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Mind wandering is an inherently inner (or first‐person) phenomenon that leaves few direct traces for third‐person enquiry. Nonetheless, psychologists often study mind wandering using third‐person (e.g., behavioral or neuronal) research methods. And although research–participants may well be asked to introspect on their mind wandering experiences (e.g., via experience‐sampling or think‐aloud techniques), such introspective self‐observations typically lack methodological rigor and are hence of only preliminary value. Here, we argue that it is a missed opportunity to not train researchers to introspect on their own mind‐wandering experiences to better understand the associated mental processes. We propose a novel approach to cultivating an educated form of introspection in the study of attentional focusing and mind wandering. Our research adds to the current theoretical understanding by explicating conditions that facilitate mind wandering (e.g., the shifting and broadening of concepts) and help find the way back to the primary task (e.g., commitment; deliberate shifts between focusing and defocusing).  相似文献   
The Open Science Collaboration’s 2015 Open Science Collaboration. (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349, aac4716. doi:10.1126/science.aac4716[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] report suggests that replication effect sizes in psychology are modest. However, closer inspection reveals serious problems. When plotting replication effects are against original effects, the regression trap is lurking: Expecting replication effects to be equally strong as original effects is logically unwarranted; they are inevitably subject to regressive shrinkage. To control for regression, the reliability of original and replication studies must be taken into account. Further problems arise from missing manipulation checks and sampling biases. Our critical comment highlights the need for replication science to live up to the same methodological scrutiny as other research.  相似文献   
When scaling data using item response theory, valid statements based on the measurement model are only permissible if the model fits the data. Most item fit statistics used to assess the fit between observed item responses and the item responses predicted by the measurement model show significant weaknesses, such as the dependence of fit statistics on sample size and number of items. In order to assess the size of misfit and to thus use the fit statistic as an effect size, dependencies on properties of the data set are undesirable. The present study describes a new approach and empirically tests it for consistency. We developed an estimator of the distance between the predicted item response functions (IRFs) and the true IRFs by semiparametric adaptation of IRFs. For the semiparametric adaptation, the approach of extended basis functions due to Ramsay and Silverman (2005) is used. The IRF is defined as the sum of a linear term and a more flexible term constructed via basis function expansions. The group lasso method is applied as a regularization of the flexible term, and determines whether all parameters of the basis functions are fixed at zero or freely estimated. Thus, the method serves as a selection criterion for items that should be adjusted semiparametrically. The distance between the predicted and semiparametrically adjusted IRF of misfitting items can then be determined by describing the fitting items by the parametric form of the IRF and the misfitting items by the semiparametric approach. In a simulation study, we demonstrated that the proposed method delivers satisfactory results in large samples (i.e., N ≥ 1,000).  相似文献   
Patients’ expectations have shown to be a major psychological predictor of health outcome in cardiac surgery patients. However, it is unclear whether patients’ expectations can be optimized prior to surgery. This study evaluates the development of a brief psychological intervention focusing on the optimization of expectations and its effect on change in patients’ expectations prior to cardiac surgery. Ninety patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft were randomly assigned to (1) standard medical care, (2) additional expectation manipulation intervention (EMI), and (3) additional attention control group. Therapists’ fidelity to intervention manuals and patients satisfaction with the intervention were assessed for both active intervention conditions. Patients’ expectations about post-surgical disability, treatment control, personal control, and disease duration were assessed before and after the psychological intervention. Demographical, medical, and psychosocial characteristics and disability were assessed at baseline. Treatment fidelity and patient satisfaction was very high in both intervention conditions. Only patients receiving EMI developed higher personal control expectations and longer (more realistic) expectations of disease duration. The effect of intervention group on patients’ disability expectations and patients’ personal control expectations was moderated by patient’s level of disability. EMI patients with low to moderate disability developed positive expectations whereas patients with high disability did not. This study shows the successful development of a short psychological intervention that was able to modify patients’ expectations, especially in those with low to moderate disability. Given the robust association of expectations and surgery outcome, such an intervention might offer the opportunity to enhance patients’ health following cardiac surgery.  相似文献   
In their adaptive control hypothesis, Cavanagh and Shackman (2015) recently claimed that dispositional anxiety is correlated with frontal‐midline theta (FMθ) as a generic “need for control” signal of the anterior midcingulate cortex. Here, we tested this assumption, also considering potential modulatory influences of anticipatory threat and individuals’ sex. In a nonclinical sample of 168 participants (84 women), electroencephalogram was recorded while individuals performed a simple two‐choice task. Half of the participants were assigned to a threat anticipation condition (anticipation of public speaking), whereas the other half was assigned to a control condition. State anxiety was monitored across the experiment. Dispositional anxiety was assessed by self‐report scales, which were completed before individuals came to the laboratory. Target stimuli in the two‐choice task induced a transient increase in FMθ power that was subject to an interaction of dispositional anxiety, sex, and experimental group. Only in women who anticipated public speaking did we observe a substantial positive relation between dispositional anxiety and general FMθ power. Our results indicate that the link between dispositional anxiety and FMθ is not universal but rather depends on complex interactions of individuals’ sex and situational threat.  相似文献   
