示能够为理解言语这种在多层级时间尺度上具有结构规律的复杂序列提供了一个研究窗口。  相似文献   
葛枭语  李小明  侯玉波 《心理学报》2021,53(12):1321-1334
君子人格是中国文化(尤其是儒学思想)中的理想的人格特质, 对于理解中国文化心理具有重要意义, 但鲜有实证研究。通过经典文本的理论分析与心理测量的实证分析相结合的方法, 选取《论语》中孔子对君子的论述编制初测条目, 通过探索性和验证性因素分析、效标关联效度分析等实证研究方法(总样本量 = 1916), 对孔子思想中的君子人格的内在结构进行了探索, 并编制了具有良好信效度的测量工具。结果表明, 孔子思想中的君子人格包含了智仁勇、恭而有礼、喻义怀德、有所不为、持己无争5个因素。此外还考察了其与大五人格、中国人价值观、自我和谐、合作与竞争人格倾向、亲社会倾向等效标变量的相关关系。  相似文献   
情绪可以唤醒自主神经系统, 伴随有一系列的生理变化。从基础研究的角度来看, 正负性情绪可以诱发心血管系统(如心率、血压、心率变异性)、皮肤电系统(如皮肤电导水平)、呼吸系统(如呼吸阻力、每分通气量)和其他系统(如瞳孔直径、胃肌电等)的活动及其变化。在应用研究方面, 正负性情绪诱发的自主神经反应可以应用在多个领域, 主要包括用户体验中的情绪测量、基于生理信号的人-机情感交互系统的开发, 以及消费者态度和偏好的测查等。对于现有研究结果中存在的分歧, 从被试的个体差异、诱导范式的不一致性和诱导效果的可靠性, 以及刺激材料属性的多样化等方面进行了分析, 指出了未来研究应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
腹膜透析是终末期肾衰患者肾脏替代治疗的重要手段,腹膜纤维化导致腹透效能下降及超滤衰竭,制约着腹膜透析的应用。腹膜间皮细胞上皮细胞间充质转化是腹膜纤维化的起始和可逆环节,因此预防和逆转EMT的发生发展可能是阻止和延缓腹膜纤维化、超滤衰竭的最佳策略,并将带来巨大的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   
Prior research has demonstrated intersensory facilitation for perception of amodal properties of events such as tempo and rhythm in early development, supporting predictions of the Intersensory Redundancy Hypothesis (IRH). Specifically, infants discriminate amodal properties in bimodal, redundant stimulation but not in unimodal, nonredundant stimulation in early development, whereas later in development infants can detect amodal properties in both redundant and nonredundant stimulation. The present study tested a new prediction of the IRH: that effects of intersensory redundancy on attention and perceptual processing are most apparent in tasks of high difficulty relative to the skills of the perceiver. We assessed whether by increasing task difficulty, older infants would revert to patterns of intersensory facilitation shown by younger infants. Results confirmed our prediction and demonstrated that in difficult tempo discrimination tasks, 5‐month‐olds perform like 3‐month‐olds, showing intersensory facilitation for tempo discrimination. In contrast, in tasks of low and moderate difficulty, 5‐month‐olds discriminate tempo changes in both redundant audiovisual and nonredundant unimodal visual stimulation. These findings indicate that intersensory facilitation is most apparent for tasks of relatively high difficulty and may therefore persist across the lifespan.  相似文献   
由于我国<人体器官移植条例>规定活体器官移植只限于在配偶、直系亲属、三代以内旁系血亲以及"因帮扶形成的亲情关系"之间进行,然而在现实生活中却出现了多例器官"交叉移植"现象.如何界定、规范、处理这种法律事件,防止可能出现的法律风险以及伦理问题,已经成为当前人体器官移植医学实践与法律实践中的一个重要问题.  相似文献   
Using data from the file of a French matchmaking agency, this study confirmed some previous results on traditional male-female differences in stipulations by placers of advertisements: women seek features influencing financial resources, while men offer these characteristics and seek younger women. An interesting and original result is that the sampled women are older than the men, which partially explains why they spend relatively more money in professional matchmaking services as they age.  相似文献   
翟贤亮  葛鲁嘉 《心理科学》2017,40(1):238-243
传统管理学理论有着明显的"离身"倾向,使得"身体"成为组织管理的"暗箱"。具身理论为"具身"取向的管理学新发展提供了可能。组织(认知)神经学研究为具身管理学提供了神经生理依据,而具身领导、组织、决策等研究则标示着其兴起。在组织管理中,可以依据躯体信息、隐喻、情景行动等三方面线索探究具身性因素对组织管理的影响。具身管理学在理论假设与现实条件层面均存在一定的可能性,但短期内并不能取代"离身"取向的管理学而成为主流。  相似文献   
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