During deployment, soldiers face situations in which they are not only exposed to violence but also have to perpetrate it themselves. This study investigates the role of soldiers' levels of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and appetitive aggression, that is, a lust for violence, for their engaging in violence during deployment. Furthermore, factors during deployment influencing the level of PTSD symptoms and appetitive aggression after deployment were examined for a better comprehension of the maintenance of violence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 468 Burundian soldiers before and after a 1-year deployment to Somalia. To predict violent acts during deployment (perideployment) as well as appetitive aggression and PTSD symptom severity after deployment (postdeployment), structural equation modeling was utilized. Results showed that the number of violent acts perideployment was predicted by the level of appetitive aggression and by the severity of PTSD hyperarousal symptoms predeployment. In addition to its association with the predeployment level, appetitive aggression postdeployment was predicted by violent acts and trauma exposure perideployment as well as positively associated with unit support. PTSD symptom severity postdeployment was predicted by the severity of PTSD avoidance symptoms predeployment and trauma exposure perideployment, and negatively associated with unit support. This prospective study reveals the importance of appetitive aggression and PTSD hyperarousal symptoms for the engagement in violent acts during deployment, while simultaneously demonstrating how these phenomena may develop in mutually reinforcing cycles in a war setting.  相似文献   
Summary. Desktop video conferencing enables learners to cooperate while being spatially apart, and to communicate synchronously while working on a collaborative task. Yet, little is known about both the collaborative knowledge construction in these technological settings and the adequate methods of supporting this activity. Therefore, we conducted an empirical study with the following research questions: (1) To what extent does the mode of dyadic collaboration (net-based vs. face-to-face) and the kind of structural support (content-specific vs. content-unspecific) influence the collaborative knowledge construction? (2) To what extent do these factors influence both the individual learning outcomes and the dyadic divergence of learning partners' individual outcomes? Analyzing mean values of collaborative knowledge construction and learning outcome variables, we did not find differences between face-to-face and videoconferencing groups. However, the dyadic divergence of learning partners' individual transfer knowledge was influenced by the learning conditions. The results of this exploratory study are discussed in their relevance for future research on cooperative learning and videoconferencing. Zusammenfassung. Videokonferenzsysteme ermöglichen es, dass sich Lernpartner an verschiedenen Orten aufhalten und bei der Bearbeitung einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe zeitgleich über eine audiovisuelle Verbindung miteinander kommunizieren. Bislang ist kaum untersucht, wie Lernende in videokonferenzbasierten Lernumgebungen gemeinsam Wissen konstruieren und welche Formen instruktionaler Unterstützung dafür angemessen sind. In einer empirischen Untersuchung sind wir deshalb u. a. folgenden Fragestellungen nachgegangen: (1) Inwieweit beeinflussen der Kooperationsmodus (Netz vs. Face-to-face) und die Art des Struktu (inhaltsspezifisch vs. inhaltsunspezifisch) die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion? (2) Inwieweit beeinflussen der Kooperationsmodus (Netz vs. Face-to-face) und die Art des Strukturangebots (inhaltsspezifisch vs. inhaltsunspezifisch) den individuellen Lernerfolg und die Divergenz des individuellen Lernerfolgs zwischen den Lernpartnern? Im Mittel fanden sich weder Unterschiede im Hinblick auf die Merkmale der gemeinsamen Wissenskonstruktion noch hinsichtlich des individuellen Lernerfolgs zwischen Face-to-face- und Videokonferenz-Bedingungen. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass sich die Divergenz des Lernerfolges in den verschiedenen Treatmentgruppen unterschied: Lernende, die in der Videokonferenz-Bedingung in derselben Dyade zusammengearbeitet hatten und dabei von dem inhaltsunspezifischen Strukturangebot unterstützt worden waren, waren sich im Lernerfolg weitaus ähnlicher als Lernende derselben Dyaden in den anderen experimentellen Gruppen. Die Befunde dieser explorativen Studie werden in ihrer Bedeutung für weitere Studien des Lernens mit Videokonferenzen und des kooperativen Lernens diskutiert.  相似文献   
Fractional designs can be extremely useful in social science research, especially when a large number of factors is involved. Reluctance for the use of fractional designs seems to be warranted for two reasons: (1) In the social sciences, the amount of measurement error is often large, which may decrease the power, and (2) higher order interactions are assumed to be nonsignificant, which is difficult to guarantee without sufficient research. This simulation study shows the effects of measurement error and assumption violations under various conditions. It is concluded that fractional designs handle measurement error gracefully and that they are as powerful as a full design when equal degrees of freedom are available. Significant interaction effects can cause serious problems, especially in situations with low or intermediate measurement error, and can lead to erroneous conclusions. Only when estimated confounded effects are clearly not significant, the chance of a wrong decision is reasonably small. Therefore, fractional designs are especially warranted for the exclusion of irrelevant factors. However, we note pitfalls in the use of Version 1.0 of the program Trail Run from SPSS, Inc., to implement the procedures.  相似文献   
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